
Personal Narrative Essay: & Quot To A White Man

Decent Essays

Getting arrested for not giving up my “colored” seat to a white man. This was an absolute outrage for many people like me. I was on my way home to work when I climbed in the bus for a ride. I sat in a colored seat specially made for colored people. The bus was fairly packed, so there weren't very many seats available. Then, a white man gets in the bus in need of a white seat. Because I was sitting near the white seats, the bus driver thought I should be the one to give up my seat. “Give this nice gentleman your seat, Rosa. He's been working all day, so his feet are hurting,” the bus driver said. After a long day of work, my feet were hurting also, and I didn't want to stand on the bus all the way home. “No, I will not give up my seat,”I said, and the whole bus gasped. “I have been working also, and my feet are hurting too.” …show more content…

“Yes, I realize that, but this is a colored seat. There are no white seats left, so he should have to stand.” The bus driver finally called the police, and I was arrested that

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