
Personal Narrative Essay : My Yellow Blanket

Satisfactory Essays

Blankets carry significant stories of people all over the world. I am continuously intrigued by its capability to bring warmth, and meaning to every household. For me, a blanket’s role extends beyond imagination, and the emotional complexity it evokes as one develops throughout time. Having a blanket that can perform as a safety net from the world’s progressing life issues is something I am always practicing. In a world filled with politics, standards and systems; blankets provide a solid foundation to strengthen one’s identity. This yellow, worn-out blanket stretches out to two generations. At first it belonged to my Auntie Nancy Ger Vue who received the blanket as a gift from my grandma, Pang Vue. In fact, in the winter of 2002 I had …show more content…

In explaining the human identity, author Woodward describes identity as we think and understand how the personal and social identities connect. Essentially I connected my blanket as an object that helped form the foundation of my identity from different points of my life, and growing as I grew. The great thing about having an object represent one’s identity is how the value behind the object is more sincere. My yellow blanket had been there by me holding onto all of my secrets, feelings and dreams knotted into every little string of cotton. This yellow blanket guided me to discover how hard-working, determined and passionate I am as a person, and even drew an idea of who I wanted to be in this big framework of life. As Woodward (2014) stated, “Identity is not only about what other see, for example as behavior and outward observable expressions of who we are,” (24). I didn’t need to transform or act out as a person because I am built with the most vital characteristics any person should have. Despite the years that has gone by I continue to clutch onto those values that, that yellow blanket woven into my veins as it lays on top of layers of other blankets on my baby brother’s bed. I haven’t forgotten the struggles it’s gone through by my side. When I have a chance I take the blanket, and sleep with it even if my feet peeks out at the bottom. As time progresses, I reflect on my achievements in my

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