I am Mr. Lungs. I am located on either side of the chest. I am in the respiratory system. Air is taken to the body from the nose, or the mouth, then taken to the trachea, which branches off to the bronchi, then to me. I work with the heart and the blood as well. My main functions are to do a process called “respiration,” or breathing. In respiration, oxygen from incoming air enters the blood, and carbon dioxide leaves the blood. In order to do this, oxygen, coming from air, comes to the nose, or the mouth, then to the trachea, then the bronchi, and finally to me. I am important because, I supply the body with oxygen, and take waste out. The Human Body Corporation needs oxygen to live. You should not fire me because, the Human Body Corporation
Follow up Mike who was the RT stated he did forget to place the patient back on his Oxygen after the treatment. He stated he went back and spoke with the father and apologized he also added another flow meter so that this would not occur again.
I felt hot. Unbearably hot. not only by the temperature of the air, but by the feeling of something glaring at me. Though this was obviously discomforting, I was immobile and had been such a way since I woke up. Despite my inability to move, I was fully aware of what happened and though I couldn't see it, I could most definitely hear it. Occasionally I felt something touch me, I assumed some demon had the sense to stop me from getting dehydrated, multiple times in the day I was cooled off by a wet cloth and fed water. Though, I didn't feel comfortable being touched by someone I couldn't see, but I hadn't a choice. Where are you Vanitas, matter of fact, where am I? I thought.
I was wearing a black t-shirt that perfectly complimented my porcelain coloured skin, and she was in the process of lighting a cigarette. I don’t condone smoking, I don’t like doing it, but my God I liked it on her. As the match swiped across the dulled beige box, the flame ignited. The bright red glow of the burning match completed how I was feeling about her, how I always feel about her. She would set me on fire, then put me out again. Slowly, she pulled the ignition to her “dart,” (that’s what she likes to call them,) and I watched as the ember consumed the end of the stick and the light danced eerily across her face. Inhale. Double inhale. Exhale. The smoked poured from her mouth like someone dropping a glass of red wine, and before it
“I know and you're going to be ok.” I said even though I knew he wasn't going to be ok. We all knew he was going to die in a matter of a few minutes. And during those last few minutes we had with him we prayed to the lord that he would take care of the officer and watch over us during the rest of our journey ahead. I couldn't stand there looking at his dead body so we covered it with a blanket we found in a car. Next we heard more gunshots and they wouldn't stop. There were tons of cars around us getting hit with bullets and the bullets kept bouncing off.
As humans, we have a natural concern for the wellbeing of our peers, however we are too often powerless, either because we are too young or too poor to make a difference. However, like some of my fellow Latinos, I was given an oxygen mask in the form a citizenship to the most powerful country in the world. This mask allows me to take a deep breath and think clearly, think about my plans to overcome the poverty that I was born into. As a human, my every movement relies on oxygen, and thanks to the oxygen mask that is my American citizenship, I have met many people that have each given me their share of oxygen. These people include Victoria and Dennis Mayer, who helped me learn about the American culture, Diane Runkle and Caroline Wright, who
I had been feeling so tired for weeks I just thought it was because of my busy schedule but, all I wanted to do was sleep. I then became week and started losing weight I figured it must just be stress or the fact that I was coming down with a cold. I had the worst cough that just wouldn’t go away combined with the discomfort in my chest I thought it was time to call the doctor.
My heart started pounding against my chest, trying to escape and find a healthy pair of lungs, because mine it seemed had been replaced with those of a six-year-old girl. My mouth grew cold and dry as if the air around me was on the brink of snow. I desperately tried to tell my brain that everything was fine and that there's no need to panic. But my brain ignored me, as it had done many times before, and ordered by organs to keep fighting the against the danger to come. My head never seems to listen to me.
Sitting in the uncomfortable seat made out of polyurethane foam and breathing in the stale airplane air, the inflight safety announcement starts:
A really fucking long ass time ago in a place called "Kickapoo", there lived a religious family, Through and through. yay, there was a black sheep, his name was young boy named JB and he refused to step in like. He wrote a tasty jam and all the planets did align. OH THE DRAGON BALLS WERE BLAZING, AS I STEPPED INTO HIS CAGE AND SLICED HIS FUCKING COCKLES WITH MY LONG AND SHINY BLADE. NOW MY SON, GO, AND, ROCK I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling in the blanks I am fIlling
To those who personally know me — you certainly know how difficult and complicated my *cough* love *cough* story is. It was involving a year of long distance relationship, from 2009 until 2010. Sucks, I know. Fortunately, later that year, I got a fairly good job in Bali. And on December 2010, I left Jakarta and moved to Bali. Getting pretty close to my boyfriend was a good thing. No more Skype calls. No more angry phone calls to Indosat customer service operator when my internet connection was unstable and I couldn’t make a Skype call. No long distance relationship dramas. No if-I-was-there talks (because he’s finally here, close to me!) and no more I-miss-you-see-you-soon wall-to-wall posts on Facebook (I know, I know, it sounds awful but
Effusion Skin unfolding beneath a liquid barrier, taunt and stretched, encased in warmth. Coolness fades, rising and falling, mixture and separation, clarity of sound melding to muffled words. Silence is tainted by the incessant rapture and rupture, the throb of a life source echoing echoing, filling the ear, deafening sound. There is no sight, merely a distant flicker of recognition in an impartial eye, a flash of turquoise and then darkness. Even the darkness pulsates with a gentle glow— light beneath a scale of skin, the faculty of sight protected by blindness— resounding in the hollow frame of a fleshly form.
My Identity connects to my culture because it describes the way I look and the point of view I have on certain topics. My culture is the Native American tribe, Wampanoag and I am also Mexican. I have some facial features and body structures from both sides of the family like: most of my family has brown or black hair, we are taller than the average human, and our faces have an oval shape. Some topics that my family has taught me from both sides of the family is, family always sticks together and always comes first, and If you see bad things going on in the world, always try to help and do whats right. From my Dad’s side of the family, I learned tons about survival skills and on my Mom’s side I learned a lot about traditions. An example from
I dance to transform my thoughts into actions, and now I write to express my thoughts without hesitation. It was not always this easy. As a teenager, I played soccer to make my parent’s dreams a reality. I was overjoyed I made their aspirations come true when I was chosen to be a part of the junior varsity soccer team my freshman year. Although their proud gaze upon me was soft, being benched every game for two years was rough. Even though I feared revealing the truth, I could not continue down this unhappy path anymore. At the end of the season my sophomore year, I managed to teach myself something very important— I needed to put on my oxygen mask first.
“Whenever I am sick I get really tired so I usually sleep a lot!! If it’s something like a cold I will usually take nyquil and dayquil. If I’m still not feeling well, sometimes I’ll take an ibuprofen with the nyquil or dayquil. My mom also tells me to eat oranges when I have a cold to give me extra Vitamin C. If I have something like a high fever, I will also lay on the couch and sleep a lot. My mom usually gives me a wet towel to put on my forehead. When I have the stomach flu, I also sleep a lot. Whenever I have the stomach flu, I am never in the mood to eat anything but my mom always gets worried and wants me to eat so I will sometimes eat Saltine crackers. No, I do not follow any practices from a culture outside the United
and I am not my wild hair tangled with waves and curls, and red when the day is long