How many of you have something at work that you don’t like to do? Something that you knowingly avoid until you have to force yourself to complete it? I know that I have a couple things that I didn’t enjoy doing, or things that I wasn’t very good at. When I first started working here at Clickstop I was in MFG doing the packaging portion of things. I always tried to push myself to be the fastest at everything that I packed. Everything except for Old Dominion.
I slowed down, didn’t try, and even made excuses to go do something else. The whole process of wrapping up countless straps that will have no end bored and irritated me. I wanted to complete tasks that had an end goal. Not be stuck with something that is never ending. Overall, my outlook
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Ask yourself, does whatever you need to do help you in whatever way in your life later? If it is a yes, do it well. If it is a no, ask yourself can it possibly help you later? Chances are it will. So, look at this as a way of paying your future dues. This is one way of creating passion.
Learn to change your perception. When you change your perception, you change your reality. Because your perception is your reality.
If you want passion to appear, you need to make things meaningful to yourself. How does this relate to you? In the most obscure fashion, we can all make things seemingly unrelated to us carry some meaning. Dig deep into yourself. See it from another perspective.
And how do you change your perspective? By doing. By experimenting. If you continue to say, I do not like this and never try, your life will be miserable. This world isn’t about you, you, you. It’s about how you add to the world. When you can connect what you like to how you do what you do not like, you light the path with the fire to complete anything. You can be creating passion just by learning new things! Take a step back and look at things from multiple points of view. How can you use this to contribute to your life? How can you use this to contribute to your world? Your family? How will someone you love benefit from
Every single person on this earth has a passion. No, I am not talking about fruit. I am talking about is something that can put a person on top of the world or put a 40 ton wrench right in the center of a person’s gut. Passion. Comparable to a lot of guys in this world my passion is sports. Michigan State University athletics. Consequently, when a sports beat writer imposed that my team... my team 's defense was not “good” enough to compete at the highest collegiate level at the college football playoffs. Well, I just had to tell him why he was wrong.
To be honest with ourselves, dream or passion alone is not enough. It’s must be accompanied by action, plan and project. Even if, it’s just a few steps …10 minutes exercise every day ... 20 minutes learning a new skill. Start with the little until becoming a habit.
The ‘father of motivation,’ once said, “we spend a big hunk of our lifetimes contemplating what we can’t have, what we don’t want and what’s missing in our lives. What we have to learn is to put our attention and focus on contemplating what it is we would like to attract, and not on what is missing.” -- Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Many people believe that logic and family dictate how you see the world, but, I believe that passion informs you on how you spectate your surroundings. I have evidence to prove my theory. In the film, Bend It Like Beckham, Jess is overtly passionate about playing fútbol and it affects how she views life.
Passion is a powerful thing in life, and it is a pity that many people go through life having never found or pursued a personal passion. Passion helps us to improve ourselves and find a purpose in the world, leading us towards new, better things on a daily basis. Without passion, we are simply beings who walk through the stages of life for no reason other than to survive. We need passion to keep us motivated and to push us into new realms of happiness and understanding. If there’s anything we need to find in life, it is our passion.
American author and motivational speaker, Hilary Ziglar, is quoted for saying, “When you catch a glimpse of your potential, that's when passion is born.”
Passion. It is the unseen force, filled with overwhelming desire and emotion, that drives us to move forward in life despite the challenges and risks. As Andrew Carnegie once said, “Anything in life worth having is worth working for.” This principle is what inspired me to find my passion and has been the principle I have followed in both my collegiate and professional career. I have always put my right foot forward, striving to challenge myself both in the classroom and outside of it as I continue down my path to discover what I love and how I wish to show it. As a result, I have discovered my passion for helping people and a curiosity for medicine and drugs that lead me to pursue a Doctorate in Pharmacy.
This intangible passion provides a new level of productivity and quality of life to people; people can create goals and then conquer them with this new-found passion to achieve their goals. With an ambitious attitude, someone can set goals and soar to achieve them in a much more effective way. Passion cannot be undermined as an important factor in life. Without passion, there is no desire for efficiency and quality, without passion, there is no self-analysis or self-grading. Natural talent is only able to propel people so far in a field, because it is only ambition that supplies that final driving force to push people over the edge and become unique. When people rely solely on talent, the results tend to be lackluster and plateaued while on the other hand, inspired people take their ideas and shape exquisite products. Inspiration creates multiple layers in the development phase that creates a prime work ethic. It is no longer the reward or the advantageous benefits in mind but the creation of a masterpiece which cannot be labeled with a price. Money can only buy happiness and productivity for so long from workers, the people with a deep-down drive can simply achieve so much more in their lives. When people are fueled with ambition, duties are no longer aggravating chores but cherished desires. People constantly repeat the advice of following your heart when pursuing a career because it is that devotion that will let you soar to new heights. Once a person reaches the top of his or her abilities, however, it is now up to a strong network to carry him or her further in the career field or everyday
If you did not love what you do, you will not feel excited to do your work. So there is no existence of enthusiasm.
Why do something if it doesn’t make you happy? It wouldn’t be logical to have a hobby or something that you don’t really enjoy. To be successful, you should have a hobby that you like to do, and if you like it a lot, it could become a profession. That’s the true definition, to do something you love to do for a
If you did not love what you do, you will not feel excited to do your work. So there is no existence of enthusiasm.
Being passionate, however, is also the attribute of myself I am not proud of. While it may be a good thing to be, it also leads to being distracted from tasks I am supposed to accomplish. There are times when I am supposed to be completing work, but I end up
However, some people argue over the idea of “having no passion left in life”, believing that in this way, we are treating our lives negatively. But they are misunderstanding it. “Having no passion” does not mean giving up the life; in fact, it means that we are not eager to get the good results, and we are not result-oriented anymore. But still, we keep a decent attitude towards life. In this way, we no longer feel sorry or angry when we do not succeed, because we never long for it and we are ready to embrace any consequent; we neither feel happy or the unhappy sense of loss when we achieve something, because we never think of gaining. This is the most important lesson I learned from Buddhism, which has been bringing me power and tranquility that I have never felt before.
I am learning to take each assignment and task one at a time. Simply complete what the task at hand is and then move on to the next. I feel by doing so, I will be able to complete my degree along with knowing that I have faith in myself to push myself and motivate myself along the way.
First of all, motivation is important. You have to want more. Without the desire to grow and learn, self-actualization will not occur. That motivation often comes from being in a place where nothing else is working. A time when you have tried everything else, and still you do not feel fulfilled.