After 2 years of contemplating on buying a drone it finally happened. I always figured that I would never need it, but it some way I was given a drone as a gift or just for fun I would greatly appreciate it. As a little over 1 year flew past I didn't have any luck with any of the Youtube drawings that I entered into. Just to be clear these competition or drawing were legit and done by travel blogger/vloggers that I followed for years. A little over a month ago I gave in a pulled the trigger and purchased the drone. Ever since I purchased the drone I haven't found and reason to regret buying it. Below you'll find the first still shot that a lightening storm that took place earlier this month. Did I fear destroy my drone while trying to get this shot during a lighting storm? …show more content…
Most of the time when it's about to storm I find that the temperature drops and the wind starts to pickup, which is then followed by a heavy down pour. On this particular day everything happened except the the down pour. I saw that thick dark clouds far from were I was flying the drone. I figured that I should be able to send the drone up and capture that storm before it actually starts moving in my direction. Once I sent the drone up for about 2-3 minutes I start feeling the wind pickup and knew at the moment that I should start landing the drone. Landing the drone was probably the hardest part only because as I had begun to lower the drone the wind grew in powers and the drone was doing its job fighting the wind and holding position. With the patience and confidence that I had I was able to safely and successfully land the drone without a
Wrongberight, Virginia is a rural farming community, and its residents depend on accurate weather reports. The locals believe, those profession meteorologists could not predict rain, even if raindrops were falling on their head. On Thursday the local weather guru of Wrongberight, Charlie Jones, age eleven forecast a ten-hour deluge would hit on Friday. It did. In fact it dumps eight addition inches of rain, to the already, saturated farmer’s fields and woodlands from the previous intermittent rainstorm that he also predicted. According to him, that storm on Friday was just a prelude to another storm that will strike Wrongberight, sometime early Saturday night. He also said, that this kind of storm would produce, at least one or two unique
The Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks are two of the most famous national parks in the Sierra Nevada Range. The Sierra Nevada range is located in California along the North American Plate. This range sits to the right of the San Andreas Fault and the Pacific Plate. Some referred to these parks as “The Land of Giants” which turns out to fit them quite well. The parks get this name due to the huge mountains, endless canyons and the world’s largest trees they are home for (“Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks,” USA Today). The Sequoia National Park was founded on September 25th, 1890, making it the second oldest park in the United States, and Kings Canyon National Park was established March 4th, 1940. The two parks are adjacent to one another and stretch over approximately 865,964 acres, which a little less than 97% is woods and wilderness. These are large tourist attractions and provide a treasured experience many people value greatly in their lives. The reason it is such a treasured experience to tourists is because of the many special aspects of the park that include the Giant Forest of Sequoias as well as Mount Whitney. Mount Whitney is known for having the highest peak south of Alaska at 14,494 feet above sea level (“Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks,” National Geographic).
The dark green colored sky was enormous; sirens went round the bend to alert people, no lights to find ways to basements and bathrooms. “It was crazier than a bat without eyes,” Darrell Allen had said. The storm got closer as people found ways to us
It was a beautiful day in early winter 2012, my Family had had a big dinner at my uncle's house, the plan was to go a Blazers game after we had all gotten done eating. I had moved to Tigard oregon with my Mom in summer of 2012 from Connecticut, about six months before all of this had happened. We had no idea where anything was, the only thing we had someone what of idea was my uncle's house and the grocery store, but beyond that we were basically lost all the time. At this time we didn't have a car yet, so relied mostly on my uncle taking us places.
In the city that never sleeps, silence fell upon the people. A memorial covered with flowers was transfigured from the steeple. Standing still, staring in complete disbelief, Our hearts were torn with instant grief.
In August of 2012 an engineer from Yemen by the name of Faisal bin Ali Gaber, lost his cousin and brother-in-law to a drone strike that was sent with no warning to the town. The CIA and the US military had been using the deadly and lethal drones for well over a decade, also resulting in a death a few weeks prior to the incident in Yemen. The US government notices and has taken steps in trying to reduce their attack numbers, but the strikes were not eliminated fully, still resulting in more deaths.The drone usage should have stricter regulations to reduce the attacks by the US military, not only do they take innocent lives, they also cost a fortune and are being used as killer weapons without restrictions.
Roger that, Grey Five. There are some storm clouds approaching from the west at roughly the same altitude as you. You'll be entering the storm in five minutes.
As I finished reading my dad’s notebook from when he was in World War Two, I fell asleep. The next morning, October 29, 1966, I wake
Back in 2012 we had a Derecho which was a damaging wind storm which some people called it a mini tornado in Waynesboro. I was outside at a racetrack when this happened and it seemed like time stood still. Everyone was rushing to their cars to go home and running around looking for somewhere to take cover. All I can remember was the adrenaline rush to get into a safe and sturdy place to wait out this storm. My mawmaw told me to get under the concession stand shelf, but all I wanted was to peek up and watch as this wind picked up every little thing it could. Trees were down, power was out, and destruction was left behind for some houses. The ending quote Crenshaw wrote, “I realized they watched from the window to see the terrible beauty of the storm…”( 2004, pg.206), made me relate back to that night because all I wanted to do was sit and watch as this storm
He was staring right at me as I pulled the trigger. The whites of his eyes disrupted by a splatter of scarlett as the bullet ripped through his uniform. This was one of the worst parts of my new posting. Having to see the life leave the body and how personal it felt. That was someone’s husband, someone’s brother, someone’s son.
First, the cost of war is tremendous. America is so in debt, and instead of trying to pay it all off, they’re using it to buy weapons of mass destructions. As our national debt goes up, so do our problems. The money that is being spent on the transportations for the soldiers, the food/ shelter being paid for, the weapons, can all be used to pay for much more important things. The taxpayer’s money could be used to fund underprivileged families and schools. Schools could be using the money to fund the music and arts programs that could help the students express themselves. The money can also be used to help keep people off the streets, and even fix roads and buildings all over the country. We can make this country beautiful, but instead the
turning my head again I saw Simon dive to my aid. He did not utter a
One of civil air patrol's motto's in the cadet program is "rise to the challenge". When I first joined shortly after my 12th birthday I had NO idea what that meant. BUT over time I've learned SO much about myself and my abilities despite my age. Like most cadets...I want to use MY TIME in civil air patrol to inspire and lead...BUT--most of all I want to offer my my friends , my family and my community....
During the lecture where we talk about the mini mental status exam I was very excite about
Today was just like any other old day for John he went down to the police station to clock in and had no action for a while. I guess that’s what happens when you work in swat but later that day they had a call for a drug bust near Downtown L.A. So his team suited up got in there swat vehicles and left towards the scene. When they got there it was bigger than they thought it was the building they had to assault was practically a fort there were three floors they had to clear all of the windows were boarded closed. Reports say that there are at least thirteen men in there all armed with assault rifles and there only point of entry was the front door.