
Personal Narrative: Going Into High School

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Going into High School I didn’t know what to expect, I was nervous but I knew what classes I wanted to take and get over with. World Geography was an option and I was discussing it with my sister, she did let me know that there would be mostly all sophomores in that class because it was a sophomore class. That did get me a bit nervous because I only work well with a certain amount of people. The first day of school I was a little calm because when I walked in, I already knew most of the people in my class. Somethings that I will take from World Geography is how I somehow managed to improve on my time management skills, with the help of Mr. Brubaker and DJ, I got to see what I needed to improve in my writing and I took what I learned in this …show more content…

Coming into high school I was more than certain that I wanted to do soccer and play all four years, looking back at it, I don’t think I would’ve survived if I did dedicate most of my time to practice and games. With this class I took it very seriously because it was a class that I wanted to pass and prove to myself that I could step out of my comfort zone. Writing essays is something that I really enjoy doing, coming into this class I have a routine. I would get the assignment start writing my opinions and the central idea, then would reread the article and start doing my first draft, after my first draft came the editing part, something I would even make my sister read it to me and I would find way more errors than I thought I had, and at the end I would have time to rewrite it and turn in my best work for it. That routine I took it going into English and even math. I am still with that routine and I will most definitely take it for the years to …show more content…

When we started to do our own separate little groups with a group leader each, I got comfortable with the five people I was working closely with. I would receive their opinions on my work and they would get mine, before school was over we made sure we got each other’s numbers to communicate with one another if there was a problem. Since it was a sophomore class I expected then to make fun of me if I did say something that wasn’t right, but I was wrong, if I did say something that didn’t make sense they would make sure that I really understood what was going on so that my final work was close to

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