While reviewing the comments on my draft, I noticed that I do need to take the extra step of double checking my grammar. I noticed that most of my mechanical errors, were simple mistakes and could have been corrected if only I would have taken the time to read the draft out loud a second time. I also noticed that I made a lot of APA formatting errors. However, these errors can be fixed with a little more research. The errors may seem like generalizations but I know that with a little more research I can find the sources needed to back up my claims. I did, however, become a little confused with some of the APA formatting error highlights. For example, in my second paragraph I ask a question that creates a pathway to my next paragraph. This confused
I most recently submitted an assignment with formatting and grammatical errors. The formatting errors can be corrected by carefully reviewing the Bryant Stratton APA guide. The grammatical errors can be avoided by re-reading and using spell checker to make sure words are spelled correctly.
Content is disorganized and writing has numerous grammar, spelling, or syntax errors and APA formatting errors. Spell check and grammar check are not obvious. More than 11 errors noted.
The best advice I could possibly give at this moment is to follow the APA formatting rules. At the beginning of my college experience, I had no idea what APA formatting was, but after practicing the rules and format, I have now seem to understand it, and become a better writer in a way, because it taught me to paraphrase and quote appropriately. Another, advice is to always revise more than once, it’s not all about fixing grammar and punctuation, but to also paraphrase new information and even add a few new discovered details. I believe this can make the paper stronger. As, long as instructions are followed, requirements are met, paper is revised more than once, and all the video lessons and formats are taking into account, I believe it
When I was extended seven feet above the ground, I knew we had succeeded. My two bases were in front of me and my backspot was behind me. I heard the familiar counts of my backspot “one, two, three, four”, I bounced and pushed myself up into my bases waiting hands, “five, six, seven, eight”, I straightened as my bases lifted me up to chest level. I locked my knees and stayed tight. I put on a smile and looked ahead. I felt my backspot release her hold on my ankles. I heard her voice once again, “extension, one, two, three, four”, I brought my hands down to my sides and focused on staying tight as I slowly rose, “five, six, seven, eight. I was all the way up. Then a few moments later I heard the counts as they brought me to chest level then back down to the ground. We had done it, we had hit the stunt and did an extension.
My apologies, when I spoke you last week I was under the impression that when you went over there you cleaned up what was left over. I misunderstood, I thought when you mentioned brining over the trash can and taking care of what was left, that you had. I would have gone right over if I would have known. I always go and clean that room up or even stay late if there is a night event to make sure that this room is back to normal.
One of my strong points in writing is coming up with ideas and knowing how to get started on a paper. I guess you can say I am a free writer. Whatever in my head ends up on paper and I could write about a lot of things that matters to me or upsets me and feel passion when writing it down, but there also a weakness that I can’t overcome because my inner critic come along with it. Which makes me completely change and overshadow my own writing. I have a problem with revising and not being able to see the flaws in my writing, but that’s not it. I overpower one topic with another one in other words I would mash up two topics that is the exact opposite of each other which contradict my whole paper. The other problem is shorting up a sentence as well
One of the greatest life skills that you can attain is to always double check! I unfortunately had to learn this lesson the hard way. Even though obstacles come up, you can always learn from them. In this certain situation, my brother David and I thought that we did something when in reality we didn't.
As I stood on the outside of the arena watching teen girls traditional finish dancing, my stomach filled with butterflies. I walked into the arena as the announcer says “Next up teen girl's jingle,” with all the other dancers in my category. It was Sunday, the last day of Indian Summer Pow Wow, and my last contest for this pow wow, this year. Although I was nervous, I was also filled with happiness, confidence, and gratefulness. “Take it away boys” the announcer says. That’s when I knew that the drum group was going to start playing and this meant I had to start dancing.
I feel implicitly connected to girls that were raised by their fathers. I think that since we have something in common it is sometimes easier to talk and relate with them.
I have had stitches before, in my head, but I did not know that one collosal mistake could cost me my entire summer of getting wet and showering. It was summer in Michigan, and I was at my Grandmother’s house for camping, like my brothers and I do every year. This year, I was excited because my father had let us bring our bikes to ride around.
Being able to keep an open mind even in the face of something that is completely new to you is a difficult feat to accomplish for some, including myself. I am a naturally curious person, but also come from a town where there is not much diversity so any sort of deviation from the “norm” has always piqued my interest. One of the most enlightening experiences I have had was as a student in high school when I joined the gay straight alliance club and one of the guests they brought in was transexual. This was the first time I had been exposed to someone who identified in that category and I was interested and unsure of how I would react to meeting this person.
It is true in life that everything happens for a reason. It is also true to say that sometimes it is all about being in the right place, at the right time. There was never a more prominent example of this than a traumatic summers evening, only a few years ago.
When I think of my mistakes, it was a challenge for me to identify the biggest, let alone my favorite. After thinking upon of what I thought were simple insignificant mistakes, I found something that is also responsible for my happiness and health today. My biggest mistake was not getting injured, but continuing to train injured and treating the shooting pain as soreness. This injury lead me to many places, and through many treatments. It has been painful and arduous but the outcome helped pave the way I live my life.
Hello Sylvia! Our strengths and weaknesses are both similar and different at the same time.I was never a fan of grammar. Throughout my early school years, it remained a mystery. Reading books allowed me to improve my grammar skills, but it is something that I am constantly trying to improve. The APA writing style directions seemed easy to follow. I used the resources in the Ashford website in order to freshen up on the subject. Comma usage, reading comprehension, and subject-verb agreement are all grammatical errors that I have difficulty understanding as well. The comma use can be tricky because one may have so many words that they wish to incorporate into a single sentence. Reading comprehension seems easy, but when one is in a hurry, it
On November 19th, 2016, My family and I were going to Western Michigan University. We were heading off to watch the football and hockey game, my father told me it would take a few hours. Hours went flying by it felt like we were in a race car, we finally arrived hours later. We went straight to the dining area, it smelled like fresh made pasta and many more thrilling smells. As we made our way through the crowd, we found a table to sit at. Afterwards when we found a seat, we went darting off in many directions to look at all the food stations. Few minutes passed by when we all swarm like bees back to the table. We all seated and started eating, we talked about what we got for food.