The first thing that I got was the football and baseball cards. I finally got my dad respect for them after he saw that I had all of mine in a binder in plastic holders were they had their own very slots. Unlike his where they were in a trash bag getting ruined and losing their value. The day I got them, I put them in my binder. There was at least 200 to 300 cards maybe, more than that. I think maybe that is why he gave them to me so maybe one day they might be worth something. Every Christmas my cousins, uncles, and grandma gave me cards when I was little so yes I kept all of those. One of my cousins was the same age as I was so we would always have a competition to see who had the most cards and the best player at the end of the week of
“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run”(Babe Ruth). I was wondering how much baseball really affected my life and the choices I make. The answer is a lot, and it still continues to leave a mark on this life I love. Over the many years of my involvement in the game I have learned that life is full of ups and downs. Baseball teaches people to bounce back from negatives, this I believe.
We were in the streets of the neighborhood, Ann Elizabeth to be exact. We had just began to play a game of baseball with my brothers new metal bat. Mom had already left for work and my dad was getting ready to leave as well. He was running sort of late. My brother and I were about to start the game, we check around us to make sure no one was near us to play a safe game. We saw our little sister and brother at the front doors neighbor's house playing with their daughter last time we checked. As my brother threw the baseball, I was getting ready to swing then bam! Before I knew it the bat had already crashed into my little brother's head. Let me remind you that this was a metal bat. A metal bat had ran cross my little brother's head. I was so terrified. My little brother was only 4 at that time. I did not know what to do. I held him in my arms. He was still conscious. I was holding my hand over his open wound. He bled a lot. My other brother had ran to let my dad know. My dad came rushing outside,
The passion I have for baseball would not exist if I didn’t have Tom and Melissa as my little league coaches. They coached me for only one year of my life, and that one year changed everything about me. I wouldn’t be the same at baseball and I wouldn’t be the same kid if it wasn’t for Melissa and Tom. They had certainly changed my life forever.
When a person finds something that they love that’s all they have. It turns into a passion, and soon becomes life. Baseball is what I loved it was everything. There was no escaping and no desire of escaping. If this was taken away I would have nothing. The love for this one sport was no choice, it was something I was born with. Passed down from grandfather to father to me, cousin, and his son. Baseball started from day one. Before walking a ball was in my hand. Playing catch turned to little league, which turned to select teams traveling and playing in tournaments in many different cities. The love of the game was in full bloom. There was no sign of it ever stopping. One sharp pain in the elbow was never believed to be something that had the
Every kids dream is become a Professional Baseball Player. I still remember when I first started baseball, I was only 4 years old so young and small. Baseball has shown me how to use my head by focusing on everything. Growing up with baseball has changed my life dramatically, It taught me to become a smarter individual and a better athlete. Baseball has never let me down.
I step up to the plate. The hot lights of the Mets stadium hit my face. Clayton Kershaw was pitching. He is the best pitcher in the MLB. The pitch comes. It was a slow hanging curveball right over the middle. I swing will all my might. I hear the crack of the bat and I see the ball fly over the fence. I trot around the bases and I am approaching home plate. I step on home then I wake up.
it's a hot Texas Sun beat down upon my neck a fast ball whizzed past my bat and into the catcher's glove after you had another strikeout. I trudged back to the dugout thoughts of failure filled my mind of my confidence slowly vanishing. I wasn't accustomed to anything less than success before high school. I prospered in youth athletics while living in South Dakota. I had a phenomenal baseball coach to transform my robbed potential into success on the baseball diamond. Unfortunately, my father's Air Force career demanded that we move before my baseball season. Without me my team went on to win the city state championships advancing all the way to the Little League World. When I was younger my family moved to not affect my athletic performance the difficulties began I was torn from my tight-knit community in Northern Virginia and forced to adjust to life in West Texas prior to the start of my freshman year. I struggled to regain the close friends and relationships I left behind for the first time in my life.
A place can be any position or point with space around. A corner, a site on the internet, McDonalds, or even if you’re lost in the woods you're still in a place because of the space that’s around. A place such as The Mexican Restaurant, where my parents go on special occasions or when I talked to a friend at The Baseball field about certain point of every aspect of the game we play, or even when My family was so traumatized when our dad went out onto the ocean when the waves we crashing in. He tells us he’ll be fine so he heads out on the sand and starts walking the opposite direction of us, the waves came in and crashed into the feet of the cliff. We thought he was gone but he came back and said the waves almost got him but he found a crack
lukas k//After school I hung around with my friends until baseball practice at 4:30. until baseball practice. At baseball practice we practice and fielding and hitting.after baseball practice me and my friend Max walked back to his house, after baseball practice me and my friend Max Walked back to his house, because it's only five blocks away.we hung out and rode bike for a couple hours until my dad pick me up. When my dad picked me up, he informed me that I could babysit. my dad picked me up, he informed me that I could babysit. After thinking about it, I said “yes”. He brought me to McDonald's, then to Shanes. The person I babysit for. After babysitting until 330. I went home, took a shower and went to bed. The next morning I got up at
I still remember the day it all happened. It was my freshman year of high school and baseball was right around the corner. Playing varsity baseball as a freshman was almost impossible to do. As coach called me into his office, the anxiety set in. I knew the varsity team lacked a starting pitcher but i never would have thought i would have the opportunity to get pulled up to play that year.
A young kid growing up with a burning desire to be a great ball player. My greatest love of things has always been baseball. Baseball taught me determination. Baseball taught me the greatness of having a hard work ethic. Discipline, manners, and staying positive all shaped from baseball. It is greater than just a game. Without baseball I don't believe I would be who I am today.
Everybody has memories they will never forget. The first of mine is playing baseball when I was six years old. My dad had always played sports and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. Baseball was my dream at a young age and it all started with the Tigers. I’ll always remember stepping onto the field for the first time and feeling the excitement rush through me. I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to be the team’s starting catcher. I liked the feeling of being in command behind the plate and felt like I had some sort of control over the game. I don’t remember a whole lot about the first game, but I do remember my first hit. I can tell you that I’ve never felt so excited in my life as I connected with the ball and began running to first base. I knew that made my dad extremely happy.
The day I heard about baseball i really wanted to play it. If i picked a position it would be first baseman because of the get to touch the ball a lot. i've hit a homerun before. the ball went so high in the air the sun made it look like it disappeared. The next day my mom went to sign up for the babe ruth league for newton. i played short stop. at the end of the season i had 13 home runs. me and my father and mother were both surprised at how many runs i had, i had 21 runs and 13 of those were home runs. then the next year i signed up again and this time i was my favorite position, first baseman. when the season was over i had 42 runs and 15 of those were home runs. Then my dad said i should play football so now i was laying baseball
Lights blaring into my eyes, the crack of the bat, the shouting of the overly-devoted parents, the salty aroma arising off of the freshly roasted peanuts, all came together to create the overwhelming presence of a little league baseball game. This was a place where I spent most of my time on week day afternoons, in the spring, watching my brother succeed at America’s pastime. He was really quite good at this sport called baseball; he had just been granted the position of starting pitcher for the team. Sometimes things that have occurred in my life, and stuff I have received, that I may not have necessarily deserve, can be taken for granted. However, after what was about to take place my eyes are given a new perspective.
Baseball is my passion,baseball is life. I can't life without baseball. I absolutely love playing baseball.Everyday I practice with my dad he teaches me everything that I need to know about baseball. I started baseball when I was in 4 years old. First I wasn't good at it, I wanted to give up. But my dad told me to never give up in your life or you won't be a successful person you are going to give up if you don't try. I never gave up once again. I started baseball again. Days, months, years past I was getting better and better by practicing with my dad . I was filling I was a good baseball player. I felt I was a champion.