Fall Out Boy is playing and my mom and I are screaming along with hundreds of other people. But wait, let me tell you how we got there. My mom and I went to dinner one night and she was telling me about how my stepdad’s mom, Cathy, won tickets for a Fall Out Boy concert on the radio. Automatically my mind went to “I get to see them twice!”. Then came the bad news, the concert was in Memphis. I spent the whole night trying to convince my mom to go. My stepdad said that if we could find a way to go we should. However, my mom didn’t want to go because it was far and we hadn’t planned for it. As we kept talking about it all night I finally convinced her to go. She called her boss and asked for the next day off and the next morning we left for Memphis
Life is an accumulation of one’s experiences. It is, in many aspects, similar to a well filled with water. Those who have lived longer, sought knowledge, stayed active, and exploited their advantages have wells that are brimming to the point of overflowing. Others who are still young, lazy, impeded by circumstance, or secluded, tend to have shallow, verging on parched, wells. Before last summer, my well of experiences was leaning towards the latter, but spending time with my family and friends at Niagara Falls, Six Flags, and a Twenty One Pilots concert has deepened my spring considerably.
“Are you sure this is the one you’d like?” my father asked me. Little did I know how much happiness this saxophone would bring me. I still remember walking into the sweltering upper school cafeteria awaiting to choose the instrument of my choosing. I saw all of the new, shiny instruments but only one instrument jumped out to me, the alto saxophone. It might be all of the pearly, white buttons or the shiny, metallic gold finish but this instrument was for me. As soon as I laid my eyes on it I knew I had to have it. How was I supposed to know that in the coming years, I would grow as a person and develop into a tenor saxophone player for MHS?
Sorry if you get annoyed by the obsession that I have for Twenty One Pilots it's just that they make me so happy and I can't get myself to not talk about them. I do have self control its just when new music comes out or they tweet or something as small as that, I get so excited because it makes it all real for me. That their actually real people, real guys just making music to help them get through the day also, when I saw them live in September that just made it so real for me it's completely different seeing them in person then just listening to live videos. I could feel the love in the room, I could tell that every person in the venue cared about me and wanted me to live through the dark times. That day was the best day that I've had in a long time seeing them live made me realize how thankful I am for them and how important their music means to me, and how different my life would be if I didn't know TØP or the clique. I know I say this for every band that I listen to but for some reason it's different with TØP then it is with Pierce The Veil or Of Mice And Men. I guess it's just that my friends actually can listen and in my moms words "understand what their saying." TØP is special to me because they make my life seem like it has a purpose that just because I'm having a bad day or week or month that that's no reason to hurt myself in any way. Josh and Tyler give me hope for the future and makes bad memories seem less negative and more meaningful that without those negative nights then I wouldn't be who I am today. Their music helps me get through the day, which I know sounds dramatic or stupid but it's true they make me so so so happy and I'm sorry if that annoys you.
“Petlon get in there,”Coach said. At first I was like what does he mean. I was confused because at the time Eli was a better center. I figured I should hustle out there and give it my best try, so that’s what I did.
Going into the fall 2014 semester, my family was not in a good place financially, and I was not mentally. Our income had been reduced, meaning I had to step up to help my family. This caused my already weakened mental state to become even more strained and took a toll on me physically. I was not able to concentrate on anything at school, work, and home, it was almost in a blur. When I resigned from the fall 2014 semester, I knew it was something that was needed to make sure I stayed healthy, mentally and physically. Two years went by and I found myself in a better place. Going into the fall 2016 semester, I found the perfect balance between studying, work, and home life. In the end I exceeded all the expectations I had set for myself in every
If you ask me “What about you love to do , What the good song for you?. For me , Music made me inspire me to do the heart voice . It’s begin from The Bee Gees bands.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhh!” Screamed the crowd of people as they plummeted down a drop on one of the most terrifying roller coasters i've ever seen. We were on vacation in Universal Studios, Hollywood, and believe me, I was not pleased. My dad always says I shouldn’t be scared of roller coasters, but I don't listen to him. I’m terrified of roller coasters, so since he knows I don’t listen to him, he let my little sister choose the ride I had to go on, which almost scared me to death.
Bare with me for another blog post about volleyball. This weekend was the Badger Region Volleyball Tournament, which my team participated in. When I walked into the building, the memories flooded in with scenes from the elevator adventures, cheese fries, and design your own sweatshirts. The first day, my team didn't play up our full potential, with my team only winning one out of three matches; which meant that we didn't place in any of the brackets, meaning zero chance of receiving a medal. However, at the end of the second match, I got switched from being middle all-around to libero ( a position where you only play back row on offense and defense). I guess it's an honor, but it puts a lot of pressure on me by labeling me as the best passer
I was going to be able listen to one of my favorite artist perfrom live. I get to hear his amazing vocals love and be only like twenty feet away. My mom called me and told me some bad news. She tried to win this auction contest to win a one on one moment with Jake Miller but lost. My heart was sherred to pieces but I soon realized who cares I still will be seeing him. It was now only two days before the concert and my mom told me to come to her room she has good news. I thought it was something about my dads birthday since its in like two days, But I was wrong. She told me to go on the computer and type in Cute Boy Party. I did and that’s the moment I saw that I was going to meet Jake Miller. My mom ended up buying Cute Boy Party tickets which is where you can meet Jake Miller, Rixiton, Shawn Mendes and Jacob Whitesides. I loved all these people butof course I was more exicted I was going to meet Jake Miller. I thanked and loved her about a hundred bazillion
When I was in seventh grade, I joined the school band. I thought about what instrument I should play, and decided to play the clarinet. I started playing in school and discovered that I had a slight talent for it.
Another thing at the Fall Fest was food. There was a ton of food like nachos. I wanted to try some nachos, but they were $3.50 for a small amount of them. The fact that the food was expensive for such a small portion is the only reason I wouldn’t want to pay for it. In school event like Fall Fest I also believe food should be free for all the students. It is supposed to be a school celebration right? Fall Fest and Spring Fest are special schoolwide events so why not have free food for those two events? A slice of pizza is the only food I even ate, which wasn’t very good at all might I add. My favorite food is probably pizza, but that pizza was not my favorite. Never have I been so disappointed with food in my
This was a topic I was very nervous to talk about. Rock bands, punk rock, post hardcore and so many other types of alternative music aren’t always liked by everyone. So this is me getting out of my comfort zone and just telling everyone the day that bands changed my life. So hold on to something because this is about to get good.
Warped tour, it's something i've always been aware of and wanted to go to, but i've never had anyone to go with. This year I just so happen to have an amazing boyfriend who just so happens to have the same taste in music as me, so we made a plan to go, like 4 months in advance. Anyways, the day of warped tour comes around and I missed a full 7 hour day of cosmetology just for some emo bands, but I don't regret it one bit. So we got there early and there wasn't too much going on, I was neither excited nor nervous at that point, I was fairly neutral about it. So it's like 11:30 and we hear these loud ass speakers of the first band that was playing and I don't know what it was but the intensity of those speakers filled
cannot repent for my past actions, but be dearly warned that once you follow this path you cannot turn back. A night like any of which that is common for winter here in Arkham, the chilling winds howl against the cold silence of the dark. The Lich street graveyard was the place I spent most of my time. The dead and quiet don’t disagree with you when you present with preposterous queries. Above was the darkness of the void that holds the light. Stillness was around me and I was around it. The sky above burnt open revealing a terrible secret to whom only a few still know.
I ask you where is the help? Blood has covered my clothes and has dripped slowly down my face. Where is the help? I have heard the booming sounds of airstrikes. I have been covered in rubble of buildings that have fallen. Bombs have surrounded me. Where is the help?