
Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

“It’s right over there in the basket,” he quickly answered. As I walked over to pick up the volleyball I had an ever better idea. My homemade grenade was already circular and about the size of a volleyball, so I just painted it the same color and design as a volleyball. My master plan was set. I took the volleyball back to the smurf camp and was about to roll my personal ending to the problem when I realized there was only 30 there now. But it was whatever I could just kill the other 10 later. I rolled the ball out there and all the smurfs went over and looked at it one of them picked it up and they all started playing tips with it. Well once they hit it to the middle I hit the detonator button and… well you can probably guess what happened ,besides that I was covered in bright blue kool aid. 30 down and 10 to go. As the day continued we all agreed we would wait for the smurfs to attack us and wait in hiding to ambush them. As night rolled around we were prepared, waiting in the tree tops like monkeys. There was me, Jackie and the top 10 battle trained trolls. Tom was our look out man of the 6th …show more content…

As I saw the band of smurfs approach my tree, I gave the signal, (a dolphin call) and we attacked. I landed on 2 and just flat out crushed them. Jackie was scared so she never even left her tree she was just throwing coconuts at them, which worked a lot better than I thought it would. She was knocking them unconscious and the trolls would finish them from there. In about 2 minutes 9 of the 10 were dead and oozing blue kool-aid all over the ground. The last one was very confident he could kill all of us with his candied spear. As he charged me I stiff-armed him and held him to a halt as his little legs tried so hard to run but just couldn’t get him any where. After a minute or so of him still trying to run I asked him,” Are you done

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