
Personal Narrative: Joining The Color Guard Team

Satisfactory Essays

In the Army we all have different definitions when we first start, some or on the right track and some couldn’t be further from it. Only as strong as the weakest link because this person has the weak skill set to the team therefore the team is limited by those set of skills. Most of us can say that we have been on both sides of the scale. At times I have been the one to contribute the most in a team and have had times where I was just going with the flow of everybody else’s and not really helping my team in any way. It was my Junior year in high school and I had decided to join the Color Guard team . I was really nervous because if you were selected you would go around the city doing color guards and representing our school. I went to all the practices that usually took place before school early in the morning. When I struggled with something I kept practicing to get done right. When I saw other people who struggled I would ask if they needed help. My instructors saw what I was doing and kept a closer eye on me for it. Eventually it came down to try outs day and the teams were …show more content…

They were guys like me it was there first semester and didn’t know what to expect from the class. We agreed to contact each other on canvas because we had a big final project coming up that was worth a lot of points. We split the work evenly and decided to work on it throughout the semester. We all had occasionally forgot to check our messages to see if somebody updated there part. I had got caught up with my other work that I didn’t pay attention to the team I hardly would put anything on the chat. When it came to the day of to present my team informed me that they cut me from the group and that I was on my own for the project. I had communicated poorly so much it got to the point where my team cut me out of the group and had told the teacher and she agreed with the course of action they

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