
Personal Narrative Essay : Personal Experiences

Decent Essays

Creeek. The hard maple bends under my feet, I walk across the the marble as the sleek ninja in my tiny 8-year old mind. I hear the melodically digital sound of the TV as it floods my ears with sound. “Hi… Colin” says my grandpa softly, he turns slowly back to the television as the sounds of gunshots and war enslave him. His past memories haunt him, I know this because the war gave him a souvenir more powerful than one can imagine, a wooden leg. He asks me, “How are you doing?” His eyes train the television as he speaks, “I’m doing well, and I really love hockey, it’s really fun”. He turns from the TV, “You like hockey?” he says, “Yeah I love it”, he looks right through me and says, “That’s great, I’m terrible at skating.” I laugh, he smiles. I think to myself, “At least he has a sense of humor” he turns back to the television, I knew what happened, I knew he got shot, I knew he had felt pain through so many years of stillness. He asked me if I wanted some Life-Savers, as the sugar hungry kid I was, I immediately responded with a, “Yes please”. As he watched, he asked for one, I handed him one as his gown stretched over his leathered out skin. The gown was his only garment, was his pants, his shirt, his collar, and his armor, but in a battle of him versus the virtual soldiers on the television he didn’t need a gun, a helmet or the armor that tired his skin behind enemy lines. He talked as a sage of the war of stories of gallantry as we watched figures dance across a war torn

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