When the endemic of flesh consuming creatures of un-death starts I’ll most likely be at home watching videos on YouTube when I hear of the pandemic of flesh devouring abominations and the first thing I would do is go to the bathroom, plug the bath and turn on the water to created reservoir because clean water will be invaluable not only for survival but for trade as well since I plan to be a trader. Next I would build a secure store room and beef up defenses, if I’m going to be a merchant like I plan I need to keep my things safe and in my possessive I mean why would you trade valuable resources like food, water, ammo, or weapons for thing you could just take so I would team up with or just buy a local group of raiders/militia to protect my
*disclaimer: bare with me... the next 5 chapters are crap because i wrote them over a year ago...chapter 19 will be the start of some great shit*
I want to place my hand on my heart, with a believe that it will start believing people again.trusting those who caused a mistrust between my heart and soul.
Can money actually buy happiness? I believe that money cannot buy happiness itself, but in fact, when people are not struggling with money in their life they have less stress and are happier. Therefore, if I want to be happy in life then I need to pull myself out of my terrible habits with money and gain better ones. Jason Anthony and Karl Chick are to the rescue, to help me repent my evil sins. In their book, Debt Free by 30, they describe seven of the most typical ways that young people wind up in debt, calling them “The Seven Debtly Sins”. They give personal examples, a slap to the face with reality, and ways to fix the financial sins. I am a sinner and have fallen victim to three of these sins. The three sins I am most guilty of committing
Bare with me for another blog post about volleyball. This weekend was the Badger Region Volleyball Tournament, which my team participated in. When I walked into the building, the memories flooded in with scenes from the elevator adventures, cheese fries, and design your own sweatshirts. The first day, my team didn't play up our full potential, with my team only winning one out of three matches; which meant that we didn't place in any of the brackets, meaning zero chance of receiving a medal. However, at the end of the second match, I got switched from being middle all-around to libero ( a position where you only play back row on offense and defense). I guess it's an honor, but it puts a lot of pressure on me by labeling me as the best passer
I hate when people mess with me by irritating or annoying me. Also I hate being talked about me behind my back too. It bothers me so much that I can probably be mad, and upset for a whole day and not say anything to anybody. However, I do not do that a lot I just keep moving forward on what I have to do. I do this because I would not get myself into trouble by fighting or calling names, but instead I’ll try to be as positive as I can be.
What ferocious brute inhibits rage within oneself? Temper is such a malicious tumor that grows inside. Its wicked intents serve to destroy and it makes me wonder, does abhorrence live within the core or is it a virus that strikes like cancer? When tempers flare and irritate the soul, death chews on what has yet to rot and sucks on the sweet juice. It leaves the dry and blistered remains, waiting patiently for the distraught spirit to come to its own terms.
It was over now! The egregious act was done. I had killed this woman. The round and flabby corpse lay there stone-like. Her dead face looked as obnoxious as when it was living. But I had a smirk on my face for she was gone forever.
The demon was just your typical run of the mill demon, but he was fast..unusually fast, and that’s what had taken you by surprise. You stealthily crept through the window of the abandoned farmhouse, careful not to make any noise whatsoever. You entered through a room that looked as if it had once belonged to a little girl. You paused for a moment taking in the scene around you, there was a small pink table with plastic china sitting atop it. At first glance you didn’t think much of it, until something told you to look again. Upon your second look, you noticed the tiny bloody handprints that wrapped around the plastic. You took a sharp inhale of breath and decided it was time to move on. You quickly and quietly walked over to the door frame and peeked around the corner, hoping no demons would jump out in front of you. Satisfied with hearing and seeing nothing you took a step out into the hall and continued until you found stairs leading upwards. You hesitated for a moment, considering whether or not you were actually going to go up the steps or not when you heard a
Seldom individuals living here in South Carolina classify themselves as a proud Democrat, or one advocating for the democratic political party. South Carolina has always been one of the largest right-leaning and outspoken states. That is just our reputation in the United States. The majority of people inhabiting the state claim themselves as conservative Republicans. I happen to be an exception. Even though I grew up in a household full of conservative, right-wing Republicans, I consider myself a proud liberal due to their differing views and my views mixing greater with theirs.
“I am petrified. I feel as if God has abandoned me. I just sat there and watched, quietly, because I had no idea what to do. As if these kind of things are normal for a 10 year old boy to witness. Everyone tells me that “it wasn’t your fault” or that “there was nothing you could have done.” I think I believe them… but the haunting images of my 16 year old brother being beaten to death tell me otherwise. The memories tell me I should have done something to save him. But I didn’t. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about what happened to my best friend and my brother.”
I send my mom a quick text to let her know where I am going, and we are off in five cars lined up like a Mardi Gras parade. I have a bad feeling about this. I have never been to Micah’s grandmother’s house, and I am totally alone in the last car. If I lose them at a turn or a light, I might never find my way, but I have no other choice but to drive myself because of my early curfew. My friend, Ben, is in the car in front of me, and I am staying close behind him, so I don’t get lost.
When was the last time you saw a ghost or felt a presence? I was about 11 years old when I saw the man. Tall with a leather black jacket, no hands, the darkest black of eyes, and pointy shoes that could stab an eye. One afternoon in 2012 my mother and siblings were getting ready to leave to get some food she told me that I could stay home and to just lock the doors and she would be right back. A few moments after she left I heard noises upstairs in my sister’s room, but no one was home. I quickly ran to all the doors and locked them. As I sat on the couch I heard “mariah” coming from our coat closet. I said “hello?” of course, being as young and naive as I was I didn't know what was in store for me. Suddenly I heard a knock
It was a gloomy Friday after school, in physical therapy with my dad for my knee. My knees response to the strenuous exercise it endured had me thinking. Why is my knee still hurting?, Should I really play today? The serious look of doubt that my physical therapist gave me just made my decision to play even harder, but my determination fed my desire to play even more. On the way out of physical therapy, my knee suffocated with kinesiology tape I hear this soft voice, “Simone! Maybe you shouldn't play today, or your knee will not progress,” the therapist said. After the comment, I walked out responding with a sarcastic “Okay I won't.”
Sometimes my mom really gets on my nerves. I guess this is normal for a teenager, and I guess on some level my mother is a decent person. Fundamentally, she’s nice and her intentions are usually good, but knowing all this deep down in no way makes her less annoying. I know it makes me sound really superficial and petty, but the way she dresses is one of my mother’s worst offenses. She wears tennis shoes with almost everything. I’m not at all fashionable myself, and I don’t even pretend to be. Nevertheless, even I can see that my mother is severely fashion impaired.
Being shaken awake at three in the morning can be pretty disorienting, not to mention if you have someone hysterically crying over you. That was how I woke up three years ago, when my mom told me my cousin was in the hospital. Rushing through the late morning streets, I couldn’t help but become nauseous with worry. We ran through the doors not willing to wait another second, my heart sank seeing her lying in the middle of the hospital bed. While I was worried out of my mind she didn’t hesitate or fail to make me smile. I’ll never forget the first thing she said to me when I walked in, “Hey! Do you want a lunch-able, I got three of them if you’re hungry.”