As I march into my room, my desk is empty, ready to be used, and my laptop on the side ready to be furiously typed on. Around those objects are all the memoirs of my life from my worldwide travels. As I steadily approach my seat, my eyes meet the large bronze, medium silver, and tiny gold medals from my judo tournaments in elementary school. Those tournament memories were gradually fading from my hippocampus ever since I vacated my childhood home, France. As the light from the window slowly soften, my eyes shift onto the academic medals such as the Dean’s scholastic award which required endless efforts for a student in 11th grade that had to conquer the American culture and English language within 5 years whilst others did for more than a …show more content…
Attached next to those majestic books is the Ovid, a book I read in France, plunging me into the Greek mystical, comical, and satirical stories. I noticed these myths to explain the phenomena of nature, such as the seasons through the one-way romance of Persephone and Hades and the demising formation of animals through the legend of Circe. These myths integrated into my interest in science built from my parents’ research with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). As I sit in my chair and grip my pencil to write my first name, the procedural memories I accumulated from calligraphy and essays flooded. Next to my paper is a compass with the initials of CERN printed on it as a souvenir of the Higgs Boson particle. When growing up, I was fascinated by their knowledge and their problem-solving process as they inspected minute things such as analyzing the force that causes the needle deflection in the …show more content…
The room darkens vividly, yet the scarlet light shines onto the red color of an anatomy book, Human Body: A visual encyclopedia. This book was obtained from my first visit to the Health Museum in Houston. As I saw the dissected hearts and the unread books full of information about my body, I formed a deep passion for medicine. I first was introduced through Greek Mythology and the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, who caught on the simple cures for diseases and formed a law that I believe to be quintessential, “Do no harm!” From this event, it encouraged me harder to continuously stand up after any hardship on my path to medicine so that I may aid others. The light now shined upon an orange and mighty lion and a glassy Coliseum garnitures gained from Turkey and Rome. Those tokens were obtained from strangers who simply wanted a young boy to smile and proved to me that kindness is a quality present among everyone. This move made me feel more deeply about the others I understand their struggles, feel their hopes, and respect their successes and failure. As I write my last name in the dark, I turn my lamp
Once upon a time, Odysseus and Penelope had decided to go on a honeymoon after he got back to Ithaca. His son had stayed to watch over the town while he and Penelope had gone to be alone in peace for once. While Telemachus was watching over Ithaca, Odysseus got into an argument with Zeus.
A few years back I was sailing the open ocean with my leader, Odysseus, and the rest of the crew heading home when Odysseus informed us that we would be taking the long route home. As we grew closer to a strange island, the wind stopped and the water became quiet.
The Ancient Greeks believed in many gods and heroes during their time. Each one had a sole purpose in a mortal’s lifetime. Greek mythology had a huge impact on religion in Ancient Greece. The Greeks performed rituals in order to honor their gods. Mythology affected the Ancient Greeks in many ways. The origins of mythology, the influences of mythology through a human’s lifetime and lessons taught in the ancient myths will be examined.
Mythology Annotated Bibliography Wickersham, John. “Isis.” Myths and Legends of the World, Volume 3. Isis was the sister and wife of the god of Osiris.
Have you ever seen the television series Greek? It is full of sex, drugs, and alcohol; the three main elements that make up a typical frat boy or sorority girl’s life. Students involved in Greek life are always throwing wild parties and drinking until they pass out, getting involved in the drama of who slept with whose boyfriend, sending their pledges on crazy tasks in the middle of the night, and never seeming to take any responsibility. However, there is only one thing missing from this hit series; the truth. Greek life is not how it appears on television, my sorority embodies much more than that. Tri Sigma establishes meaningful friendships, builds character, and promotes community involvement.
Legends and myths are always changing throughout the centuries, always adapting to the timeframe they are in. In wizard101, the massive multiplayer online video game that emphasizes on seven different schools of wizardry and magic, this is no exception. With the addition of the newer spells: Athena battle sight, Queen Calypso, and Hephaestus, all are portrayed in such a way that their simplest attributes are quantified into characters that fit the PG rating for the Wizard101’s community. The turn based card game encapsulates the gods and goddesses with in a card to evoke their appearance and power during battle. Below shows us some of the major changes and interpretations that KingsIsle, the creators, did to bring the Greek legends to fruition.
When people wonder about Ancient Greece the first thing that comes to their minds is Greek mythology; gods and goddesses that have helped shape many historical events. “In ancient Greece, stories about gods and goddesses and heroes and monsters were an important part of everyday life.” (“Greek Mythology.”) The civilization showed that numerous characters and stories helped shape Greeks. The beliefs the Greeks had with mythologies was they understood the meaning behind all the characters that are known today. However, to the Greeks, they were not just characters, these were their gods and goddesses who gave them meaning and understanding of the world around them. Worshiping the gods and goddesses helped them with their religious rituals and the temperament of the weather. A famous wine-jar that was made during this time period was “Achilles killing the Amazon Queen Penthesilea, 540-530 BCE, black-figured amphora”. (Khan Academy) The civilization that they lived in grew around their worship and achievements.
The small group, led by Kodor, headed on to the entrance of the network of underground tunnels in Arazi. However, instead of the long corridor that went away from the cave, and from which other tunnels set off, a tall circular dome with a single opening —the one that they were using now— welcomed them. Theo thought of Ulder, the boys and his father. Would they have turned when faced with a non-entry way, or were they already on the other side of that wall of stone?
I have been interested in medicine ever since I was young, when my mother caught studying her medical almanac with a flashlight, under the covers, every night during second grade. However, I was only seven, so studying was the child’s equivalent of looking at “pretty pictures” of coronary artery bypass grafts and intricate diagrams of alveoli. I became intrigued with human anatomy and how each body part works in harmony. Through my activities, I discovered a hands on approach to body functions. From kicking soccer balls to breaking boards with my feet and exhaling to play the flute, I have observed the body’s ability to perform and nothing takes my breath away like anatomy can. During my high school years, I observed a close family friend during his surgeries.
If I were given the capability to travel back in time I would go back to 73 B.C. and hear towards the gladiatorial school in Capua. I always wanted to travel back in time to when there was no digital technology. It would be fascinating to see what they did for fun such as watch gladiators compete against each other. How their lives would be far different from the way we live ours. I would like to see all that but there is one particular person I would like to meet and follow through his journey to what led to his death, his name is Spartacus. I believe it would be interesting to meet such a man capable of putting fear into one of the strongest empires in the world.
When I do wake up, and I do go to school, however, I find myself staring at the walls as I walk to my first class, as if transfixed by the sudden transformation of antiquated green lockers to glass barriers that safeguard the fifty- or hundred-odd trophies from the caustic, slipshod touch of a teenager’s dirty hand. And what do these golden accolades, of which the school has felt the need to shield from harm’s way, commemorate? Plaque after plaque, medal after medal, trophy after trophy, venerate the sweepstakes won by the varsity orchestra for this many years, or the district football championship won by the junior varsity team in so-and-so year, or even an entire glass case dedicated to the school’s current pom squad, with each of the members’ photos printed in large copies. If you look hard enough, you might find a small section of these trophy cases dedicated to the academic decathlon team, or, even harder, the math and science UIL team. My school, the most celebrated in town for its excellent curriculum, concentrates more heavily on athletics and the fine arts than it does education, the entity that
Greek/Roman mythological stories were created to explain what couldn't proven at that time. Allusion is an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. Allusion are usually happen to people who doesn't study about goddess, or a piece of writing. Businesses like Nike, Honda, Midas are came from an origin of goddess. Such as, Nike a billion dollar company selling sports apparel, who its name came from a winged goddess of peaceful competition. Venus likewise, a razors brand for women, the goddess of love. Titanic, a sinking ship, its name mean a very strong god. Arachne, a type of spider who is named after a princess. These companies were origin from goddess either their brand
"It's it obvious?" Nikki asked. "I want us to do a sexy photo shoot. It's not kinky. But I'd figure it would spice things up. Do you know how to take professional photos?"
"A myth is a collective term denoting a symbolic narrative in religion, as distinguished from symbolic behavior (cult, ritual) and symbolic places or objects (temples, icons)". (The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. 24)Mythology is a collection of myths meant to explain the universe. Mythological stories were told in many different cultures and civilizations. The existence of myths is known in every society. Many different myths were conceived to explain occurrences that happened in nature.
Since the beginning of time the people of the world have their share of beliefs. Greek mythology is the arguably the most popular region of study. In Ancient Greece every citizen had a patron that would protect them and pantheism was commonplace. The Romans admired the Greeks in their art and culture and even took different aspects of their gods. Polytheism was widely accepted in all cultures so the seed of mythology bloomed. The time line of the creations of gods to the end of their reign is an important factor in Greek Mythology.