It was a cold dreary night on Sat., Dec. 5, 1998 at 6:18pm at St.Francis a beautiful 9lb. baby with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes was born she woke up to the sound of the hospital music going off letting the whole entire hospital know that there was a new baby being born. My mom said to my grandpa and grandma I welcome Jessica Lynne. I am now 18 years old this year. I have lived in Topeka, KS my whole entire life. My mom says there where tons of stories of my life when I was born but, I don’t have time to explain about that right now. Oh my gosh I forgot how to explain how I got my name I got my first name from a baby doll my mom used to carry around, I got my middle name from my mom and my aunt Jackie, and I got my last name from my biological father. …show more content…
My birth order is that I am the oldest out of two children. Best memory at my grandma’s house was when me and my little brother got cookies all the time, when my grandpa built a mudslide down to the pond, playing with the pigs, and playing hide go seek in the trail. Did I ever have a bestfriend yes I did me and her favorite memory was going to the St.Patrick’s parade together. Some of my good friends are: my fiancé, Brandi W., Jerieka, Brooke, and Brianna. A few things I enjoy doing with my friend is: texting and having seminar talks. Things unique about me and my family are big get togethers. Family traditions my family is waiting on Thanksgiving because of deviled eggs, sweets, and honey glazed ham (pig). Yes, I do have a favorite memory of a family holiday was my grandpa shot the cannon every year on the 4th of July and sometimes New Year’s
On a chilly Wednesday on January 14 of the year 1998, I, an eight pounds, six ounces baby, was born. My mom and dad were in bed at ten the night before, and it was decided that the time was now, for her water broke and they were on their way to the hospital. I was dark haired and brown eyed, and my mom wanted to name me after her, but dad decided on the name Jolene, with a pronunciation twist and his own spelling.
Hey Nandi, just letting you know that you're a really amazing person. Honestly you're a unique person there is no other person I could meet on the planet that could out weight your personality. I've decided that since the day I was born, BAM, mother-child bond. You've always been a strong woman you've done everything from working two jobs, to go our every school events, and handling our family problems. You're extremely happy even in bad situations and your not afraid to show us discipline that has an impact. You're a woman of few words but when you do open your mouth something extraordinary comes out. You fight for us, love us, your kind to all people, help raise strong people by putting reality in front of us since we were little. The most valuable lesson you've taught me so far is, life's going to be extremely difficult at times but you have to be strong, because you are strong, you can fight, and if you go down swinging better make worth your while. Couldn't ask for a better woman in my life.
Becoming a mother changed my life in a very profound way. Due to my own upbringing, I was
“Kathleen, your mother and I need to talk to you.” For any thirteen year old, these words instantly send a shock through your body. I repeatedly asked, “Am I in trouble?”
From the moment I was born people already had opinions on how my life would turn out. Shoutout to the doctor who told the group of interns that I was gonna die in the icu without knowing my mother could hear him. Days after being born that so called medical professional was certain I would die before my first birthday. I am certain there are scientists willing to bet that because I was born three months premature, I have some sort of birth defect or disability. The American society must be pissed off knowing that small BLACK baby didn’t die and went on to be healthy and a leader and unafraid to speak my mind.
A new year had just arrived. I can still picture January in my mind, the mood was sullen and dark, I could feel the cold reaching my bones, but now I know that was the best feeling I‘d ever had. I had only a few weeks left to start college, which had been my dream since I can remember. My dad had already paid for my tuition, I was so exited I had promised to do my best. Then, I realized there was an obstacle in my way. I knew I needed to make a decision on whether or not keeping my pregnancy, it sounds rough, but it was definitive. I did not want to miss school, so I was definitely not taking this to the last term. I just could not think of myself being prostrated in bed for so long, as an impediment to start school. Never, nothing would
Eve?” Armani called into the small room, opening the door. Evangeline laid on a pile of blankets, their back turned to the door. “You okay?” He asked. Evangeline didn’t respond. “Well, I know what today is, and I hate to bother you like this, but there are six human newbies and they need you.” Armani said quietly.
I am a completely different person now than I was back when I was 4 years old. I will do my best to make this long story short.
I remember when I decided to exclusively pump for my son. I had struggled with nursing him in the three weeks since he’d been born, and we’d been going to the doctor every few days for a weight check, because he still wasn’t back up to his birth weight.
It’s August 13, 1975. Mom left the house 2 days ago, and she came back today with a new baby. He doesn’t look like a newborn, he has none of my parents features, and well he looks kind of weird. But, I guess I have really never seen a newborn and I mean the kids at school call me weird so maybe we are exactly the same. I can tell from the start that we are going to be great friends, but I just can’t help it when he cries I get so annoyed. It’s like he is doing it on purpose. Mom and Dad left the house a few minutes after they got home and I didn’t see them for another 5 days. All I heard from them was, “ There is food in the fridge. Should be enough to last you a few days. Take care of this one. Lord knows we don’t need any more trouble than we are already in.” How could they just leave me here with this annoying little brat? lts evident that Mom and Dad don’t care about me or my little brother.
Tick, tick, tick, was the sound I heard. As I reach over to the night stand that is on my side I swipe my smart phone to dismiss the 4:15am alarm that wakes me up every morning. I lay there allowing my body to wake up and I pray and thank God for another day, for life, health and strength. I thank you for allowing me to do today what some people are begging you to allow them to do today. I strength my body out while still lying in bed. Justin, shifts his body and his face and chest is now facing the door. I sit up on the edge of the bed then looks over my right shoulder, I hear him snoring and thought. He truly has no remorse for what he has done. He hasn’t lost any sleep and he still keeps his phone close to him. I wouldn’t be surprised
Two years have passed since I saw that note on his pillow. Two years of misery, two years of non-stop searching, two years of unanswered questions. Sometimes I think I see him; Sitting next to an older lady on the subway, Sitting in the corner in the coffee shop, or even leaning on one of the lampposts in 5th street. But it never fails, I move to see if it’s him, hoping it’s my husband.. but it’s not. It never is, no one is in that seat, no one is leaning on the lamppost. My husband is a ghost.
Supernatural and temporal elements are popular devices used in romantic literature. Supernatural elements are things that go beyond the natural realm such as spirits and demons, and temporal elements are a part of the physical world such as nature and flaws in humanity. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, a romantic novel, consists of mystic and secular facets that enhance the plot and tone of the novel as well as creating conflicts. Supernatural elements provide contrast between Puritan beliefs and witchcraft, and temporal elements provide contrast between the sins and flaws of society and the purity of nature. The devil is a supernatural being that imposes itself into the character, Roger Chillingworth. The temporal fault of hypocrisy shows in Dimmesdale’s character and the judgmental nature of the townspeople. The role of the forest is both a supernatural and temporal element because it is a very spiritual place and provides an escape from the secular world.
William Shakespeare was allegedly born in Stratford-upon-Avon, on April 23, 1564. He was baptized in the Holy Trinity Church on April 26, of that same year. His father, John Shakespeare, was a Glover and leather merchant and his mother, Mary Arden, a landed heiress. William was the third of eight children in his family. John Shakespeare had an outstanding run of success as a merchant, and later as an alderman and high bailiff of Stratford, during William's early childhood. His fortunes declined, however, in the 1570's.
“Allegory of the Cave” is a dialog between Socrates and Gloucon in “The Republic” written by Plato. The image of the cave is a universal picture of the human conditions and a complex metaphor that applies to everyone in society. It questions the mentality and the biased point of view created by the society and human nature (which relates to stereotyping, something I will explain further into the essay). The idea delivered through the dialogue thousands of years ago is so general that examples could still be found in today’s society.