It was an warm sunny day I was dabbing it ,four boys were strolling down woods street. There four boys names were Mac,dope boy ,devin and Shaddy. Devin was the smartest one out of all of them hood boys,the rest was the same.Devin was ready to start his own business selling shoes.Dope boy,Mac and Shaddy were going on the wrong path selling drugs,robbing and beating up people. Devin would hang around with them often and conversed with them, but he would not do any bad things. Mac has been a dad already, he had to take care of his 2 year old. Dope boy had an older brother, but, he go shoot a couple weeks ago. Dope boy was reckless, everyone was scared of him even his own mother feared for his life .Shaddy was the slickest one out of all of then, he would get away with everything he did.Shaddy was a only child ,no mother, no father living with his grandparents and living in the worst part of town. …show more content…
They were planning everything they were going to do after high school. Devin got a scholarship to a good college everyone was happy for him and pride. Mac, Shaddy and Dope boy were ready to move in together the printed a small apartment in the city . they were excited to move in together and get some money in their pocket. They moved on to selling more drugs and committing more crimes. Devin was in college, but he would still keep in touch with the boy once in a while. Devin went to a college that was mostly about business and other programs .Meanwhile the other boys were rain with money they bought a new car , clothing, jewelry and even a new apartment. The money was changing the way the boys use to think. All the boys were thinking how they could make more money and how could they could get it
The book That was Then, This Is Now is about to really good friends Bryon and Mark starting to go their separate ways. Bryon was a 16 year old hustler who lived in a hood. His mother was poor and she had adopted his best friend Mark. Mark was an illegitimate who was adopted by new parents that got in a drunken fight and killed each other. Mark was a thief, and he always got away with everything that he possibly could do. Teen kids in there element who thought they could rule the world, everything was theirs and that nothing could possibly go wrong. They did everything bad together smoke, drink, jump kids for their money, steal, skip school, take drugs and get into gang brawls.
Whether they are good or bad, many influential individuals interfere in the involvement of adolescents with gangs. However, not all kids willingly join gangs or conduct in crime. Some join by force through a strong negative influence, or some join, simply because there is nothing else to engage in. Myers elaborates on gang culture by creating preteens and teenage characters, so the young readers can relate and understand. The novel introduces Jamal, a twelve-year old boy whose older brother Randy is in jail. To pay for his appeal, Randy
A little into the movie and Daelynn says. “I want more.” Which I proceeded to say. “Why” and she replied with “Because it’s fun.” Then she thought. When the boys left they through their blunt somewhere in the alleyway so what does Haley and Daelynn do? They went out to find it. After 20 minutes of looking they finally found it. But there wasn't really an more paper on it left so they took the weed out of the paper and Daelynn had another idea. To smoke it out of a pop can. Now this is probably the worst idea ever because if you would smoke it out of a can you can get cancer or something. It’s just really dangerous. So Haley goes and grabs a can she they try to make a little bong out of it. They got like two puffs in then it was gone. Now there really convinced they were “High” so we go back inside and make another pizza and then Haley and Daelynn tried making a ouija board which scared the life out of me. Because we knew there was some type of ghost in her house but I didn't wanna find out or meet Zozo (ouija board demon) Then Haley started to call Eli because she liked him and it was weird. After about two movies later we all have fallen asleep on her
I am fortunate enough to have born into a healthy middle class family. I have never had to worry about not having enough food on the table, or getting the electricity cut off. I still have all four of my grandparents and live in a safe neighborhood. My life has, thankfully, been easy so far. I have never had to make huge, life changing decisions. Well, that is until now, with college and my life after high school quickly approaching.
As graduation nears, everyone asks "What're you going to do after high school?" I've always responded by saying I would be attending college, but I didn't ever think about the idea anymore than that. Recently, I have taken time to sit and actually think about what and why I want to do once I graduate.
One day you’re gonna hear about my sucsess at the Olympics. This essay will provide information on my life as a grade nine student. Firstly, I will provide basic information about who I am. After that I’ll explian my phisical attributes such as height and facial characteristics. Leading up to the end of my essay I plan to inform you of some of my hobbies and maybe even a few things I have experienced in my life so far.
“Life’s never going to get simpler than being a teenager living with your mom. The world is yours for the taking and now all you have to do is seize the future with your head held up and your heart set toward the goal.” My mother told me this after I got the call from Chuck E. Cheeses asking when I could start the job. I would work thirty hours a week after holding coworkers shifts, while desperately trying to keep my grasp on a secure, successful education. I got another job at McAlister’s Deli working doubles every Saturday and Sunday; stayed up on school nights after work just to try and scrabble up a homework assignment, then I knew this couldn’t be my life after high school which pushed me to add some major modifications towards my high
My high school years went by fast, at first I was a freshman and now I am graduating. I have always been quiet in my classes and I would sit at the very back. I was taught to get my work done before having fun and I never paid attention to making any friends. When I was a freshman I saw myself as a mature and intelligent person because I did not act like the others in my class and I hung out with the seniors. I dropped out once and I’m glad that I got chased back or I would be staying home. High school was not as challenging as I thought it was because it is boring and it is easy all you have to do is pay attention and get your work done. I have been waiting for the day I will be on my own. I would not compare my life to the books we read in class because they do not relate to me in any way.
The clock strikes 3:30 and the bell rings, signaling the end of another school day...setting off the silent timer situated within my head. I ignore the all too familiar sensation and quicken my pace ‒ time has started.
Most children live in a quiet neighborhood where they play for long hours all day without scraping a knee. Others come from less ideal circumstances. Now you are probably wondering which environment I grew up in. Seeing where this letter came from should tell you that I originate from this less ideal world. I was nurtured by my mother who was raised in a poor community in Puerto Rico and occasionally with my father who was raised in the streets of New York City. With their intentional love, in addition with the boundaries that they have set for me, they have made a path for me to grow up in without being affected by the cities dangerous nature.
The few years before high school was pretty bad for me and my family. We had some financial and personal problems that were going on at the time. I had a lot of problems in school, a lot of the teachers hated me. On top of that I had to deal with personal family problems, I had two uncles that were diagnosed with cancer. My mom would constantly be in and out of the hospital check in on them. Sometimes she wouldn’t even show up to dinner. This forced me to transition from a kid to an adult.
“But mom, everyone is going to this party, I just moved to a new school and I want to make friends! Besides I’m seventeen years old and a senior in high school I think it's time I start making my own decisions.” I whined
As I sat down in my chair, the waves of the Pacific washed up to my feet. The tingly sand, the scent of the Ocean, and the beautiful sunset is truly alluring. My life has been truly magnificent. However, I tune out the wonders of Hawaii and ponder something; How will others remember me? What legacy have I left behind?
Starting high school was something that would be impossible to forget. You get this grand idea that it’s going to be like the movies. Where the populars rule the school and the school is divided in the nerds, jocks, populars, and who knows what else. Upon being welcomed to Cooper it became clear this wasn’t that kind of school. There were the populars, but not in the same way I imagined. Here we were welcomed and given the helping hand we so desperately needed coming into the bigger fish pond. I can say much like a fish on land, I was out of my habitat. Walking among the others who have gone through this was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. I have to say that in the beginning I predetermined high school was going to be the
When I was young, I did a lot more seeing than speaking. I was considered a dream child - so quiet, so calm, such a pleasant student. I learned that it was easier to be a wallflower. To attain great grades rather than be yelled at. I grasped that if I was as close to perfect as I could be, my life would be as easy as the circumstances would allow. And to give myself an advantage, I practiced observing others. I knew would be most beneficial to befriend, who was troubled, who was mad, and who was something I could only wish to be: Average.