Today i ask myself do i need some new wheels? The day is saturday november 19. And me and tristan are going skating at the rink, and i wanted to order some new wheels for my jam skates. So when we get there to the rink. And i tell brandy that i found some cool jam skating wheels called zombie sure grip wheels. And i heard that they are good. So i ask brandy to see if i can get them. And she ask how much, and i told her they are $100 dollars. She said okay if you bring me the money i will order them for you. I said okay i will bring you the money for the wheels. She said they will be here wednesday. Okay i said. Then that night tristan text me and said “ when the wheels get in wednesday i will get them and i will bring them to you thursday …show more content…
And i go to the door of the rink and pull the door open i feel the heat of inside the skating rink. I go inside and i see the lights are on and people getting their skates. I go get my jam skates on and roll to the back to the skate counter and take the new wheels out and put them on my skates. I take my skates off and put them on the counter and get the tool to get the wheels off. I get the bolts off and take out the bearings and clean them. Then i ask Tristan “ can you help me put in the bearings in the new wheels”. So he gets on of the wheels and start putting in the bearings. Then i put the new wheels on my skates. They feel like they have a lot of grip. So it be easier to skate on the floor. And they have aluminum hubs so they won’t break that easy. So we get them done and Tristan ask “ now we got them done let’s go try them out. I told him “ yes let’s get on the floor and jam skate”. So we get out in the middle of the floor. And we start practicing, i do my standing work and do a little of ground work. I told myself “ i love these new wheels”. Then i hear the dj said “now it is time for a glow stick skate”. So the dj turn on the black lights on and turn off the others. I skate to my table with my friends Tristan and
One day she was bored put of her mind and decided that it would be a good day to do some skating. She grabbed her skates and found the nearest street or sidewalk. She was having the best time, even by herself, she loved the feelingof the wind as she skated down the streets and past the nieghbours. She had been at this for about an hour before she got the bright idea to see how fast she could go downhill. She took her skates off and began the walk up the hill. About five minutes later she arrived at the top of the hill and took a seat at the very peak. After lacing up her skates she let her body begin to go down the hill. Faster and faster she went until suddenly her right skate got snagged on a small pebble. She began tumbling down the remainder of the hill until she harshly landed on her left arm. This is how she ended up in the emergency room with a broken
I am a piece of clay, just as every person is. We are not just any kind of clay, though, we’re that special molding clay that never dries out. Because of this, we are constantly molded by almost everyone and everything surrounding our lives. At the beginning of life, we are molded by the hands of loving parents, but once we leave that safe-place, we are on our own. At that point, we can be tossed, slammed, poked at, and sometimes even ripped apart. One important event in my life that molded me and has helped make me the person I am today was my first roller coaster ride. Amusement rides don’t usually change a person’s life, but the first time I went on a roller coaster, I found myself stepping off the ride as an entirely different person. Most people conquer their fear of heights or fast-moving vehicles on thrill rides, but instead, I conquered the one thing most people are terrified to face. Something that’s more horrific than monsters and demons, and that is yourself. For me, the ride was more of a journey than anything. From the beginning to the end, I learned a
Besides soccer, sledding is something my sister and I love to do on snowy afternoons. We have this amazing hill at our house thats super steep and has lots on turns; its the perfect sledding hill. The only problem with it is that at the end of the hill there is a road. My father didn’t want us sledding on the hill until he could put a fence up to keep us from sliding into the middle of the road.
Someone was pulling me through the house, those things were around every corner. We ran out and the morning sun woke me up, I finally saw who was pulling me, it was Joelle. Melanie and Jack were already in the car ready to go. We jumped in and Melanie stomped on the gas pedal so hard it had a dent.”What happened?” I said as we drove away at full speed. After we get away Joelle screams to Melanie “OK YOU CAN SLOW THE F* DOWN NOW”. Melanie then says “Sorry it was instinct.” Then I said “Wait you team Instinct!?!?!”. “What???” she said, then I said “like in Pokemon Go”. “WHAT THE HECK NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT POKEMON GO! I’M SO SICK OF THAT GAME!”. Joelle gets mad then says “Let’s do our team saying guys”. Then Joelle,Jack and I say “When snow
Why did I come here? I was shaking when I looked at the ice cold floor but I wasn’t excited. Finally I took my first step onto it and I slipped. So one of the guys who worked there gave me a mini hockey goal thing to hold onto and skate with. I still slipped. I remember we had to rent a bunch of gear so we could skate. I was so nervous to step into the rink I tried to hide from my parents. My cousins told me it was easy I didn’t believe them. It felt like walking for the first time again. I felt like a sloth slowly sliding with a hockey goal. My dad immediately got the hang of it. My sister was slipping but she was doing really good. My younger sister wasn’t old enough yet and had to sit with my mom. About 30 minutes later I let go of the thing
Caroline was brought to a hospital and told that she had a dislocated patella. She wondered “How does your kneecap come out of place?” Her body was in intense pain and tingling. To keep herself distracted for the pain she traced the tracks on the ceiling of the room.
I tried to ride a skateboard it did not turn out well so I thought I needed some help so I was holding a pole . I kept trying but I kept falling .Then I tried to ride a penny board.Then I rode the penny board and got it so then. I tried to ride the skateboard again but I failed I kept failing so I tried the other day I failed again.
But this time he didn't push me I pushed myself. Then I was riding a skateboard all by myself. I went on the road and back to the front yard. Then I had to leave so I said by to Albert and told him thanks for teaching my how to ride a skateboard. Once I got in the car I told my mom everything that happened today and I asked her if I can get my one skateboard and she said yes but
My mom asked me if I wanted to skate for the first time. My answer was an ecstatic yes! I got ready as soon as possible and and tried to push my mom out the door so we could leave as soon as possible. I was so excited I would ask “Are we there yet?” every 5 minutes. We arrived at the rink and I was so excited. My mom put my skates on and my CCM helmet with the black cage and we headed out. My first step on the ice was the best feeling ever. I now realized why my mom was so happy when she was out there. I felt a connection right away and I loved it. I had a few wipeouts here and there but instead of crying, I would laugh because I was having the best time of my life. When we had to get off the ice I was upset because when I was on the ice, I felt
I was always scared of roller coasters, something about them made me feel weird inside. I would go to Great America with my friends and wait outside the rides that were scary for me. I never really thought about getting on any rides that dropped at the speed of lightning and loops that make your stomach flip upside down twenty times. I would just sit down and watch the rides as they dropped. That was until one day, my friend told me “Close your eyes I’m taking you to somewhere that’s fun.” I didn’t know what she meant by that but I did what she told me to do. She also covered one of my ears I didn’t know why. “Open your eyes Steven.” I did and at that moment my mouth dropped. I tried running from the line but it was too late. My friend had made me get in line for the scariest coaster in the park. It was named “Flight Deck” .The seats were empty and the small gates opened. She pushed me into the seat and locked me in as fast as she could. I heard the snap which meant the seat was
As I walked into the frosty indoor ice rink, the smell of cool, crisp ice filled my lungs with glee as I was very ecstatic to be there with my family. I received my ice skating shoes and I was unsure that I would be able to stand on the shoes because of the sharp, piercing end of the shoe that was used to glide on the ice. We established a spot to relax and put our shoes on as we watched the other skaters glide on the ice. After I struggled to put my shoes on I was ready to start ice skating! I obtained my first few steps onto the ice and realized that is was going to be harder than I had imagined.
On a hot summer day my friends and I wanted to do something fun because we were bored and didn't know what to do. I called all my friends to see if they wanted to do something. We gave ideas like Disneyland, beach and movies. We didn't do those because it was either too far ,too hot or they was nothing good to watch. So one of us just said ice skating. We all agreed to do that. So a few minutes later we all left and started walking. When we got there we all paid and started getting dressed because we had to wear certain clothes so we are able to skate in the rink.
The coat of armor I adorned, made of down feathers and a nylon shell, yielded no protection against the daggers of that cold winter air. As I peered out toward the horizon, I saw nothing but tree tops, and some snow capped mountain tops in the distance. With my feet bound to freshly waxed skis, the only thing stronger than my ski poles was my determination to get down the mountain.
Tweet! “Everybody bring it in!” The Head Coach Yelled. Game time, I told myself. The coach starting explaining how tryouts worked. I wasn't really paying attention that much, all I got was that our first drill was passing. Passing wasn't my best area, but I could manage I think, as we trotted over to the turf fields.
The second my feet lifted off the soap-caked floor, I felt different. The skin on my neck was tingling, adrenaline was racing through my body, and my bones were engaged in a newfound excitement. My mother was wrong. The bathroom floor is a fun place to go “figure skating” on soap suds. My sister, Emily, and I began our skating journey at Kent State University, where we had been enrolled in “Learn To Skate” classes for as long as we could remember. Spinning circles faster than a horse around the kitchen table in our socks was a common occurrence. We were perpetually moving.