
Personal Narrative: Eye Color And Personal Identity

Decent Essays

My sister and I are very similar in both looks and personality.� We're only 18 months apart in age and people ask us all the time if we're twins.� We're not really identical, but not all twins look exactly the same.� Lexy, that's my sister, isn't quite as tall as I am and her hair is more wavy than curly like mine, but besides that we have pretty much everything else in common.� There is one big difference though - she has brown eyes and mine are blue.�

One morning, Lexy asked me why she didn't have blue eyes too.� �I told her it was because our mom has brown eyes, but when I actually thought about it, I realized I wasn't really sure how it all worked.� We went to find our blue-eyed dad to see if he could explain things a little better.�

When we found …show more content…

I flipped through a book on genes with Miss Rachel and found out that we currently know of three genes that impact eye color.� These genes are located on chromosomes you inherit from both your mother and father.�

"I still don't understand how our eyes could turn out different," Lexy complained.� She was starting to get bored with our little research project.

"Hmm," said Miss Rachel.� "Let's see if we can find something online that might illustrate the concepts a little more clearly."

She led us to a computer terminal and helped us generate a list of keywords to search.

chart����������� The first site we landed on showed us an illustration of the two genes that scientists know the most about when it comes to inherited eye color: bey2 and gey.� It said that each of the genes have two forms called alleles.� The bey2 gene has brown and blue alleles and the gey gene has green and blue alleles.� Your eye color depends on the combination of alleles you

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