
Personal Narrative: Just Do It

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Just do it. JUST DO IT. While this might be a great slogan for Nike, it isn’t a great slogan for life. However, many people may disagree. In my opinion in order to play better than anyone else one has to think about things, weigh the options, and analyze the situation, but be sure to not overanalyze. Albert Einstein said “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”. If you “Just do it”, you have not taken time to learn the rules of the game, instead you will just go with the flow. Now, how will you be better than anyone else? You won’t be. Instead you will be just like everyone else. To “play better than anyone else” one can’t just hope for luck, instead one has to work hard, possibly …show more content…

My grade was around a fifty something. I am not exactly sure what it was, but I know it was something in that range. I could not understand Geometry, each day we would learn something new, and I thought I understood. However when it came to do my homework nothing seemed to coincide with the lesson. Each test that I got back seemed to get lower and lower in score. It seemed like I was the only one struggling in my class. Around that time, I had set a goal for myself which was being valedictorian for my graduating class. In order to be valedictorian, I had to have a cumulative GPA of 4.3 by the end of the seventh semester in my high school career. If I failed my math class, there was no possibility that I could have that GPA. I decide to speak to my teacher, who offered after school tutoring. I began to go to tutoring for three to four times a week, for an hour to an hour and a half. In return I began to understand the material and began scoring higher on my work. I continued to go to tutoring up until the end of the year and kept working hard. In the end all my hard work paid off, I got an “A” in my class and scored advanced on my standardized state testing. Through all my work I was able to maintain my GPA and am now valedictorian of my graduating

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