eeing adults cry has always made me profoundly uncomfortable. My family has never been open to emotional expression and I can count each instance I’ve witnessed an adult cry outside of a funeral or some other massively important life event on a single hand. This pseudo-phobia of mine reached its peak when I was approximately 13-years-old; I sauntered into the foyer of the recreation center where I spent my summers, ready to chatter about whatever mundane topics I felt direly needed to be discussed. Instead of the typical image of gleeful children prancing around with their newly greeted friends, I saw a mother wailing, begging Ms. Yolanda, the director of the center, to accept a deferred payment for that day’s field trip to the local baseball
Introduction: Almost everyone has an irrational fear or two—of mice, for example, or your annual dental checkup. For most people, these fears are minor. But when fears become so severe that they cause tremendous anxiety and interfere with your normal life, they’re called phobias. A phobia is an intense fear of something that, in reality, poses little or no actual danger. Common phobias and fears include closed-in places, heights, highway driving, flying insects, snakes, and needles. However, we can develop phobias of virtually anything. Most phobias develop in childhood, but they can also develop in adults. If you
As a child I was fearful of enormous groups of people, loud noises and unfamiliar sceneries.
The contract is an agreement that is given the full force by the law. It has been further defined as legally binding agreement between two or more parties negotiating and agreeing to a deal, under which both of the sides are bounded by the terms of that agreement. In its nature, the contract is a promise or set of the promises which is essentially commercial and is involving either sale or hire of the commodities. Contract are the base for performing business, and the laws on this matter are clear and designed to enforce the rights, but also responsibilities of all the parties to the contractual agreement. The contract law is the scope of law which recognizes and governs those rights, responsibilities and duties arising from the concluded agreement.
The book I am reading is called The Apollo Trials: The Hidden Oracle. The author is Rick Riordan. This book takes place at Camp Half-Blood which is in Long Island, New York. The year it took place in is 2016. In the story, Apollo is sent to Earth in human form by his father, Zeus. This was Apollo’s punishment for starting the war with Gaea, which he did not, Zeus only believes he did. The only way he could go back to being a god is if he finds a demi-god to serve. In this book, the demi-god is Meg McCaffery. She was a homeless demi-god in the streets of New York, as a result, Apollo had to get her to Camp Half-Blood. On the way there, there is a huge forest and Apollo starts hearing voices coming from the trees. When they got
During the third season of When Calls the Heart, I became the unofficial interviewer of the Hope Valley Kids, probably because I interviewed so many of them. And Jaiven Natt was definitely in that group. With his return to the series this year, we have continued to see his skill and character expand and deepen, so I recently had the supreme opportunity of chatting with him yet again, and this time, we had a decidedly different, but engaging interview covering a wide variety of topics.
In this paper I will be describing phobias and fear, but more specifically coulrophobia (the fear of clowns) and Monophobia (the fear of being alone). I also will describe possible causes of phobias, the history of phobias, how fear is helpful in small amounts, what fear does to someone and how to defeat it. Fear is present in all people but some more than others and I would like to know why. The definition of a phobia is “an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something”. Phobias are never simple and often do not have a simple answers or cures, but there are ways of dealing with phobias. There are some treatments that can help you get over your fears. Phobias are not easy to get into without getting into very
Of the many disorders presented in chapter 15, I find phobias the most interesting. Phobias are more than just a strong fear or dislike. A specific phobia is diagnosed when there is an uncontrollable, irrational, intense desire to avoid some object or situation. There are numerous types of phobias. A few common phobias are; agoraphobia, which is the avoidance of situations in which one will fear having a panic attack, especially a situation in which it is difficult to get help, and from which it difficult to escape. Social phobia, which refers to an intense fear of being watched and judged by others. It is visible as a fear of public appearances in which embarrassment or humiliation is possible, such as public speaking, eating, or performing.
College sports have been growing in popularity over the last few decades. Every year, schools receive millions of dollars through intercollegiate athletics. The NCAA athletes provide entertainment not only to the schools that they attend, but also to millions of spectators around the world. The athletes are the ones who have worked so hard to acquire the revenue that colleges receive. Without them, none of this money would exist, so why shouldn’t they be paid? With so much money coming in, the athletes should be given a portion of the profit as a reward for how much time and energy they have put into their teams.
The couch was in the kitchen. Situated on the displaced piece of furniture, I heard news that transformed my existence; although I do not recall the exact words my parents formed to tell or console me, ultimately: I was eight years old, and my friend, Mikey Stiltner, was gone. Protective, racecar-loving, exuberant, Mikey Stiltner.
Of the many disorders presented in chapter 15, I find phobias the most interesting. A phobia is an anxiety disorder. It is an intensive fear of something that has little to no danger at all. Phobias can range in many different varieties such as; acrophobia which is the fear of heights, arachnophobia which is the fear of arachnids otherwise known as spiders, and claustrophobia which is the fear of closed spaces.
I’d had many mini-lifelines thrown my way, none turned out to be the life-altering, ground shaking beneath me, and gates to opening up “heaven”, though. To me, I’d blame it on the different ways I came off to strangers, depends on the day, I could be a multitude of characters, but never latch onto the following of others. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted my lifeline to latch onto, the problem was, I was like a fishing net with a gaping hole--incapable of doing such things. Then, the last person I expected to, stepped up and accepted the challenge.
Overall, Trimester 1 has really shed a new light on ELA. Throughout elementary school, I had always despised ELA. I struggled with writing and finishing stories. I had plenty of ideas, but I just wasn’t able to get them onto paper in the form of a story. I knew little of what else ELA class had to offer other than writing stories. This trimester I learned many new things that made me appreciate ELA class a little bit more. I learned that ELA is not just writing stories, it is also finding the theme, reading, and many others.
“Even after the genealogist documented everything I still had my doubts. I thought the patient could have just as easily used the same fact-finding techniques to come up with their story. What I couldn’t understand was why they would go to such lengths. What was the
This specific phobia can lead to the person experience of an intense fear when not being able to break out of a populated area (Barlow & Mavissakalian, pp 4). This causes people having to evade open and heavily crowed environments with little possibilities to exit over their massive fear of going through a panic attack. Therefore, today there are signs in many rides at themed parks that warn people of the closed areas. This specific category of phobias causes the person to fear traveling on bus or even waiting in a line. This phobia can also lead to being dependent of someone because they are too afraid to go outside of their homes. Barlow & Mavissakalian (1981 pp 4-5), implicated that the clinical picture painted is consistent and consists or fears of going out to public places and open and crowded places, fears of walking alone or using any means or public transportation, and fears of being alone at home. Agoraphobia is the most disabling of all phobias and usually begins in early adolescence.
I was scared. No, actually it wasn’t scary I was terrified. I felt a loss of control of my emotions. I just wished that my dad was there. All I wanted to do was cry. Not from pain but from the feeling of aloneness and the terror that I felt. My eyes were ready to release all emotions. But I couldn’t do it, I wouldn’t allow it. My brothers needed me to be strong and I had to show them that I was not scared. I had to show them that everything will be fine and it was all normal. Besides I couldn’t feel the pain in my arm. Which actually kind of worried me. But what was I supposed to do? I am a nine year old who has a broken arm. My mom who was there with her friends passed out. I didn’t know how to react. I just sat there. I was speechless. Maybe if I was a little bit more patient and dried myself, I wouldn’t have broken my arm. Or maybe if I just was wasn’t stupid and acted like a mature person maybe my mom wouldn’t have fainted. Who knows, but July 11, 2011 was and is a day for the books. Like how does that even happen, in an blink of an eye, everything can change