
Personal Narrative: Live From The Dentist Office

Decent Essays

In my life, I have experienced many situations that you could describe as “life changing” where it changed the way I think or feel about a certain subject. But, there is only one in particular that I will be reminded of everyday for the rest of my life. I never thought hanging out with my friends could turn out so awful. Before I can tell you exactly what happened, you should know that when I woke up that morning I was feeling extremely fierce and I was determined to have a great day. Nothing could stop me that day because it was the day I heard the album “Live From the Dentist Office” came out. Keep in mind, this is not an advertisement for a hip-hop album, but more than that. It is a great album. It was Summertime of 2015, and the morning was hot as the sun rays from my windows burned across my shut eyelids. As I slowly, and painfully wake up to the sound of my newborn niece …show more content…

What’s in here anyways?” “There’s still Squirt in there, don’t throw it out!” said Tony. Austin, being the sarcastic jerk that he is replies with, “who even drinks Squirt anymore?” Suddenly a big burst of laughter and shouting fill the tiny car. Austin and Tony going back and forth; Mando laughing at the point where he can’t breathe. But wait, where is Anthony? SPLASH! All of a sudden everyone is covered with the week old, flat drink known as Squirt. Anthony attempted to throw the “Polar Pop” out of the window but was very unsuccessful. In fact, it came no where close to the window as it hit the side panel of the interior of the car. Tony is furious, and turns the car around. We literally drive all the way back and he drops everyone at their house. As I was the last to get dropped off, he was still incredibly angry and

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