
Personal Narrative Essay : A Trip To The Beach

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It was a cloudy but hot day in Puebla, Mexico and my uncle had asked me and my two brothers, if we would like to go to the beach. He had told us that if we want to go we had to ask our parents and they had to say yes . Since I was the youngest at the time I would whine, cry and yell and throw thing so we can go I would ask multiple times and sometimes get yelled at so I would pretend I was crying and would get my way most of the time . My parents did not want us to go at first, but they said yes because my aunt wanted them to help her out in moving her stuff back home. So we told our uncle that our parents said we can go to the beach and we got all the things we were going to use at go in our car and drove to the beach. My uncle was telling us that when he was younger him and my dad would always get yelled at by the same old man because he said they made a lot of noise but in reality they were one of the quitest people there which i thought was funny . He also said this is where he met my aunt and he said he proposed at the same spot where they had their first kiss. i didn't really know what to say so all i said was cool. The car ride was pretty boring we just talked for a while I ended up taking a nap but they woke me up because there where like 10 cows and horses were running around in dirt. I was going to go back to sleep but one of the horses ended up following us up the hill I thought it was pretty cool the horse what white and had light brown spots on it . we got to

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