“Dave, you idiot! You no good scum bucket, get back in your stall!” How on earth could this horse have gotten out of his stall yet again?
It was a hot and humid day in August, and my patience was wearing as thin as my sweat-covered t-shirt. Dave was a horse I bought about a month ago, and boy was he an annoying son of a gun. Every single day he would find a way to get out of his stall. Besides that, each time he was tied to a fence or trailer he would somehow get himself untied. Some would say this horse is smart and skillful, but I was beginning to think he was nothing more than trouble.
I latched Dave’s stall shut and decided to go to the house for a cold glass of iced tea. As I stared out the window looking at the horse barn, I
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I walked into the horse barn and to my surprise he was in his stall, but the door was unlatched. I latched the door and looked at him confused and then walked out. Maybe the dummy was finally learning.
It felt like a storm was coming. After I finished chores I headed to the house for the evening. As I often do, I fell asleep in my recliner watching Sports Center.
BANG! BOOM! Something blew up! I threw on my boots and ran outside. The horse barn was on fire! My horses needed my help! I ran to the horse barn and looked for a place to get in. I found the door and then, “Woosh!” A big cloud of smoke blew me back. I got as far away from the barn as possible and then saw nothing but black.
It was a hot day, like really, really, really hot. I was left in my stuffy stall because my dufas owner forgot me here. I was sweating where I stood, and I was getting mad about it. No horse should have to stay in a hot stall when there is a big, beautiful world to explore. I reached over the stall door and grabbed the latch with my lips. I have this knack for undoing things. This latch has been a piece of cake. I just wrinkle up my bottom lip and keep my upper lip firm as it goes in for the grab and VOILA. The latch opens. Free at
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I took several naps, but the problem with that is that is I couldn’t sleep at night. So I stayed awake and early in the evening I unlatched the stall and walked outside. It was a beautiful night, and I could see lightning forming off to the west. I walked back into the barn and laid down in the alley. The other horses were already asleep and snoring. Eventually I drifted off to sleep as the distant lightning flashed shadows on the barn walls.
CRACKLE! BANG! BOOM! I was awaken by a loud CRASH. It was so loud! I looked up to the hay mow and could see that lightning had struck a hole in the roof to the piles of fresh hay. They were on fire! Within minutes, all I could see was red and orange, and I could barely breathe. I ran outside as fast as I could. Where was that stupid kid? He needs to get the horses out! I kept running and tripped right over him, he was on the ground
At the barn, Jackson pulled out a black on white pinto named Duke and handed the reigns to Frank. Next, Jackson saddled Bandit and placed his rifle in the scabbard on the side of the saddle before grabbing two canteens off the shelf and handing one to Frank. After putting on his chaps and gloves with his belt knife secured to his belt, Jackson led his horse outside the barn and waited for Frank to catch up. Therefore, once Frank led his horse down the path to the road, Jackson put his left foot in the stirrup and in one practiced and fluid motion mounted his horse. Understandably, it took Frank a little longer to climb onto his horse, and in the meantime Jackson circled him, urging him to hurry up as well as showing off as he sidestepped his
I was riding my horse, in bad conditioned weather, it was raining and snowing with a little bit of ice on the ground. I was just minding my own business then I hear 3 bells the first one is a little loud, the second one was medium loud, and the third one was extremely loud. I started panicking and so I tied my horses reign to the hitch. I started panicking everyone was riding in their wagon trying to get home, but I stopped to see what was going on in then I see John with a musket and I tell everyone to go home and lock their doors because this wasn’t going to end well. I went up to him and asked him, “what are you doing man, what is wrong with you, why are you doing this?” He replied and said, “I don’t know.” Then I said, “what do you mean?” he replied and said, “I don’t know what is wrong with me I think I need to go see a doctor because I don’t feel right at all I don’t even own this
There was bright lightening. They looked up, frightened. Above them black furious clouds started to gather. They began to run. Then the thunder roared, and the rain came down in torrents. <<
I was only 2 when the dust bowl started. It has been 4 years since then. My family was already poor because of the drought and that we were farmers in Oklahoma. The bank was coming to take our house later today because we couldn’t make enough money to keep it. I was out in the fields and when I came back I saw a tractor get blown into our house, destroying it. A shock went through my body like I was touching an electrified car and I couldn’t move. I ran to my house and called out to see if anyone was inside. I didn’t hear anyone, but they could have been knocked out. I walked around and found a man on the floor. I tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't. I tried dragging him away, but he was too heavy. I slapped him so hard
Once upon a time there lived a farmer and his pet dog Sabel. The farmer's name was Dan, Dan Diordi Dan Diordi lived on a small farm with his wife Marilyn, and his kids Jacob and Noël. Jacob was a tall thin blond boy, Noël was a also tall thin and blond, just like everyone else in the family except Dan. Dan was also tall and thin but he had messy brown hair instead of blond hair. One friday Dan went out to feed the chickens when all of a sudden KABOOM! There was a very loud explosion and Dan saw a mushroom cloud in the distance, but this wasn't like any normal explosion it was green with a giant black and purple thing flying over top of it. Dan rushed his family into the storm shelter where they stayed the night and they awoke to loud knocking
Me and grandfather were on our way to New York, and suddenly we started to hear a “crack” and then a “pop” and I was then getting worried. Just a few minutes later we heard a “pop” again and we went down hard. We crashed, the horse just gave up and went down. The farmer, his wife, and the baby died in the crash and thankfully me and grandfather survived. We took our belongings and walked through the woods to find a village. We saw everyone working, running, and yelling. We found someone and we asked him, “where are we?” He then replied in a frightening tone, “Football State, Yellow fever is here now!” Then me and grandfather went into panic mode…
The keypad to the barn door was cold to the touch as i entered the code into the lock. As i entered the barn, the smell of hay and horses flooded the air. The smell reminded me of why i love this as much as i do. I walked to my horse's stall with a handful of apple flavored treats, and waited until her velvety nose and cat like whiskers filled the palm of my hand to take her treats. She blew her warm breath at me and the musical munching of the treats filled the crisp air around us. The horses in the stalls around us are creating the white sound munching on their hay, and the barn cats run silently past on the pads of their feet, hunting for their next meal. All the tack closets sit full of freshly oiled bridles and saddles, and freshly washed
And I was like, oh my gosh! So he, showed us how they worked. He threw them to the ground. So in the laundry room, we went inside. Down the basement-(not clearly enunciated) into the sewing room. It was a small sewing room(added a –d sound towards end). We opened the window. And a light breeze would come in. so we like okay that’s good, that’s good. The breeze wasn’t too – it wasn’t too windy. So we said perfect. We got a firecracker and we threw one done. Mind you, we were a little bit up a few stories. It didn’t work, so we lit the firecracker. And the first one, it didn’t work. It didn’t explode. Were like hmm. So we did the second one and then, “bfff!” it exploded. It was awesome. We were all so excited. And then we looked down. Who did we saw. We saw one of our night guards come with a flashlight checking all the windows. Oh, we were so nervous. So we had to hide. So we- we said- we’d hide in the sewing
All I remember was a big bang that sounded like an explosion and i was in a room filled with smoke. It was hard to breathe, i was looking for the stairs. I found a door with the stairs, it was jammed, so I had to break the door. Fast enough, I saw a ton of debris blocking the stairs, burning in a big fire. I went to the door and fully broke it, and started shoveling the debris with the door.
I am laying in bed trying to fall asleep, I couldn't. It is a very stormy night. I do not know why but for the 81 years that I have been breathing, I could never fall asleep in a storm. I was dozing off when all of a sudden I heard a big BANG. I have never heard that sound before. I got up to look out of my window, I couldn't see much because the rain was pouring so hard that it made everything disappear. The last time I experienced a storm like this was two years ago when I had to cancel my fishing trip with my best friend because a tree fell on his vehicle. I was disappointed that day because I closed down the lodge on the day before Memorial Day.
I drove out to the general that was given to me at about midnight. I got out of the car and to my surprise I saw no one, considering how popular the hayride was. I looked around for any signs of life, but there was nothing but the wind. Right, when I was about to give up I heard an eldritch screech come from behind me. When I turned, I saw
What just happened? I sat at the window, wondering about what I just saw. It was 3 am when I woke up, in the middle of a thunderstorm. Carefully, I went to sit on the window seat to gaze at the dark, rolling clouds above. Lightning flashed and thunder roared. Wait! What was that? It was a white horse. Standing in the pasture, staring right at me. He was calm, almost as if he was waiting for someone, or something. Suddenly, a huge lightning bolt flared. Momentarily, I was blinded. When I looked back at where the horse was, I was astonished. Nothing!! Where did he go? Still confused, I get back into bed and drift into a deep sleep filled with white horses galloping through the sky.
We are heading down a dirt path and Patrick is falling behind because of his head ach and his bloody leg so we switch bikes. This helps him go faster and it also benefits me because I like his bmx bike. We are on course to barely beat the storm. Over the bike ride home the tornado picked up and we were getting beat home. All of a sudden we feel a sharp just of wind that is coming from behind us. I am yelling at everyone to pick up the speed. Tommy brakes hard and skids to the right into the trees all of us follow. We are feeling the wind whistle because it is going so fast through the trees. The wind is holding us from moving I get everyone's attention by waving my hand in the air. I show that everyone should grab the biggest tree that they can fit there arms around. We all prayed that the roots of the tree would keep us in the ground. The wids is so fast I think
You're walking down the street, coming home from school, and all of a sudden you hear a shrill voice calling "Help! Help!" You run toward the voice and when you run about a block up the street you smell smoke. You look up and see a house totally engulfed in flames. You see a woman on the lawn of the burning building crying, "Help! Help! My baby's inside!"
After the long tiring day of work I thought I should take a nap. So I took a shower and went into my room for the nap. When I got into the bed I layed down and closed my eyes. As I started to fall asleep I hoped to have a amazing dreams . I fell into a deep slumber as the dream began to form.