
Personal Narrative Essay: The Rise Of The Atomic Bomb

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I never believed that the bomb would actually drop. I thought that it would just be a threat, like it always was. I wanted to believe that everything would be okay after the fact and that everything would go back to normal. That wasn't the case. When the bomb touched down, I was outside in the park, among many others. I was walking rusty. I was going to meet Tom in the park. Rusty was about a year old at the time, just shedded all of his puppy fur. Thank god I took him with me. If I left him in the apartment, he would have died, and he is one of the only things I have left from my parents, who gave him to me after the car crash. I was walking toward the park bench were me and Tom were going to meet, where we always had. I remember when …show more content…

I knew that he must have been on his way, maybe even in the park, but I could not find him. I was desperate to find him, he was one of my only friends. The bomb dropped maybe 30 miles from the park, so we didn't get the worst end of the deal, but there was still mass destruction in the park itself. I could feel the radiation on my skin, burning. Think of the worse sunburn you have ever had, then times that by 5. I can't imagine what the people must have felt like who were 5 miles from the bomb explosion. It must have felt at least ten times worse that what I felt that day. The hair on rusty didn't shed, good thing too, that is a sure sign of deathly radiation poisoning. I crippled on the ground after the explosion. It was chaos. People sprinting for their lives, like they were being chased by monsters. I wasn't running, not even walking. I was in shock, on the ground, hugging rusty, tears streaming down my cheeks. After maybe a minute of sitting on the ground, I felt hands on my shoulders, shaking vigorously. “Melissa!”, he shouted. I recognized the voice, but everything was so hazy in my eyes, I could barely stand when he helped me up. When my sight started to clear, there was

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