Ever since I was young my family has always had a dog. The first one we had was a sable German Shepherd named Steel, but he had bad hips and we gave him to one of my dads friends because he wasn't very healthy. The next dog we got was named Tiger and he was a sable German Shepherd as well. From what I remember Tiger was pretty mellow and gentle for a German Shepard. Tiger started to develop a patch of skin cancer around his eye when he was seven years old. When he was nine years old my family decide to put him down. Fritz is the next dog we got and this time we got a black German Shepherd. Fritz and I go on daily walks in my neighborhood. Right now Fritz is still a little disobedient however, that is expected because he is only two years old
My dragster ended up taking a different shape and look than what I pictured because of my poor time management skills. My car had a race time of 1.409, which was not the best or the worst. I had a design that I thought would help accelerate the car by being very aerodynamic and low to the track. I wanted the back of my car to be rounded and lower in the back that gradually came into small bump towards the front that led into a point. My dragster ended up thicker, higher, and less rounded in the back. The middle gradually descended into a small hill that led into a point in the front. Once I completed sanding and painting my dragster, it weighed 74 grams when it needed to be 70 grams or below. I had to sand off at least 4 grams after I already
A few years ago I got a black German Shepard puppy that was very shy. When i met him he was scared of most older males and would pee on them every time they would approach him. The only guy he liked was me. He would run and sit in my feet when he saw a person he didn't like. When he met my dad it took the longest time to get Jack to warm up to him. He would always act like he liked him but every time my dad would try to pet him he would pee on his shoes. My dad never liked him because he would always ruin his shoes but finally he grew of the whole I-don't-like-males-and-if-they-touch-me-I-will-pee-on-them phase. We never really had a name because we didn't know if we were going to keep him yet and my mom said if we gave him a name we would
I came by to see you today but you were not available. I will stop by for a final goodbye hug on Monday, I made an appointment for 11.
I wanted another friend to hang out with, since my brother got boring sometimes, so I talked my family into getting a dog. We looked at our local pet shelter. Right when I walked in I walked over to a dachshund (She was the quietest dog in the shelter… little did my family know *eye roll). A week later the dachshund was home with the new name Libby (Thinking back on it, we should have named her Cleopatra since she looks like someone applied heavy eyeliner all over her eyes). Libby definitely tricked us with her shy personality at the pound. She is a force to be reckoned with, but I love her. Libby has little dog syndrome. She picks fights with the biggest and baddest, semi trucks. The tiny beast also finds it necessary to escort out all of our visitors to our property line (She runs on the side of the road barking until after the car passes the property line. My family is still not sure how she knows where our property line is… but she has mastered it). Do not get me wrong, Libby is a lover, and clingy lover at that. Every night I fall asleep she has always burrowed under the covers right next to my feet. My little fighter has taught me to stand my ground, no matter how tough the opponent is. This has helped me become successful in many of my academics and athletics in high school. This lesson will also be very
It was early Friday afternoon, the start of Memorial Day weekend and I almost lost my best friend. Now usually on Memorial Day weekend my family and close family friends go camping but this year the other family couldn’t go so we decided to call it off. Not having anything to do that day I decided to take my dog for a walk. My dog is a Terrier Poodle mix so she’s not very big. Her name is Pepper and she’s just your average lap dog but she’s my best friend. So i put her leash on her and asked my little sister is she wanted to go and she said no, so it was just Pepper and I. We made it two houses down before the neighbor's German Shepherd came to meet us. There was nothing to worry about though because this is a nice dog, so I thought. Before I knew what was happening the German Shepherds jaw crushed down on Peppers back and stomach, picked her up, shook her like a chew toy, and threw her. The
Coming from a conservative Muslim family, it was kind of difficult to go to any establishment that had anything to do with sex. In order to go I had to lie to my parents telling them that I was meeting up with a group for a project. Going to these places was a lot different than I thought.
My family name is the Bennett`s when me and my mother walkin into Walmart or maxway. we always have someone to say hey Bennett family.one day I asked my mom were did I get my last name from . she told me from my grandfather. wen I asked him he said he got his from his mom. Then one day my mom waz on facebook and she showed me another peson name Bennett she thought we was related to them. The only people in my family name Bennett is me m mom my uncle and my grandfather. Then one day on facebook we saw a Bennett sweater I told my dad hre wanted me to get him one. I told him your name is not Bennett he said ok but I got one and so does my mother and my uncle. When we all went on a family trip. We all had a good time we went to flordia and we
I had always wanted a German Shepherd Dog because they were big and possessed a fierce demeanor, something I always wanted, but never had, in any dog. They were also born for shepherding, which was important to me because I cared for my sheep above all else. First, I ordered a book called German Shepherds for Dummies. It taught me that a German Shepherd Dog understands and obeys its native language, German, the best. I started learning commands and by this time, I had found a replacement. In Kentucky, a police training facility had a purebred German Shepherd Dog that they were giving away because it failed a crucial test. The K9 refused to bite anybody no matter what. I told my father and we hopped into the Chevy and were headed southbound to acquire this
We were walking they told us to separate, men to the right and women to the left. We followed orders as they spoke i felt tired a bit drowsy from waking up and help get our stuff packed but they asked for it to be done immediately. I couldn't help but get a bit mad after seeing my grandma move to one side she was the only family i had besides my brother Jansen. My brother and i we are twins both the same height being 5,8 and also both being 16 we were a bit bulking but not to scrawny we were both put to one side a german man came took all the men. After taking all the men the german officers were telling us to lie about our ages he came to us and said we even look older than what age we were and they said the best age for you to be to live
Myself Walter a thirteen year old boy I did not suspect what was going to happen the first day of school, eighth grade year. When I was standing there with one of my friends at my locker, Then a moment later I got a glimpse of the new girl. Usually when you are new you usually get labeled the first time you get looked at. I could tell that she wasn't one of those ordinary girls that pushed people down, bragged about her accomplishments of life. After getting the vivid glimpse of her I shut my locker and walked past my friend to say hi. Then in that moment I said “hi”, my life had changed forever.
I am a military child that has been growing up in several different places across the world from the United States all the way to Germany. I suffer from Adhd myself and would love to help people with the same problems. I am 16 years old and i think that my mental problems let me see the world differently than other people my mind is engineered to be good at engineering, science, and math. My parents are both working parents. My dad is Active Duty in the Military and my mom works at the BX.
We’ve had her since before I was born.. She was my first dog. I still remember when my grandpa and I would always take her on walks on the beach, and when we would play fetch with my favorite frisbee at the park. My dog, Princess, and I had a very strong bond. She was my best friend. As she grew older, she became very sick and developed some type of cancer. It was a very painful experience for both her and I. The cancer would cause Princess to suffer daily. She wasn’t able to eat, sleep, or walk. As it got worse, my grandpa decided that it would be best to put her down so she would no longer suffer. I remember the day perfectly.. It happened in our backyard. It was depressing to see her leave, but I knew it was
Among the saddest truths about this lifetime is this: A dog’s life is significantly shorter than a human’s life. I said goodbye to my beloved Miniature Schnauzer, Samson, on March 26th, 2017. He was ten years old. It is an opinion to say that losing a pet is like losing a member of the family. The fact is, though, it is an understatement. Dogs are unique in their own ways. As it is said, “Grief is the price you pay for love.” And I paid a heavy priced that day.
Those who have pets know that even though you cannot communicate with their pets, their pets and them grow closer and closer the longer they live together. Pets grow to become members of the family. My family and I have owned many different animals, and sadly many of them have passed away. There have been two dogs, one cat, two gerbils, and one hermit crab that have died in our family. I do not remember all of them personally, but one that I do remember was one of the dogs, named Ziggy. He was a Shih Tzu and he grew to be one of my best friends. Him and I played for hours outdoors in the summer, played inside when the weather was bad, and he slept with me at night. My parents were always surprised about how close Ziggy and I were right from the moment I was brought home from the hospital. My mother took many pictures of Ziggy just laying next to me on a blanket, or even him lying next to my crib or playpen. Growing up together, Ziggy and I became closer and closer. When I was 7, Ziggy began to show his age and had to be put down, and I felt as though I was losing my best friend. Ziggy, although he was not human, taught me that not matter how close you get to somebody or something, that person or thing may not always be there for you. The people that you may be closest to may have something happen to them, such as death, injury, or disease, that may disable people to be there for you. That was a
I could see the dark mountains in the distance, as the bus raced down the road. “This will be fun April. Just because your brother fell once doesn’t mean you will.” Dad, who was sitting there quietly beside me, said to me. Mom was looking out the window, not paying much attention. We were on vacation in Colorado, and my parents talked into going white water rafting, the last thing I wanted to do.