I have a 100% survival rate. In my 17 years of life, I’ve faced many things, and survived them all. When I was 2 I got potpourri stuck in my nose, and had to go to the doctor to get it out. I survived. When I was 4 my brother threw a toy and me, creating a large cut just below my brow, I survived, and got a cool scar out of it. When I was 8 a semi-truck started to back over the top of my mom’s car, while shaken, I was okay. When I was 9 I fell down the stairs and fractured my back, I was unable to participate in field day, yet I kept a pulse. Now of course, many of these things weren’t particularly life threatening, there was never any question of whether or not I would make it out of the scenario I was placed in. However, it’s still worth
Put the gun down! Put the gun down! Pow Pow Pow. The gun shots cracked into the air as loud as thunder. One after another. We live day by day not knowing our end. In the blink of an eye our lives can be changed forever. Its life, yet even in knowing this we never expect tragedy to find us. We never expect it to affect our lives and the people we know and love. I’m going to share with you the day tragedy found my life.
My G.P.R. is 3.328 the G.P.R. is high enough to get into the colleges of my choice. I feel that it is not a very competitive score though. I have talked to my consoler and she was telling me that every tiny grade matters to move my G.P.R. up. I plan to try to get the best grade possible this semester in order to move my G.P.R. up. My guidance consoler informed me that I can move up tremendously in my class rank just by moving my G.P.R. up by decimals.
Of the year 1975, within Philadelphia, the champ become victorious, knocking out my hopes, dreams, and memory. That moment had played about a thousand times in my head, giving me guilt of not trying hard enough. Both me and my pockets were empty, with and exeption of a rusty old dime. Ignoring these shameful incidents, I have accepted reality and truth to conclude the fight is not only during the match. I have risen up from the dark pit to grasp the glory within the rings. Of tomorrow, that positive feeling has caused me to run to the boxing gym of the early morning. Despite the anger and pain, I fought overnight with sweat dripping down my face as I slowly rose out of my unwanted
We all in school we learning about William Shakespeare, I said yuck Romeo and Joliet, Then went like EHHHHHHH UGHH UGHH don’t want to hear a rhyming for love plus don’t want to see Zac Efron then I feel asleep, and I dreamt of something, then I woke up cause someone rushed into the room and said “Mrs. Smith come here u got to look at this “but Ms. Smith wasn’t the only teacher was called up. Teachers was called up too they told the students to stay in their classrooms. I said “ohhh come on” then I went to sleep, then the bell rung I was like “bruhhh” I said that’s all on the way back to class my stomach was growling so Mr. Smith was ordering pizza but the bell rung so we went home but me, Vic, Gilmer, Xavier was
One day, my dad was setting up my new Xbox 360. My uncle had gotten a new Xbox 1, so he gave me his old one. I was excited, because I didn't have to play on my dad’s Xbox. Then, for some reason, I called my mom an idiot. My dad HATES it when people talk like that in our house, and I know he would definitely not like it if I called my mom that. Plus, he was a little bit cranky that day. When my dad heard this, he went ballistic. He was screaming about how disrespectful that was and then he yanked out the cord`s of the Xbox from the wall. Have you ever had that feeling where you know something is going to happen and everything slows down? That is what happened to me. My dad raised the Xbox high above his head. His face was red and on his face.
Imagine your arms and legs held back as you squirm to break free from the grip of a transporter. Imagine a bloody, scarred, and battered body and mind falsely believing that a jail cell was next. imagine three near death events to be remembered two years later, from overdosing. I am human. I am sober. I am the whole me. They saved my life.
The end is near! There were only three seconds remaining in the game between Ascension Christian and Ecole Classique. This was our first game against our rivals from New Orleans; we were itching for this win. We play them every year at home and away, and this was our year. Our team has lost every game up to this point, and we really needed this win. We have a few new players, and we have not adjusted to playing with each other yet. This was the last game before district, and we needed to get this win to set the tone for the start of district play. Win or lose, this game would decide how the rest of the year would play out for the Ascension Christian Lions.
It all started when my Mom went on a retreat at St.Timothy church, when she meet a mother of two girls, Shanna Rodriguez-Torres. We then became close friends and met her daughter Bella, who would change my family's life forever. Bella had been battling a severe case of cancer during this time. When I met Bella she wasn’t famous there wasn't snt any cool socks, or anything, she was your normal sweet girl. Yet she wasn't nt how you thought, she battled cancer at age 4. because of that time she lost many of her memory. She forgot how to walk, talk and other things. The doctors said she would never walk or run again, she showed them she walked in a walker for a short time. Soon, very soon she was running and having a blast. That was few of her
My personal narrative was not very detailed because I could not remember most of the race and the reason I black out at the finish line. I gave everything had in the race and I barely remember any part of race. Till my family told I the whole race and I guess it finally came back to me but very few moments. But I remember everything before the first mile of the race and looking back that I’m a very spiritually person. Plus, I keep my traditions alive and still believe my way in my Native world. Instead of falling into the white way but I have to act white so I can make in this world and make a living for myself. I had to write about my last race because it was the best day of my life and I remember eating after the race at Texas roadhouse.
It took almost all my strength to get into that wheelchair on that late, sunny afternoon. It seemed like a normal day in the hospital, but this one was different for me. I am finally leaving to go home for a while, something I have not done in months. My strong heart beat faster and faster has the nurse pushed my wheelchair down the hallway to the front door. The warm spring breeze blew against my pale face as the doors automatically opened. “This is it”, I thought to myself, “I am finally getting out of here.” Although this was a very stimulating moment for my family and myself, it is almost impossible to forget the whole journey that made this day so special.
I was born in Willington, CT and my family (which was only my father and mother at the time), and we lived there until right before my 5th birthday. Two days before my 5th birthday, we moved to Lexington, and I have gone to school in Lexington since kindergarden. My mother is Japanese and my father is American and he speaks Japanese more or less fluently. This meant that my first language was Japanese; even though I lived in Massachusetts I actually did not start speaking English until I was around 4 years old. My little brother, Tyler, was born a year after my family moved to Lexington. Since my brother and I are six years apart it is hard for my family to have “family days” because of our difference in interests. Tyler is a soccer player
I have never had a near death experience. I know that many people my age haven't, though they claim that they did. I've always wondered what one would be like and hearing stories in class about them made me feel so excited. It also made me feel that I would never put myself in a situation where I was in danger. It made me think about if I ever had an experience what it would be about. This is some of my basic thoughts about near death experiences.
I was having pretty a normal day and then BOOM!! In an instant it all changed for me.
Only a quick glance at my high school resume is necessary to know I am proficient in many things; navigation, however, is not one of those things. I always keep two GPSs in my car and memorize directions hours before I go somewhere new. When my parents announced our summer vacation would include a stay at a Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley, I was apprehensive.
How am I a survivor? Throughout my life there has been a cycle of challenges and obstacle that I thought I couldn’t overcome. With the help of family and friends, I was able to gain confidence and the strength needed to face every tough situation that came my way. On December 4, 2014, I was involved in a life threatening car accident with my little sister that could have taken our lives. I guess someone was watching over us because I only suffered with a broken ankle and fibula. I had burn marks that were across my thighs, arms, and on my chest that came from the seat belt tightening upon impact. My little sister left with a few scrapes and bruises. I was hospitalized for almost a week and throughout my recovery process I had to have three surgeries. The first two surgeries