I was four months out of high school: no car, and no job. Finding the right place to work was a challenge. Thankfully, I landed upon a position at a pizza joint known as Little Caesars. It was conveniently close to where I lived; therefore, I did not have to depend on my parents for transportation. I found peace in walking to work and getting myself where I needed to go without help. That peace and self security soon became violated as danger decided to walk itself into my life. The sun rose, and so did I. Yet another day of work shortly ahead of me. I threw on my old blue jeans stained with pizza sauce: work shirt, hat, and vans. There was not much to the work uniform, but good enough to get pizza decorated and baked to perfection. I made my way out of the door and began my daily routine walk to work. It was a beautiful morning. Traffic remained at a minimum as I ventured across the road. That became the least of my worries as I approached Little Caesars. From a distance I watched my manager walking to her car as she made the daily bank trip for a money drop and pickup. She was a hard working woman, always ready to manage and get the job done. I became suspicious as I observed two men with black hoodies and dark complexions posted on the …show more content…
This life lesson has taught me to always expect the unexpected. I learned how to prevent myself from being in a situation such as this by doing my research on the history of where I am going and the violence in the area. I maintain situational awareness and self control by utilizing those skills in my everyday life. I do so in order to hopefully prevent or avoid being in a situation such as this again. Beyond this extremely life-threatening situation, I continue to value life and what it has to offer me. The good and bad are always accepted because I perceive them both as an open opportunity to learn and grow within myself and with
When I was working at Target there were two mangers that I was to train and help if they needed it. The conflict was that they come in and changed everything in our stations. Which was uncomfortable due to that I had more experience and was working there longer. Nothing work well within the ream after that point.
Everyone has their first memory when they have to enter the adult world, mine just happened to be my junior year of high school. This year was just a little glimpse of what was going to be the rest of my life. Getting my first job was bitter sweet. I had to learn how to manage my time between school, sports, and now a job. After my first week of school I had to start my new job.
Eighty hours in one week. A goal which all of my peers insisted I was crazy for even attempting. To the normal working class forty hours is a long week, yet I wanted to double that in only seven days. Working in a muffler shop is hard work, which made eighty hours Mount Everest, and I was determined to reach the summit.
This day was busy, but I was able to help out more by checking patients in and checking them out this time around. Felt a lot more comfortable with the system and interacting with the clients and their pets. This was my last day working in the front, I enjoyed working with Leonore and the rest of the staff in the front but, I am very excited to work in the back to get hands on experience working with the technician’s and the doctor’s.
As teenager, many people say their adolescence is one of the most important phases in anyone’s life. As a teenager, you get to experience many great events like going to high school football games, dating your first boyfriend or girlfriend, getting your driver license, and graduating from high school. As I look back, I believe that getting my first job was the most important event in my adolescence. I was very enthusiastic about getting my first job. I enjoyed that fact that I will be able to earn my own money and not having to ask my mother for any earn. Surprising, there was only one obstacle that was holding me back and that was the fact that I was a
Throughout high school, I continuously explored a wide variety of courses in an attempt to figure out what career path I may want to pursue. As senior year drew closer, the business field became more enticing. Furthermore, my aspirations were significantly impacted on the evening of September 14, 2016. I woke up that day and left for school as if it were any other day. After school, I drove to the softball field because we had a game and it just so happened to be Senior Night: the last home game. When it came time for my first at bat, I stepped up to the plate and hit a line drive between the first and second basemen, successfully making it to first base. The next player up to bat hit a double; I rounded second and sprinted for third. I clearly remember my coach kneeling on the ground to signal me to slide into third base. For some unknown reason, I hesitated and slid too late. I knew it was a bad slide, but I was focusing on whether or not I was safe. Then reality set in, I was safe, but I was not physically capable of standing up.
There are many things that sets me apart from other candidates applying to California State University, Long Beach, but one that specifically sets me apart is my work ethic. I have disciplined myself to the point where if my work is not done I am not satisfied with what I have done. Not only have I disciplined myself, but I have been disciplined by my parents to work hard and anything can be achieved if you aren’t afraid to fail and put the effort needed. Without discipline I would not have the grades I have, I would not have the GPA I have, and I would not be able to have the opportunities I have now. I was not the best student at one time, but I wanted to accomplish my goal, which is to be successful. I had to build up my work ethic to be able to achieve this goal.
First I just want to point out the obvious and say that you have an enormous heart. It must be so hard for you meeting these inmates and seeing their potential and most times seeing them revert to their old ways. I think that has to be the most painful part of it all. I know your supervisor once told you “our mission can’t be affected by individual successes or failures.”- Alice Layton. Which is what kept you going. It’s true, but it doesn’t take the sad disappointing feelings away. It’s amazing what you do, but it’s also very hard emotionally. For that I salute you. I love how invested you truly are. That fact that they feel comfortable enough to speak to you about the crimes they have committed is insane. That just goes to show how committed you are to helping them better themselves. In addition to
My mom worked two jobs because we didn’t have a lot of money, she was a single mother raising up three kids. When my mom would come from work she was tired so she would sleep for about four hours then she would wake up and go to her other job. Being the oldest girl meant that all the chores that needed to be done were my responsibility, cleaning the house and keeping things organized was my job. There was a time that my mom came back from work and I didn’t think she even notice that the little place we lived in was clean because she was to tired to notice. The day after she realized what had done, when she came home she had a cake so I wonder what was the deal behind that. She told me that the cake was for me for being a great daughter.
There are some internships that I've participated on that have helped me discover my own
Our course in Job Searching in 21st Century was a one of my favorite courses I had at USD. At first, I thought the course was a simply one credit class where I would just do some online work and get away with a good grade. Now with the eight weeks up, I find the course to be one of my favorites because it made me think of my future. I understood that the course was for majority of seniors, but as a sophomore it is perfectly fine for anyone to think about their future. As a freshmen, I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to work with sports and somewhat business. Then I came to the conclusion of Sports Management. The great thing about sports management is that the major is open to lots of things in the world. I can work with
I was able to get back to working like nothing had happen but unfortunately my session had end for my first term. I had been in contact with my professors about the issues and trying to get caught up but time was up and I was unable to do so. I then thought I was going to have a great next term starting in the summer of 2015. I began off strong doing well like the first term, then work started to intensify. I began working later and later. I was clearing over 40 hours almost every week and coming home just to sleep. I normally work from 9am to 6pm, but with late kids, preparing for the fall classes for the kids and moving rooms around I was working more like 8am to 7pm sometimes 8 am to 8pm. So when I came home to do school work I be so exhausted that I was able to do bits and pieces of it never was able to fully dedicate myself to the school work like I was suppose to.
The skills “Job Searching in the 21st Century” have taught me will be used throughout my life when looking for jobs. I have learned many things about myself throughout this quarter. There are many jobs out if you look hard enough. This class has taught me the necessary skills to find the job of my dreams. I cannot wait to get out in the real world to use what I have learned, and hopefully land my dream job. Throughout this course, many of my strengths and weaknesses have been exposed. My career goals have become a little clearer. I am now able to come up with a job search strategy when the time comes to find my dream job. My long-term goals have become more evident thanks to “Job Searching in the 21st Century”.
Commencing my first week, at the Fremantle Language Development Centre. I was rather nervous and somewhat anxious.