Freshman year I would laugh at the runners as they ran their mindless, seemingly boring laps. I was a football player... not much of one. But that was just what I was. To me at the time running as a sport was a joke. The runners would wear short shorts and mismatched clothing. They were goofy, and were not seen as hardworking athletes by the students of my school. I felt this way up until sophomore year. When I became a runner.
You are probably thinking "How did this happen" and trust me I am too. In my mind I was supposed to be a big bad football player, but turns out that's not what I am at all. I am a very fast long distance runner. Ever since Sophomore year I've trained hard and tried my best to become a top five Varsity runner, and
In physical education we were put to do the mile I was always second to last if not last I wasnt made fun of but I didnt really good about myself. As the years went on I was still fat couldn’t do anything until sophomore year of high school is where it all changed. I remember it quite clearly as if it was yesterday I was sitting in my math class when one of classmates had large number pinned to his bag and a uniform on that hadn’t seen before. That's when I got curious and asked what sport was all this for he then explained it was for cross country and that I should join it would be fun. It turns out that the season was about to end so it was to late to join so I had to wait for next year so I did. I went my junior in the summer since that's when they practiced and ran for the first time. After this first run I thought I was going to literally die and didn't want to this any more and to top it off all the guy runners who I thought that were slow beat one by one. This is where I decided I wasn't going to be last or lose a race to anyone. I practiced the whole year and did track top it off. Now the summer of my senior year was very motivational since I got up early ran and did this everyday till school started to be the best of my high school. Well the season would begin and I was breaking my school records and receiving medals from invitationals and
I used to be able to run so fast I could fly. Racing through the woods behind my house I was untouchable, unbeatable; I imagined I was a graceful as a fox and as fast as a deer racing over bushes, logs, and ditches. Running served as an escape from the perfect student, perfect manners persona I adopted in the classroom allowing me to break out of my shy shell and go from being ¨the teacher’s pet¨ to ¨the fast girl.¨ My love of running-- as well as my parents-- drove me to play soccer; I ditched my goody two shoes for cleats and never looked back. I could chase down any opponent and outrun any defender, through sports I completely let my boundaries down.
I was nine-years old in 1952, and it was on a brisk August Sunday afternoon when my Dad took me to my very first 49ers game at Kezar Stadium for an exhibition contest against the Cardinals, from Chicago. As I remember the weather was overcast and the temperature a cool 60 degrees.
From 1846 to 1848, the United States and Mexico fought a brutal war that ended with near 45,000 casualties. The casualties include all of the people who were wounded or had died because of the war. While they attempted to expand their country, the United States unjustly stole land from Mexico. Texas was still a part of Mexico, according to both the people who lived there and many of the people who lived in the Northern states, so they should not have been able to apply for statehood. The Americans also began to trespass along the land that was owned by Mexico, so the people who lived there needed to defend it. Finally, the Americans believed in Manifest Destiny; if the people of America were allowed all of that land, why wouldn’t the people
Because there was already a quarterback, I was not able to start at that position, rather I got to start as a safety on defense. Although I was the starting strong safety, I managed to get some reps under center, running the offense. I had gotten my first chance to play varsity quarterback. Game 3: Millburn vs. Caldwell. It was a scorching hot day, and we crumbled as a team, losing by nearly forty points. But towards the end of the game, coach pushed me onto the field. I wasn’t the starting quarterback, but this moment was the one that haunted yet animated me. The first snap goes five feet above my head. I had to chase for the ball, pick it up and scramble, and somehow escape and run or make the throw. I was in honest disbelief, unsure of my capabilities. Reconnecting with my past mistakes I decided to tuck the ball and run. I sprinted to the nearest sideline passing multiple defenders getting a brief rush of exhilaration. I ran for 18 yards and my first touchdown, my elation increased at the sight of my teammates rushing towards me to celebrate. I was able to emerge as an important asset to our football team that year, expanding my knowledge and learning from all the other
My stomach tightened. I had never played free safety before. The ball was snapped, and I watched as the tailback widened out to receive the pitch. Never had I felt such an adrenaline rush.
Football is back as the first preseason game was played last Thursday. With football coming back, so does fantasy football. Like a lot of people (myself included), you’re scouring the internet for rankings. There’s plenty of rankings out there, but none of them tell you where to take a defense. I am going to present my strategy.
I was an incoming freshman, two weeks prior to my first day of high school, and I was terrified. I knew that I loved the sport of football, however I had heard stories from my brother about how tough Stepinac’s freshman football coach was. Everything that I was told was true. One of the coaches great lessons that he taught me was that a hardworking disciplined team is typically more successful than a team that has all of the talent in the world, but is not disciplined and does not work hard. That summer was the hardest that I had ever worked up to that point to start in a football game. The hard work never paid off, and I left at the end of that season defeated. I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t fast enough, and I wasn’t strong enough. I had only played in two of the games, one, for a snap when
As the bells rang out Edgar gleefully said , “ Hurry up James we need to get there in time to be picked, or else we’re gonna be stuck with the nerds out in the field watching!”, as he ran out to the field toward the road where we would be playing tackle football.
Football has been a big part of my life for as long as I could remember. Ever since I was in 2nd grade football has been my passion. Currently, I stand at 6”8, 260 pounds and I play right tackle for the Fayetteville Bulldogs. Football has shaped me up to the young man I am today and helped me get through the most tragic moment in my life.
I could hear it, the bell, signaling a touchdown. Except this time it wasn’t one of my teammates, it was me. Oh how I had dreamt about hearing that bell it was the ultimate sensory experience. I knew at that moment that there was a reason you never stopped believing you could do something.
I had gone for tryouts but I didn’t make the team because of my effort. In my 10th grade Year I was still a little bit lazy but I went out for spring football and got in shape and even pushed myself to not be lazy. After my 10th grade year I went for summer tryouts and practice for 11th grade year. I had made the team but I want as good as the others. I was mainly in shape but just a tad strong. I had never got in a game of my 11th grade year except for one but that was just for two plays. I made a bow that I would focus and work the hardest in my 12th grade year. When my 12th grade year arrived I worked hard and have gotten stronger and my opportunity came when one of my teammates had gotten injured, so they put me in and I demolished the offense I had gotten two sacks and 3 tackles it’s not much but it was enough to prove that I was working hard. Everybody was surprised at my performance and was amazed. After that Game I started my next five games. After those games I began to see myself decline because I had girl troubles, I was messed up in the head so bad I couldn’t even perform
The environment that perfectly contents me the most is a football field. I have been in many places and it’s not the same as a football field when am in that field I feel free and stronger. I have always played football since I was six I can’t find any other better place for me than a football field. It’s like a big castle and am the king to be in it the grass, wind, smell and every touchdown feel me to be complete and having me wanting more of it. No one really understands why am doing this as a life dream most don’t believe in me but when it’s time to be in the field I realize that am doing right where I stand and it’s what will be my career. If it’s one thing I learned is that no matter the obstacle your only choices is going through it and I have gone through those obstacles no matter how big or hard it was being a football player on the field and out of it has made me a better
Today, in America, there still is the controversy about prayer in public schools. Many parents and supporters of prayer, believed that schools and school districts that participate in prayers tend to have students that are less prongs to get into trouble in school and trouble with the law. Most parents believe if we had prayer in schools, we would have less problems with gangs, less violence in school, bullying, sexting, better grades, and less drop-outs. They believe that students do not want others to see them praying and turn around and get into trouble. This action will be considered as a double standard. Even though many say that we cannot pray in schools, the courts also say that public schools cannot interfere with students’ rights
A 15 year old girl was at school with all of her friends. One of them said hey you guys let's go outside and everybody agreed when they got outside a 17 year old boy asked them if they wanted to buy some and they said lets try it. The 15 year old tried it and she bought 3 pounds of marijuana and cocaine. They were doing drugs for a year now.