
Personal Narrative Essay On High School

Satisfactory Essays

Summer 2016

Life is like a road you know where it’s, other times you don’t.This reminds me of my summer going into freshman year. For the last weeks of middle school there has been a lot of talk about high school and even ed tech. I concluded the year with good grades little did I know I had an active couple months ahead. starting high school wasn’t the only new transition to make.

It was the last months of 8th grade and every incoming freshman was preparing themselves for high school. I’m not complaining, I finished the year with new friends.On the other hand I didn’t see what the big deal was because high school is the same thing just more privileges. Cell Phones,gum and food really. In other words the year ended smoothly. It was super …show more content…

For one week in july, Myself and others had to endure drumline camp. Anyone that is close to me knows that I am a super anxious person. There were a ton of things I was overthinking about. obviously I never had any sort of experience with anything marching band related. In the august swelter, which felt like a thousand degrees, we had SMB camp my cymbals were hot flying saucers. That week, I thought was miserable and I seriously thought about quitting. Looking back now That was such a senseless idea because some of the highlights of my vacation happend at camp. By the time school rolled around the freshman were getting the hang of things and our halftime shows got better and better. As if my first year of drumline wasn’t new enough I decided to join golf. I jumped into the deep end of the pool.

Earlier I said I had an active break, but during my free time I decided to join the golf team.The only golf experience i’ve ever had was putt-putt. Surely enough I got some old,tired clubs and started hitting the driving range. I liked golfing because the team was limited with a whopping 10 girls. Practices were real chill you’d just go out and play 4 holes after school it was kinda relaxing. I liked the noise your club makes when you hit the tee, that clink! Again I thought next year I wasn’t gonna do golf but i’m starting to

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