I was accused of violating a policy after receiving supervisory permission. I cooperated with the investigation, was subjected to a polygraph which I passed, and then asked to resign. I refused as I felt that would admitting guilt and I would not compromise my integrity. The acting Chief decided to terminate me
In the essay “Graduation”was about more than just moving on to another grade. She explains how it feels to be discriminated and thought of as less than equal. The narrator shows that with a strong will to get the better of an situation it is more than possible to put aside gross outing racism and impersonal favoritism. The narrator delivers a really proposed, inspirational, and enlightening narrative of self-acceptance. In the essay the narrator uses at least 3 speakers to elaborate the significance of graduation.
I was appalled when Ltd. Stephanie Golla returned a response at 1315 stating for me to bring a doctor’s note because this is only my first time calling off work. As I looked back I do remember Ltd. Stephanie Golla making a sly statement to me on May 17, 2017about me being accused of making false statements from my 5 day suspension. Then she stated don’t you think you have been disciplinant and given instructions enough in the pass, and then Ltd. Stephanie Golla laughed.
On February 24, 2017, I responded to 2809 W Royal Oaks Drive in reference to an intoxicated subject. Beaufort County Dispatch advised me a male was intoxicated attempting to drive a vehicle. I arrived in the area and observed a gray 2014 Chev Camero, bearing a South Carolina license plate; MMJ124 parked in the roadway. The individual was standing behind the vehicle, and appeared to be unstable by not keeping his balance while standing.
I have two nonacademic conduct warnings. One for noise and the other for alcohol possession. The noise violation happened because my friends and I were being too noisy in my friend JC's dorm. The RA came inside and wrote everyone up. I do not contest this charge because sometimes we did get a little loud. I do believe however that the alcohol possession charge was unwarranted. I was at my friend JC's dorm and the RA on duty heard us playing water pong. She claims that beyond the bouncing of balls that someone shouted out "overshot." I never heard anyone that day say overshot. Although we were playing water pong, the RA assumed it was beer pong and that was the justification for searching the rest of the dorm. When the RA entered the dorm, it
Officers were dispatched to the area of 1020 W Ash St in reference to a vehicle
“Thud! Boom! Thud!” I was awaken by my grandfather’s heavy boots trudging up the rickety stairs. As he reached the top of the stairs, I heard his familiar voice exclaim, “Gabby, get out of bed! We are going on an adventure!
American payroll Association (APA) is an association of accountants or professionals who are tasked with the responsibility of processing the payroll in a business entity or organization. The professions join this association in order to gain the wide variety of benefits the association offers to its members. These benefits include; Training of its members on the most efficient and effective ways of processing payrolls as well as carrying other duties within a business entity that the professional may be assigned to (American Payroll Association, 2002). This training is done through the association conducting training courses. The association further publishes articles and other resources that are useful to its members and are generally stored in the payroll library. This greatly elevates the knowledge of the members on payroll as well as on its management. In addition, American Payroll Association (APA) certifies its members on meeting the criteria requirements of certification which is completing one of the courses among other criteria set by the association.
As my norm violation I chose to alter the way we are supposed to be dressed and look in public as society says. I walked around the marketplace in a backwards low cut shirt, backwards ripped jeans, one blue shoe, one red shoe, and a bright pink wig. First, I went into the yogurt store and everyone was staring at me with blank expressions and kids were laughing. As I walked over to get my favorite mango yogurt an old man jokingly asked if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I told him no, I just liked to wear my cloths this way and that this was my natural hair. After I left the store and started walking around the water fountain, girls my age were pointing, giving me dirty looks, and some were laughing as they whispered in each other’s ears. Guys my age looked confused when they
I am writing in regards to the domestic violence charge I received October 8, 2016. First, I will begin by touching base on the events that occurred that night. I had received an acceptance letter from Clinton Technical School that I had been accepted to nursing school. Since I had gotten accepted I decided that I wanted to celebrate by going to a concert with a friend of mine.
My need for exemption falls on the financial disability my family and I will face if I were to dorm at Cal Poly Pomona. My mom does not have a permanent or stable job to rely on because she babysits on an irregular basis, which is why she can’t present her taxes to demonstrate her income. I also have a 7 year old brother whom I help with homework and any school related activity because of the language barrier between my mom and his education. I translate any information that my mom needs to know and help my brother understand his work when he is having difficulty. I would gladly like to dorm on campus because I think it is a great way to become more involved in school activities and network with other people, but due to my economic status I
Scared, I hid the envelope. He knew that I had it! He can shoot me, but I had to know. I just had to know who was barbaric enough to kill my mother. This envelope could have all the answers, but what if the truth was just to much to bear. It was to late now, all I have to do now is open it. I had no clue what was in it, but now I would finally know. All of the questions that have been racing in my head since the day she left. All of the lonely nights, and the nights filled with tears. I will finally know why, and ll it’ll take is a slide of my finger.
Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh is a lively painting that illustrates the stars, the moon, the night sky, a village, and a tree. Looking at this painting, you can see swirls of various colors, which include shades of blues, greens, yellows, whites, browns, and blacks. The stars are yellow swirls mixed with white and they are placed in the night sky, which consists of blues, greens, and blacks. The moon is depicted as a crescent moon circled by a white ring of swirls in the top right corner of the painting. The brown and black tree is placed in the foreground of the paining. The tree is bare and has many curved and pointed limbs extending toward the sky. The village is placed in the distance and has bits of yellow in the windows, as if people
When I had finally arrived at the age of sixteen, my father took me aside for a private chat. "Son, you're growing up in this mature world, and you will interact with other and older people, so you should know that it is inappropriate to speak of three things: money, religion, and politics." I followed his advice on the two former, but I completely ignored his lesson on the latter. While other kids followed their favorite college football teams, I found myself engrossed and absorbed in the affairs and events that took place in our nation's capital. Enthusiastically, I ran to my friends asking for their input on foreign aid to Israel or the current domestic fiscal policy, hoping that they would share my interest as well. What I found was that I sounded like I was speaking some sort of alien
I completely agree with you that there is really no excuse for plagarizing. We are all under alot of pressure of being in school, working, and juggling so much but for someone to steal someone else's work is unacceptable. Since we are all going through similar experinces for someone in the same position as me would be hard for me to watch. I think that in past experiences when I've seen someone cheat theres a feeling you get where you almost feel cheated, like I put in the work why is it fair that you get to try and get away with not doing it.
My friend of over twenty years became engaged to a man who was convicted three times of sexual assault. He was released due to good behavior and admittance into a church run treatment program after he claimed to find faith.