
Personal Narrative: Final Memoir: Terror In Target

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Final Memoir— “Terror in Target” My memoir, “Terror in Target”, was one of my favorite writing assignments from this year. My writing voice in the story sounds like the words came through a cable hooked up to my brain. I held nothing back, making every thought funny and brutally honest. I believe that was the best part of my writing overall. I included thoughts that I’m sure I had when I was seven years old and took the reader and myself back to 2008 Target. However, I also noted many errors that could have been easily been fixed. At the time of birth, I don’t think I really cared about the grammar or flow of the story; I just cared about getting the story out in a fun and enjoyable way. As I reread my story, I changed things and fixed errors, revealing that I had grown into the mind of an editor of my own work. I found that my writing was strong in …show more content…

Maybe it was just the passion I had for the subject, but I still enjoy the paper today. That being said, it has a lot of problems I recognize now. Upon first reading, I noticed many mistakes that come when one does not proofread their paper enough. Clearly I was not a diligent editor and proofreader. I also noticed a small lack of structure that affected the paper in a regrettable way. At times, I would stray from the objective or talk about matters that did not convey my thesis succinctly. However, I was impressed by how I used evidence and shaped into the paper in a way that the reader felt it was one thought, not the work of many people. My sentence variety was acceptable, but sentence starters to separate different thoughts were not always were they should have been. I remember struggling with controlling my passion for topic. I wanted to put myself into the paper, and I thought I did it subtly enough, but you caught me red-handed when you read my rough draft. Overall, I enjoyed the topic and enjoyed writing this paper, and that is why I think it turned out

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