It was about 6:45 in the morning and Jazmin has not slept at all since 8:00 pm last night, yawning she realizes the sun is barley making its presence. She has successfully pulled off an all nighter binge watching a T.V. show that is now considered one of her favoriets. With this she gains the urge to celebrate, setting down her dog from the blanket she has over her lower body the dog waddles down to his own bed and sleeps once again. Placing on her blue slippers to protect her feet she uncovers herself and is immediately overwhelmed with goosebumps over her tan skin. Making her way into the bathroom she brushes her teeth and stares at her reflection, her dark circles under her brown eyes only seem to be getting more noticeable by the minuet. Fixing her …show more content…
Slugishly making her way to the automatic sliding doors she made it inside, the air conditioned place sent chills down to her bones. "Noodles, noodles, noodles . . ." She muttered under her breath and finally found them on the fifth isle, grabbing the chicken flavoured cups and secured them in her arms. She waited in line for around four minuets, it felt like four years, she desperatly needed something digesting in her stomach. Finally outside in the real world, it takes her awhile to find out where her Dad managed to park the dirty blue Honda he's had since she was 9, but nevertheless she does and stumbles inside. The trip back home was like a roller coaster, a little kiddie like roller coaster. So slow. So long. It agrivated her. They made it home safe and sound, greeted by the loud short barks of her old fart dog, her Dad went back to sleep after cursing at the dog. "Thanks." She grinned at her Dad and manged her way into the kitchen setting up the cup under the hot water
Hello everybody, welcome back after the one week of abandonment of the blog. While I abandoned the blog, there are few things I could really focus on the past week,
A few months later, when the restaurant unexpectedly decreased Evie’s hours to merely the afternoon shift, Mom and Oma were no longer able to commute to work together. Fortunately, Evie saved enough money to solve their dilemma, on a whim, she purchased a brand new Honda 50 motor scooter and turned the car keys over to Oma. With two modes of transportation, Oma drove the car to work in the morning, while Evie rode the scooter to work in the afternoon, it was a perfect situation, moreover, Ellen and I enjoyed hopping on the sporty white motorbike, behind our Mom as we zipped down the road!
“Good,” was the girl’s reply. They walked out of his house and climbed his his run down car. The paint was chipped, and it needed new tires, but he adored it. They had decided to go get frozen yogurt, as a cool treat on a hot summer day. The frozen yogurt shop was packed to the brim with sweaty, smiling faces, in for their favorite flavor. As he sat down next to Paige on the curb with his slightly melted dessert, he thought about all the hard times he had just been
Running faster and wilder than the horses she was racing and was changing faster than a frightened chameleon’s colors, she dreamed of her adventures. By merely catching sight of her sporty vehicle, the girl was transported out of a musty and dingy garage, and she became the heroine of worlds only she could see. She tiptoes towards her shining bike, ignoring the house rule of never biking alone. She speeds like a bullet around the driveway’s racetrack. A sustained creak comes from the door, and she shoots back to her mound of tangled toys. Whew. Safe. Scrumptious smells of a home-cooked meal wafts from behind a mother who is making sure her child is still in one piece. A sweet smile and an itsy bitsy white lie are offered and accepted to cover for the daughter’s rule-breaking behavior. Safe again. The door gives a satisfying click, and the girl bounds over to her bicycle. Her sticky post-peanut butter and jelly fingers fumble with the helmet’s complicated buckle. The girl rearranges the wicker basket’s mostly-dead flowers from a previous adventure. Just as she teeters off of the seat, she starts to waddle across the garage floor.
She yanked the keys out of the ignition. It’s was just dark as she stumbled for the door grasping for breath. Her hands were shaking so bad, she had to two fist the key to get it into the lock. She burst into a fresh wave of sobs as she bursted into the door. She close the door and sank to the sobbing. She was still just the foolish little girl at ran around making the prefect prom. She just turned it into the prefect sale.
In Growing Up With Television: Cultivation Process, Morgan, Shanahan and Signorielli assert that “long-term exposure to television tends to cultivate the image of a relatively mean and dangerous world (Morgan et al., 2009).” Rooted in the amount of time spent consuming content, the mean world syndrome is central to Gerber’s Cultivation Theory, or Effect. The theory states that they are viewing habits range from light to medium to heavy. Although subjective, the amount of time spent consuming content is a key component of cultivation effect. Morgan et al., noted that “the relative difference in viewing levels are more important than the specific amount of viewing (Morgan et al, 2009).”
Alainah felt empowered, careless, and regretted nothing. Garren felt the same. The next day around 10:00 am, Garren and Alainah snuck out again to have breakfast together. When they arrived at the coffee shop they ordered two egg and cheese sandwiches on wheat with coffee. They sat down and talked and laughed for a whole hour. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye Alainah saw her dad walk in. She was so terrified and tried to hide. Her dad looked and looked around but did not see them. He turned left into an additional area of the coffee shop, and greeted a strange older woman with dark brown straight hair and pale skin. Alainah couldn’t believe her eyes. Her dad kissed the pale woman and sat in the chair across from her. They looked very fond of each other. Alainah’s heart began to drop into her stomach. She truly felt like Juliet. She could not fathom what her eyes absorbed and her heart denied. The coffee shop turned all sorts of colors. It spun like a colorful merry-go-round. Garren noticed her confusion and hurt and immediately walked her home. They left the coffee shop without a
My mind has always led me to make things starting with drawing at an early age. In first grade I made small “comic books” with lined pieces of paper and colored pencils for my dad. When I was in fourth grade I made a stop motion film with action figures, Windows Movie Maker, and my mom’s camera. When I was in fifth grade I begged my parents for my own camera so that I could capture all the fun on our vacation. When I was in seventh grade I made a short educational film to compete in the Pennsylvania Middle School Computer Fair and went on to compete at a regional level. And now that I am in high school I am constantly looking for new ways to express the ideas in my head.
Most people can relate to what they call “Friday Night Lights.” Whether you played, coached, cheered, or watched a high school football game, you know how exhilarating they can be. As a high school student you felt like the coolest kid ever wearing your jersey to school and getting asked a million questions about the upcoming game. The feel of football is so different from any other sport. You sit in a locker room blasting music getting pumped up. Once you run onto that field and see hundreds of people in your schools colors jumping up and down screamings there 's no better feeling.
My dark lord, I am weak to resist him, like a siren calling out to sailors, beckoning them to their deaths on the rocky shores. He lures me in and “kills” my time. Standing at thirty-two inches watching me every time I enter my room, sounds like a midget in a horror movie...nope nothing that terrifying, I am talking about what everyone calls the idiot box or the boob tube.
“Ok, thank you, bye Mom, love you!” I hollered, already down the hall towards the door. I scooped up the ingredients to make the slime, put it in my backpack, and ran out to get my bike. I opened the garage door and scooted my brother’s big blue bike onto the driveway. I hopped on and was on my way the half mile to Carly’s house.
The prominent actress Kirstie Alley once said: “I binge when I'm happy. When everything is going really well, every day is like I'm at a birthday party.” What her interpretation of this quote, and what I interpret are two completely different meanings. As I binge watch Netflix basically on the daily basis, I can most definitely say that I am very knowledgeable about what to watch and what to not watch on Netflix. As a matter of fact, from all of the shows that I have watched, I can assuredly say that there are some fundamental life lessons that can be learned from watching Netflix.
In my story I will be writing about how t.v. Influences kids and our families and friends. The following story I will be writing about is Social media. I chose does it influence or affect kids. I believe TV has some ways of influencing kids.
Most of the media I consumed in one day was mainly delivered through a laptop. This is for the most part due to my dislike of using a phone for anything other than texting and Instagram. Mainly, because phones do not provide such an immersive and efficient experience compared to laptops or computers. The bulk of my media was in the form of television shows. To be more specific chinese dramas and other foreign entertain. These provide both enjoyment and a window into different cultural habits and traits which engage me far more than American media currently. At noon I usually read the news from various outlets such as New York Times, Washington Post, Russia Today, El Clarin (Argentinian news outlet) and Xin Hua. I mainly look at the political
Honestly my childhood did not go so well when i was little, I didn't have a precious childhood like some of these other kids had, Because when i was about 1 month old, my momma was on drugs and and she brought me to my grandma’s front porch and knocked on her door and told her here take her because i'm living in my car, and i can’t take care of her, all i had on was a onesie and some socks on, when it was winter, and so my grandmother took me, and i grew up with her every since.