
Personal Narrative: How Hard To Do A Rc Rock Array Competition

Satisfactory Essays

How hard is it to do a rc rock crawl competition? It's tricky to some people but easy to others. It’s like cooking some people can some can’t some people really struggle. I did good at this competition I placed 8 out of 50-60 people my uncle placed 3rd and won a trophy . On the first obstacle which was called the tank trap that was really hard. I had to go through a stream then go to a rock, if the rock was dry and not all muddy like a swamp or like trying to walk up a frozen slope. But I just took an assist which is five points reverse was 1 and a gate was 10. After I got off the rock I went to climb the waterfall that was hard there was no grip or little helper spots so I ended up taking a assist then I went on to the next obstacle.

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