It took me seventeen years to understand how amazing reading and writing could be and what it could do for me thanks to one special teacher at my high school. When I was young, I would come home from school and wait for my parents to get home so they could take me to the golf course. During our drive, my dad played country music in the background and sang as loud as he could just to make me laugh. My mom just sat there and laughed at my dad and I because she knew I did not like country music. When we arrived, I jumped out of the car in record speed because I was so thrilled to hit gold balls with my friends. I spent hours on end at the golf course; my parents nearly had to drag me home. To some a golf course may seem insignificant, but to me …show more content…
My task at hand was to put my best foot forward everyday while her role was to mentor and uncover my potential within. My everyday basic training routine was to come to class and sit down with absolutely no talking. Mrs. Byrd told us our assignment, and then we would get right to work. Her boot camp style classroom assisted me by making me feel less anxious about how my thoughts would be transformed into text. Before senior English I struggled immensely with reading and writing. My ability to form ideas and to create a thesis statement limited me the most. Mrs. Byrd, however, shaped me into a scholarly writer by assisting me in whatever areas improvement was needed. Her class soon became known as my very own “English boot …show more content…
Byrd also transformed the way I read. Reading was always a little rough to me because I did not understand how the author wanted his or her words to be translated. It made me feel small because I felt as though everyone could read more fluently than me. I was worried that my classmates might laugh at the pace of my reading. We read 5 books the whole semester and a few poems for Mrs. Byrd. It was the way she challenged us to read and how fast we had to have it done that made an impact on me and made me a more confident reader. We received our first book, Night, by Ellie Wiesel. She gave us a week to read the book and it was about 120 pages long; which seemed like a lot to me at the time. We had to have at least 2 chapters read a night, and the next class period we would have a quiz on those chapters. That push Mrs. Byrd gave me enabled me to actually begin to enjoy the time limit she set because it made me feel confident in everything I was reading. The one-week time limit taught me not only how to pace myself and to read faster but also to enjoy the book at the same time. Now every time I have to read a book, I think back to that experience, and it makes me want to work harder to achieve my goal of finding meaning in the author’s
The first week I had conducted three read alouds. After the first read aloud Mrs. Chapman gave me constructive feedback. She told me that the way I introduced the book was good and I asked appropriate questions,
Andrew Carnegie’s “The Gospel of Wealth” and Samuel Gompers’ letter to Judge Peter Grosscup offer different opinions concerning the course that people of different economic standings should take in regards to power and social stature. However, both works mean to steer society in what seems to be opposite directions. Carnegie focuses more on how the wealthy in the society should take the seemingly philanthropic approach whereas Gompers’ offers a more organizational and structured point of view.
I find myself reading this short paragraph over and over(above). My topic sentence makes me happy and proud. Going back to school was the best thing I have done. I chose to talk about going back to school to the “future employer” because it shows I am motivated as well as dedicated. This class has brought a lot to my attention. The mannerism that is expected in the “business world” is to speak and write well. It is extremely important to know how to write (type) a meaning full and proper paper whether it is for school or work. I have noticed a great impact in my vocabulary and writing skills. My boss told me on Monday he is impressed with the new docs I typed up for our new clients (with no help from him). I was not excited about this class
Just so you know, this is the Big Apple and I rule this town. New York City is filled with tall buildings, great culture, and historical sites. No other city has so much beauty that it takes your breath away; yet, there is a real danger that lurks on the streets. I should know because I am Detective Michael Morgan a United States Super Spy in charge of capturing dastardly villains who are set on destroying our world. Armed with mind-altering powers, Alex Higgins is on the top of the FBI’s list of the ten most wanted men in America. This thug is one of the greatest danger to our world and must be captured and jailed in the vault of death. There is no place safe for him to hide from the law and rumor has it, he is in my town. You break the law here in New York City, you pay the ultimate price: freedom.
“Joe and I are going down to the golf course to hunt for golf balls and sell them,” I yelled to my mom.
I have to thank the book, The Great Gatsby for helping me find my prolonged love for my English teacher, and every English teacher since. Out of pure coincidence, as soon as I read my first assigned book, I suddenly got along with my teacher. I read the book for no reason other then that I finally thought that a book that was assigned, sounded interesting. And sure enough I was right. I read the book and enjoyed it. Before I read this book, the teacher and I were really at each others throats, literally. I found out from a fellow student that overheard her talking about me and she said that she would love to have the chance to knock me out. I laughed at the thought, since she did weigh about 100lbs and was over 60. I am very thankful for The Great Gatsby, and thankful that I read it. Since reading the book, I have joined a book club and bought a few books, and am in the process of reading one right now. A lot of things changed
Anticipation is waiting eagerly for something you know is going to happen. For me, it’s the long, rolling hills of green that craft a unique, strategic game. A game I have grown to love. It is everything from the excitement of preparation till the moment I tee off. As I gather the equipment-clubs, tees, and golf balls-anticipation floods my senses. Preparing myself for the long journey of 18 holes, excitement and anticipation continues to pulse like an electric current inside me. Not until I strap on my glove and mentally prepare myself, do I realize I have been through this routine countless times. The only difference is this could be one of my last times. One of the last times I step onto the fresh grass of a course, with the goal of achieving
In recent news there have been concerns over the controversy of whether or not vaccinations are necessary for our youth. There have been many incidences where certain individuals’ immune systems put them at risk of becoming more ill and this keeps them from receiving their scheduled immunizations. The benefits that these shots provide outweigh the risks for most of the country’s youth. In order to maintain the safety of the public and protect the health of children, the scheduled vaccinations should be maintained by all families throughout our country. This is the only way to lessen the effects of disease and keep our young protected.
It was a Monday morning on June 13, 2016 and I was not ready for what was to come of today. I was practicing for my tournaments all summer long and this day was the day for me to show that my work has paid off. Even though It was a qualifier into a high skilled tournament I need my game this summer to be one of my best years so I can send my resumes to coaches around the country. So now the round Is about to start and I was nervous. Playing against kids much older and much stronger than you is intimidating, but i knew that was not supposed to change what was going to happen today. This golf course is a tricky one with lots of trees and hills but that should change my mindset of trying to win this qualifier. And we were off, I striped my drive
She chose the books for them to read that related to their lives, this got them interested in reading. To help them learn to communicate she gave them each journals to write in, they could turn the journals in to her if they wanted her to read them, but this was not a requirement. When they had class discussions, it allowed the students to connect to one another. The books they read for class, taught them life lessons, encouraged them to do the right thing, and to overcome stereo types for their age and race. Erin Gruwell taught them more than just Freshmen and Sophomore English, she taught them about life and how they can change the path they are on. Through her teaching she encourage them to learn more, better them selves, and see others for who they are and not for what they
Last summer I wanted to work and earn a little cash and distract myself and not be home all summer. I didn't know where to apply so I applied everywhere I was even open to working in the fields my parents told me that the fields were the last place they ever wanted me to work. My mom and step dad Raul always told me that field work wasn't easy and that it was not for me but I didn't listen.
Most people are all grown up when they finally figure out what they want to do with their life. I was 4. I realized what I wanted to be when I attended my very first Rodeo. Even though it was so long ago I can remember that day like it was yesturday. That day got me on the path to my future.
I had discovered years ago that Writing is therapeutic and cleansing, and as critical thinker writing pushed my thought far and width which allowed me to dig deep within me and pull out the right information out of my head. However, one of the problem I had earlier was to convey the information effectively so that my reader could get the message that I intended to pass on. Thus, as I take different writing classes such as EN 101, EN 102, and Sociology intensive Writing I worked toward correcting that weakness that and becomes better as the each semester go by. Therefore, Critical Thinking is no different from the my other classes I know my weakness, and my strenght in writing, and if I do the works that is required of me
Just like any other game day, I drive to school and make sure I have all my uniforms and gloves, and load up on to the bus with my 20 best friends and hit the road. The day was perfect, in a way that was cloudy and a little breeze coming in, the game was in Georgetown and we had cancelled school, which means the entire town was coming to watch us play the most important game of our lives. So of course I was a mess of emotions, but that thirty minute bus ride was the best one yet, we were all getting in our own little game time zones but at the same time enjoying the moment and realizing we had made it to State. We hadn’t realized that we were making Salado history for soccer, we were just playing the sport we loved with the people who loved
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