I continuously consumed water or a cold beverage to try and stay hydrated on a hot summer day at a softball tournament. I congratulated my friend on her playing and started to leave the field. I sat down in the car, buckled my seatbelt, and then started the car’s engine. Right after I took the first turn out of the parking lot I had to go to the bathroom. I thought to myself that I should have gone before I left; I should had remembered the extent of the water intake I consumed and never departed to go relieve myself. By this time, I was too late to turn back around and go use a bathroom at the softball diamonds because two cars were behind me wanting to leave, so I decided to hold back going to the bathroom. I made two more turns before I
Dustin Vaughan had a terrible game on Sunday night. He didn’t look comfortable in the pocket threw picks & just was all over the place with the ball. Showers showed poised while being very calm while in the pocket. When moving outside of the pocket he always kept his eyes downfield to look for open wide-receivers. The fact that Showers can play special teams and make tackles he wouldn’t be a waste to use for the 46 game day roster if coaches decide to use him. I also considered that the Cowboys could go back to keeping two quarterbacks and hoping they could land Showers on practice squad.
I was invited to Save Tacoma Water (STW) Meeting this morning at 9 a.m. When I received an invitation for the meeting from a member of STW, the meeting supposed to be held at Tully’s. But it didn’t include the address. I sent a text message to the member requesting the address a 7:40 a.m. The member didn’t reply. Since I met some STW members last Wednesday, I assumed Tully’s at 24 N. Tacoma Ave. I live in Browns Point area so it takes me about 22 miles round trip. I arrived at 9:03 but I couldn’t see anyone from STW. I called the member to find the address. The member send me text that he/she was in the meeting. But all I want was just address so I can be at the meeting. Why couldn’t he/she send me the address instead of texting me “I’ll call
I am addicted to Smart Water. I drink at least one bottle of day and have had nothing else to drink for the past two years except the occasional soda. This has become w huge problem because not only did the water bottles in my recycling bin start building up that it would overflow, but the bill of constantly buying the Smart Waters was building up too. I knew that I had to stop drinking that brand of water, but I became so attached to it that it was very difficult to not have it. The experience started fine, but what I noticed was that the taste of other water was not good and that I haven't used glasses for drinking in a long time. Due to the drastic change, I knew that I had to use positive punishment to instill drinking tap water, so I decided
When I got back, my tub water was almost all over the place. I turn my water off and took off all my school clothes and put them on the counter. Then I put my phone right next to my bath even though it might not be smart. I put my bath salts in the water, then I grab the bath bomb and put my foot in there to check the temperature. Its a tad bit too hot. Both of my feet went in the water and eventually my whole body did. I drop my bath bomb and watch it dissolve which made my bath water turn to a pale pink color. As soon as I lean back, my phone rings. It's my Aunt Jane.
As I ventured inside through the entryway. This immense yard used to be quite recently included space looked well past my desires. Two little condos developed were standing confronting each other on each side, in the center was a wellspring running new water. The entire inside of the house was changed, no all the more venturing outside to get some crisp water. It make life considerably less demanding for the ladies to do their day by day shores.
My first source is, “bmj.com.” It is an article, about a surrogate mother who lost her baby and how the parents came in contact with her. It also explains how she went to court because of losing the baby. My second source is People Magazine. The magazine tells a story of a mother who was a surrogate for her daughter's child. The mother was very supportive of the idea of a surrogate mother Sherri Dickson, told People Magazine, “‘I decided that if they needed somebody to carry their child, I would volunteer’” (qtd in Coder
My toes were numbing and sopping wet, as a result of frigid water seeping over the uppermost part of my Muck boots as I waded around in the shallow water, scrambling for the best angle on the pull string. The hunters with me griped and complained about chapped lips and windburn in the twenty-two mile an hour north wind. It didn't help that the air temperature was only twenty-eight degrees Fahrenheit. We anticipated an excellent day when the first two wood ducks of the day arrived. I caught a glimpse of them hitting the water, and routinely turned to crank the Yamaha outboard.
Swish, swish went the water as my hand glided swiftly through the surface. I use and kicked as hard as I could filling like a speedboat that finally reached top speed. I could hear the cheers of my teammates shouting” Go Lauryn Go!!!” And then disaster struck, Boom. I’d hit my head against the wall, coming in a little too quick to hit the flip turn. For me, everything stopped. My head was spinning, my legs were shaking, and I was more than a little off balanced. I had never experienced anything like that before. I was always off the block with great, speed determined to win, but this time was different. There was no way I could win because by the time I regained my balance all of my competitors were already three quarters finished.However,
Wow!!! I say as the dolphin pushes me out of the glissing water.It felt magical! It is Tuesday, December 29, 2015 in Ixtapa, Mexico.
Before the sun vanishes, it projects an outstanding image. While showing the vivid colors of a wine-red, a salmon orange, and a lemon yellow, the sun still appears to be creating an astonishing view. The colors mix like the time I mix my cookie batter; it's allowing an extremely good mix that tastes and looks like the best thing in the world. Looking at the sunset, just makes me smile and appreciate all the little things I have in life. The I-dont-care-about-anything-but-this look just flashes across my face, while I continue to stare at the pleasing sunset causing me to think about all the tremendously good memories with my friends and family. It's granting me the chance to ponder on the opportunities that I have had successes on. Pushing
I was in a forest studying the weather and animals. Everything was perfect the skies were clear, flowers were blooming, the sun was brightly shining, nothing could ruin this moment. All of a sudden I spot a rainbow tail. I started to follow the creature’s rainbow tail making sure not to make any noise. The creature stopped at a pond to take a sip of water.
Have you ever just ran up a ladder like riding a bike? Well I used to but, I no longer do that after what happened on July 6, 2012. I will tell you what all happened on that day.
I remember seeing plants that have not been watered properly at my grandmothers’ home. R.I.P to my grandmother, my mother still waters those plants this very day. I remember seeing the plants that did not sit by the windows would have withered leaves. I watch my grandmother rotate the plants so that they all could get the proper sunlight. Granny had a green thumb as they say. Do we really know how powerful water is? As I read your post that is what came across my mind, the involvement of water is interesting. Thanks for your post- Whitney, I enjoyed the read, you have got me thinking.
When you wake up on a tile floor, it is normal to have a ache in your back. My plan for the day was to go, find, and collect water. I grabbed a spool of fishing line and tied the end to my door frame, and I put the spool in my backpack, so that when I walked I made trail of string to follow back home. With this safety measure in place, I went out in search of water. After only a few hours of exploring, I heard the trickling of water. I bee lined for the source of the noise. I had found a fresh water spring! I fell to my knees, and started drinking. As far as I was concerned, this was the best tasting water on God’s green Earth. I filled several jugs that I had brought from the store, and went on exploring.
Students are used to receiving a normal, academic report card. However, they are not graded on their out of school activities, so I have decided to make a report card for myself. My first category is water bottle flipping. Water Bottle flipping, to some people, is an art that needs to be mastered. To others, it is just a hobby that entertains them in their free time. At water bottle flipping, I am not at all consistent because I either land ten in a row or I miss an absurd amount in a row. This is because I get so frustrated that I keeping missing so I try and go faster. I eventually go so fast that I am out of control and not even close to landing the bottle. I am always determined to finish what I start, so not matter how many times I miss,