I'm a songwriter and storyteller. I've been writing lyrics for several years now, and recently released two music albums. Writing music has became a huge part of my life. I don't do it for the money or fame or anything like that, but it would be a nice perk. I do it in hopes that my work some day would inspire people, bring them hope, and
This semester involved many writings that challenged my process in ways big and small. The variety of prompts each had their own details that required me to change perspectives as well as research topics to test my abilities as a writer. The topic that I felt helped me grow as a writer the most was the Personal Narrative. This essays caused me to think in its own way and only after completion was I able to effectively use the methods it taught me in my other assignments.
Throughout my writing process there are a various amount of steps I do to perfect it. Generally coming up with the idea is the most difficult part of any writing, even now, it is difficult to get started with the essay. Once I dive in though, it gets quite easier. Procrastination is a problem that i can not seem to shake. I will attempt to sit down, but as soon as the littlest thing pops up, I will usually be distracted and lose my train of thought. I attempt to run through the whole essay in my head before I start just to get a proper idea of how it will be structured.
My writing process in the past has never been concrete. It was even very rare that I had a process or even realized that I had a process going on. All I did was write without revision. For example, one time I had a research paper due the next day. I made the decision to take all of the examples I had, write it out, explain it, then give my take on the example, 30 minutes before it was due. Although it was littered with grammar mistakes, I got a passing grade. However, this anxious direction of writing held me back from creating great writing assignments and projects.Because I was being told constantly that I had "great ideas but terrible form" made writing extremely hard and close to depressing.
Al, Alde, de, shon, deshon, and Al’Deshon my name takes on many forms. Kind of like my writing in a sense. I have never been a strong writing also being the reason, I took this class first semester I think. If I get it out of the way maybe I’ll have an easier chance of reaching the finish line happening to be graduation.
While reading the excerpts, I found them to be somewhat difficult to understand at first. I couldn't exactly explain in a way that would make sense to most people. What I got out of the excerpts were how people react to myths. I used to believe that myths were just made up stories adults told their children as a source of entertainment. Quite frankly, mythology is much more than that. The passage was very inspiring in which I have learned that man has to be open minded when it comes to being a listener. Myths can be interpreted in any way, good or bad, only because everyone has their own beliefs, although, man should be respectful of others ideas.
The first step of my writing process when I write a traditional essay consists of brainstorming. If a certain format is provided, I have to brainstorm the order of my key points. On the other hand, for some assignments I am given the specifics of what I need to talk about (like these Log Its) and even given subheadings which I must include to offer a professor better access and recognition of key parts. Once I begin to write, I never have in mind that what I write is a draft of any sort. Personally, I like to keep up with my grammar, spelling and punctuation as I go, so once I finish, the paper is pretty close to being finished with very few mistakes. Sometimes, I type a word that I doesn’t fit into the context but at that time, I have a couple of sentences in my had that I know will disappear if I don’t type them out, so I type (?) after the word to remember to find a synonym or change the word.
My experience in writing is rather slim, and primarily for the sole purpose of communicating with fellow colleagues and clients for business needs. Conversely, I have been commended for my writing skills. Prior to college, I never analyzed my writing process, I just did what came natural. Nevertheless, I believe my process begins by jotting down my thoughts, with no rhyme or reason; I lay them out, then begin fitting them together like puzzle pieces of a complete message. I rewrite my paragraphs accordingly, so my message flows flawlessly. Writing, as in responding to emails, comes rather easily to me; with content of familiarity. I purposefully clean up my writings for grammar, spelling, the removal of filler words, and to place transitional
Some individuals follow set guidelines when planning to write a paper; some take their cues from others "tried and true" practiced methods. For me personally, I have to work with the available tools I have at that particular moment and tailor them to fit within the parameters of my writing process.
My past writing experience has ranged from writing one paragraph free flowing writing, to having a prompt to write about and typing about 4 or 5 pages. In high school, I do not think I have typed more than 5 pages on one topic. When I first started to learn to write, my teachers mainly looked at my grammer or just simple spelling errors or other simple mistakes. However, as I've progressed through school my teachers started to look at paragraph structure, thesis statement, conclusion, citations along with other improtant details that I will be using when I write papers. I did not take compostion in high school as I just took English I, English II, English III, and English IV.
I started to write when I was 10 years old. It was under the recommendation of my therapist who believed that it would help me release negative emotions, and it did. Since then I have loved to write stories, journals, poems, anything that could set my imagination free. However as a writer I’ve always felt unsuccessful I have always felt that the pieces I write are never completed. Even more that as a writer I was not good enough and I shouldn’t show my writings to anyone that I shouldn't even bother to continue as a writer. These reason both motivate me and make me not want to continue but I choose to let it motivate me because I
Mostly everyone’s first experience with language is similar. The first words that a newborn will hear are usually very simple. Almost every time someone new enters the world and first sucks oxygen into their lungs, they hear something along the line of “congratulations! It’s a boy (or girl)”. A child’s first look at written language however, can be a completely different experience. What I share with you today is my writing experience throughout my childhood and how my family, friends and my education have played roles in the growth of my writing ability, as well as how I engage in the act of writing.
Throughout my high school career, I have been exposed to many different elements of writing and, although some teachers have emphasized certain areas more than others, I feel I have come a long way as a writer. Despite this I also know I have much further to go. This fact became very clear to me as I was taking my previous course of English, Accelerated English Three. Within this course I was introduced to the MLA method of citation, I experienced disappointment due to receiving a lower grade than I had desired, and I discovered difficulties such as my impatient tendencies to look over errors and mistakes during the editing processes.
Throughout the seven weeks that I have taken this writing composition course, I have developed skills to help me improve my own writing. Using the writing process is one of the main focuses in the course. The writing process helps writers develop and revise their essay as they work their way up to creating the final draft that can be presented. Although there are many areas in my own writing where I can get better, I have found that my writing has improved in many ways while practicing using the writing process.
“The Miller’s Tale” a short narrative by Geoffrey Chaucer deals with appearance. His usage of numerous expressions allows the readers to paint their imagination to determine the events in the story. Chaucer describes Alison in way of nature. She is a sensual playful youth, who is too young for marriage thus, playing a carefree role which causes an inappropriate reaction towards men. Although her actions were unjust, she is praised by her bodily formation, her manners, and her gestures to sexually get what she desires.
Imagine that someone you love or someone very close to you is a victim of a very serious crime, a crime so serious that the person who committed it is now sitting on death row with limited time left to live. How do you think you would feel? Would you be thinking that they deserved to die? Or would you be hoping that evidence would come to light to show them innocent or, even though the crime was horrific would you think they don’t deserve to be punished by death? Would you want to watch the person die at the hands of the law to ensure justice has been served or would you rather they spend the rest of their life in prison as punishment? When violent crime affects you personally it can make the death penalty look like a good option. The