My name is Jakeria Harris back at home, I was very antisocial. I grew up in a small town by the name of Ocilla, Ga. I was raised by my grandmother Doretha, most of my life because of my mother, Vanessa, had to work full time to provide for me. In school, I would always stay to myself because people would always push me around and say harsh things to me. I started feeling insecure about the way I looked, so I started hanging with the wrong crowd and started making terrible
Lauren Rezac- My weekend did not really start off to exciting. Right after my Fast-Pitch game I was picked up by my dad in our 1962 jeep. When we got home we had supper and we all stayed up for a little bit and went to bed. On Saturday I had the house to myself, my dad was helping our neighbors while my mom and sister were in ST.Cloud.So When I was at home I was pretty bored so I did what most bored kids I know would do turn up the music and make a little mess, basically I made slime. When mom and Alexis came back my sister got a call from my dad to go help out so I went with her.I helped by steering the tractor when she got bored and she did the speed and stuff like that. On Sunday we gave mom her gifts then we got ready to trapshooting me
It started as typical Tuesday with a couple of court hearings, maybe an arrest, but nothing to exciting. That all changed at dawn.
My parents sent me off to Los Angeles when I was in 4th grade to pursue an acting career. I went from audtion to audtion, doing short/student films, plays, and pagents just to get my name out there. I landed a comercial for Time Warner Cable(Southern California Company) as a nerd in a science academy. This lifestyle took dedication and because my mom owned businesses in Salinas, my dad lived with me. We would still travel 6/7 hours every other weekend back and forth from Salinas to Los Angeles.
I am the oldest. There are four of us. Tamar, who does everything right. Avital who is always in trouble. Carmel who acts like she is two years old. And me. Everyone says we look so alike. They think we are four quiet, well behaved girls who get along great. That’s not always the case. And we are more different than you would think.
On April 26th,1999 I emerged into the world a happy baby given the name Bethany Gavin. I’m now in year 12 and I attend Cooks Hill Campus, Big Picture. My education began here in year 10 after leaving three years of home schooling and have grown as a student as the years have gone on.
Johnna Brown. The lovely mother of two, and the amazing wife any man would dream of, the best pet spoiler there is, and the perfect friend. That right there can say so much about someone without even knowing who they are. Johnna, my mother, is such a talented person. Along with this, she is also a mentor and therapist. Last, she devotes her every waking seconds to the ones she loves.
I’m Ralonda Holt and I am a 46 year old African American female born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. I am a wife of an amazing husband and father. Together we have 3 wonderful adult sons, John 28, Kris 27, and Josh 23, and blended. My husband and I will be married 28 years October 23, 2015. I enjoy being my own boss hosting marriage small groups, cycling, kayaking, ministry work, and spending quality time with my family and dear friends. As a young child, I grew up on the west side of Dayton in primarily a poor neighborhood. One thing that I noticed as a young child growing up in the projects is that everyone looked like me, had the same type of home as me, the same size front and backyard as me, and we all appeared to be in the same economic status.
"Phil, can you please get off the couch and continue cleaning the kitchen?" Dan walked towards the television with a broom in his right hand and turned off the anime Phil was binge watching. "Jess is almost home and I don't want her walking into a pig sty!"
Then I woke up at 11 something and Alexis S. was there. So when I woke up we played on Hayley tablet and then Hayley and I wanted to play hide n’ clap with Alexis so we played. When we got bored we went up stairs and Alexis wanted to watch stuff on Youtube se we did. I was trying to mess around with Alexis by putting a stuffed animal on Hayley's tv. Then Alexis got mad and she looked me out of she room so I just sat by the door. Then after 5 minutes they let me back in. So then we all watched try not to laugh videos Hayley and I did not laugh but Alexis did. Then we went outside on the trampoline until Alexis had to leave. Then Hayley and I went downstairs played with the american girl dolls. After we got bored we played with a beach ball. When we got tired we played more of hide n’ clap. Then went back and played on the trampoline.
I Emily Hinduri, was once a ecstatic young lady, with an exultant family around me. Days back then were always jubilant and extremely buoyant. I could've never felt any more elated! But...that's not all. Although I was very euphoric in life, I also had my arcane moments of grim and anxiety. Ever since the death of a young handsome blithe boy I loved. I admired the way he spent every day of his life working hard just like a impenetrable rock he was. I loved the young fellow dearly and so did he love me too. Ever since his death, I've seen it as my own fault. We had a tremendous argument over nothing well a catastrophe that I put myself into and pleaded him for help but he told me many times how to get myself out of the situation. However I
I chose this picture of my sisters because it is my favorite one. I am on the far left, my little sister, Karrie, is in the middle, and my older sister, Kassie, is on the far right. This picture just seems like another picture of sisters but we are so much more, we are best friends. We are all so different but all so alike. We all go by shortened names, Kassie is Kasandra, Katie is short for Katelyn, and Karrie is short for Karrington. We have age gaps of six years in between Kassie and I, and four years in between Karrie and I. Not to mention how different we all look. I got the naturally curly hair from my dad, Karrie has the dark brown hair from my mom, and Kassie got the blond hair from her dad. Yes, Kassie has a different dad but we have never made a big deal about it
I believe that it is great you are inquiring about Ms. Holman and I will be honored to tell you about my time of knowing her. I met Jenna when I was stationed with her at Fort Bliss, TX and I am happy to have worked with her there, we remain friends today. I have known Jenna now, almost 10 years. Since I've known her, my opinion of her, is that she is a very bright person with an impeccable mindset. She is a hard worker and possess a strong character of heartiness. While I did not work with her on a daily basis, the times that I did, I have observed her work ethics and the way she upheld policies and procedures. I believe that she is a trustworthy person and very supportive to everyone, when they ask for her assistance. Even if she notice something
My parents are friends with Olivia(Lauryne’s mom) and after getting to know her for a little while Olivia asked my mom if she would adopt Lauryne. My mom then went and talked it over with my dad they finally agreed to adopt her.
I have known Bailey for almost 3 years already and we have been inseperable ever since. We met in our 7th grade year and had the same gym class together. At first, I thought she was so lucky to have siblings. I am an only child, the closest thing to a sister I have is Bailey. She has three sisters and a cousin living in her small three bedroom house. Including her parents there are seven people in her house, her grandmother also lives in a trailor on their property. She tells me stories of her family all the time, like how they laugh until they cry and their weekend bonfires. It sounded like a dream to me. Until I realized there was a reason she can never go to the movies with me or to a theme park. Apparently, behind such a loving family is a parent who lost their only
One morning i woke up out of nowhere. Was it something bothering me? I don't know. Well by the way my name is Lisney Morenara and this is my life. I am a teenager and am 14 years old. Im doing very good right now. I've lived in the same nice cozy home since I've been a little girl with my quiet Mom, funny Dad, and two brothers. One being older than me and the other younger, I am the middle child. My older brother and I don't really get along, but my mom say's he's all I have till my little brother gets old. So I mean, I guess I love him... Whatever. Back to my story. I go down stairs and my Mom is cooking breakfast, my Dad getting ready to go to work. My older brother is... where who knows where, and my little brother is watching