“Come on, let's go,” said Kathie. “No, we can just sleep here in the park, behind the bushes. Did you bring our sleeping bags?” I said sarcastically. “Em, come on, seriously,” said Katherine. “I'm not joking anymore.” “Ok, fine. Just wait,” I said, trying to peer over the bushes. “Hey! Kathie, look there's a shoe over there.” “Who cares? Someone probably dropped it,” she replied. “Yeah, I'm just gonna leave my shoe behind the bushes,” I responded smartly. As I advanced on the bush, I gasped. Suddenly unable to find my voice, I spoke “K-Kathie…,” “Yeah?” she called out. “C-can you come over here?” I stammered. She slowly walked over, approaching the bush, I heard her gasp quietly. We stayed there a minute or two listening to our heavy breaths. …show more content…
Let's go.” I and Kathie were walking on the sidewalk. I turned to see Brendan again. I turned to Katherine “I feel like he's following us.” Katherine spoke a minute later “I'm also getting that feeling.” We quickly ran into Starbucks. “What do we do?” asked Kathie in a hushed voice. “We ask Aaron to keep an eye on him. We act normal with him and try to find out more. Get it? Hey! You still with me?” I watched Katherine carefully staring out the window intently. I followed her hazel eyes staring right into Brendan's emerald green ones across the street. He slowly lifted his gaze to mine. Soon my blue startling eyes were mixing into his. I stared at him till my phone buzzed with a text, Come into the alley. Kathie looked at me with questioning eyes. I said “Brendan.” “But he didn’t take out his phone!” I shrugged my …show more content…
He stopped right in the middle, and so did we. Suddenly he just fell, the black mist appeared and took the shape of a beautiful lady. With long shining black hair, black snakes coming from her eye sockets and her pale white skin. She spoke again with her voice. “I see you are trying to keep an eye on him. But you don’t have to, at least not anymore.” “Who are you?” I spoke, my voice barely audible. “Let me tell you. I was first created to be a wife to Adam. But I would not obey him or any of the Gods. So I was cast of the Garden of Eden and replaced by Eve.I wasn’t just kicked out, I had as punishment too. I was punished by not being able to bear any children or, at least, keep them in my womb but upon birth, they die.” She closed her snakey eyes for a moment then spoke “But I’ll be right here from now on. I just need you. You are my last piece,” right away I knew she was talking about me.
We sat in Aaron's room waiting for Brendan to walk up. Suddenly he started stirring, he opened one eye then the other. He got up “It`s me. No Lilith!” We all stared at him as if he had spoken gibberish. “Let me explain, she had taken over my mind and controlled me. I could see what she did but not stop it. She even killed someone. The same guy saw in the
After walking in on his sub cheating on him with the security guard, Taden McIntire had decided it was time to make a change. He wanted to have a life where he didn’t hate himself at the end of the day like he did working on Wall Street. Reading an advertisement for new entrepreneurs in the small southern town of Cedar Falls, Taden decided to roll the dice and move.
“‘Back into your cage, Lilith?’ Jdahya [pronounced Sty-ya] asked softly. She stared at him through the hole [and] realized at once that he was trying to provoke her, make her overcome her fear. It would not have worked if he had not been so right. She was retreating into her cage—like a zoo animal that had been shut up for so long that the cage had become home” (Part 1, ch. 5).
Edwards, and before she met him, she had killed her own parents in a house fire. “She had made it her duty to keep the lamps filled and their chimneys clean. She invented a way of dipping chimneys in a big can of kerosene she had in the basement” (85). The fact that she had murdered and carried on as if it didn’t happen is horrifying. When she was taken in by Adam to have her injuries treated, she had thought to herself that she knew she was going to marry him at one point, not because she loved him, but because she needed to make sure that she would live a secured life.
The sun began to creep up behind the towering pine trees as I sip on my torrid coffee. I glance at my watch which reads 5:45 am, I gather my tackle box that's overflows with hooks and line and stick in underneath the damp boat seat. The water glistens in the morning sunlight, I aboard the scent of pine needles which is always prominent the crisp air of Northern Wisconsin.
I was trapped, and for a time there seemed to be no hope for me. But you changed that Olivia, you freed me from my prison I had created for myself. With your help I opened up, smiled and laughed again and branched outwards. You saved me from the dark tunnel I was headed down. For a time I was happy, made new friends, and grew closer to those I cared about most. It was the best time of my life. Then the Darkness returned to our world and that happiness began to fade. We fought against the forces of the dark and emerged victorious. Together we pushed back the evils of this world! Then we took on the Lord of the Night. We mere ants challenged a god! But how could we have known. His power was too great for us. In the end, our struggle was hopeless. When you went down, I knew I couldn't just stand by and watch you die. I thought the only option was to throw myself in front of the blade that was meant for you. How foolish was I. In the moment that seemed like the only option. All I did was leave you even more vulnerable. I shudder to think what would've happened if Al had not shown up. In the end he saved you, and I was useless and weak. Lucky for me you got me back to Andura and by a miracle I was
First of all I was in my dark room with the only light being my t.v, I playing Xbox with my friend Skylar, we were playing Rainbow Six Siege a counter terrorism shooter. It was a late on a dark, stormy night, it was bomb objective and only I was left on the team to face five other enemies defusing the bomb and I slowly and stealthy with his silenced pistol picked off about two enemies outside the objective roaming and then pulled out his primary the 416-C Assault Rifle and went in blazing in the objective and his heart was racing he picked off another two enemies and that’s when he began guarding the defuser waiting to find the last enemy. “Can you search cams Skylar?” I asked Skylar.
Eventually we were given a word by the alpha and told to never reveal it. By this time after numerous beatings and fights amongst ourselves, we haughtily thought we would win. We were wrong. That day we met the Devil. Individual we were brought to a room with a chair,” Briseis head twitched again and growled. “In that room I had my arms dislocated, bones broken, choked to near death, beatings, and threats of rape. I did not give in, but others did. Some were killed for failing other remained with the healer for many months to return to hell.” The demon within Briseis began to rise as she remembered details that she had blocked out. She felt it then the change in her eyes and demeanor. Green eyes turned red and her demon came out. “During those years innocence was ripped from us, hope was destroyed, love did not exist! Hale did this to us. Made us into demons that kill children, pregnant women, humans, and eat their flesh. They made us,” was growled out and her breathing became strained. Turning she walked away from Alwyn and looked into the
“Shut up, Alec. Tessa, this is Alec, my pain in the ass cousin.” I waved as a way of greeting. Talking would just hurt too much right now.
“All you gotta do is open yo legs!” Said the boy I had only seen a couple of times around school before. I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes. I was hoping for this moment to end. The smell of weed and cigs filled the air. It was a beautiful day outside and yet all I could hear was cars and buses rushing by. This is how I knew no one would hear my cry for help.
Performing Arts Company, the theatre program through Gull Lake, is an okay place to be. People get to show off their talents, express themselves, and there’s obviously an awful lot of messing around. When we aren’t being absolutely and completely productive and professional, we play, and screw off as most clubs do. There's dozens of inside jokes that if most people heard them they would completely question what even goes on at PAC. My two favourite running jokes are from the Mook Mook/Neff Neff fiasco, and the “What does a year taste like?” craze. The Director, Mr. Jonathan Kind, is extremely done with the “What does a year taste like?” joke and he's beginning to scare me a little, so I'll just explain Mook Mook/Neff Neff.
Amaimon cringing made him growl even more, not liking such reactions. Lilith was not to be scared of him, but Amaimon always was. Any show of fear was a show of Amaimon's presence blocking Lilith and he hated that. Carefully, yet forcefully, he was pealing the layers of Amaimon back to reveal Lilith underneath. It wasn't easy. It took time and he was far from done, but lately Satan had begun to feel more confident in his results. Amaimon didn't fight as much, he was breaking and every break was a crack in that cocoon, one step closer to Lilith. One step closer to what father had promised him. Her. He'd given up the war just for that promise. He could live without his brother, but her. He needed her, so much so that getting her back was an obsession
Lauren Kate’s newest book, Unforgiven, is the latest novel from her Fallen series that extends to a specific character’s background story, Cameron Briel, known by series fans as Cam. In the series, two main characters are reincarnated over centuries of time in different life situations meeting each other in specific ages in their lives to test the time and the limits of good and evil, (heaven and hell) to keep their true loves. Like many of the prior novels, each chapter usually bounces back and forth between the two primary characters of the book, in this case -- between Cam’s point of view and Lilith’s point of view. Unforgiven is a well-developed story that gives you, at least, an understanding of his backstory and how it makes him into
Slithering in loose coils down her shoulder, her hair shone like black oil, lashing out with blinding light. Eyes so sharp they lacerated the air, and stabbed with their gaze. When she spoke, the earth trembled, the wind stilled, and clouds of speech seeped from her lips. Breathing near her felt like swallowing ash, the poison burned a trail down the throat. Eden was too pure for her; its flowers shrank back into the soil as she cut a path through the Garden.
I ask you where is the help? Blood has covered my clothes and has dripped slowly down my face. Where is the help? I have heard the booming sounds of airstrikes. I have been covered in rubble of buildings that have fallen. Bombs have surrounded me. Where is the help?
As mentioned last week, even though Mike Campbell recently turned 90, the long-time New Victoria resident still laces up the blades three times weekly to play gentleman’s league hockey. Campbell, by the way, walks regularly, shovels snow and during the summer, cuts a heck of a lot of grass. To be sure, resting on a hammock with a book in hand and a cool drink by his side “ain’t” for him.