
Personal Narrative-Marching Band

Decent Essays

I picked up my flag, my red dress blowing against my legs, the last move being replayed in my head.
Dead silence.
A roaring applause shook me to my core. I bow. The applause got louder, my heart rate accelerated
Bowden High School; the location of my first competition of the season occurred. Marching onto the field, I wondered how many people have performed here, and have felt the same way I do. My mind lacked confidence and was full of uncertainty.
Last September
”Catherine, you got this. Do not be nervous,” I whisper to myself. I am on the sidelines waiting for my band to be called. My head is filled with fear, an emotion that had made itself home before every performance. Looking ahead, I see the 50 yard line where I will start the show.
“Please welcome the Spirit of McIntosh High School Marching Band”
In the spotlight of stage fright, I started marching toward the 50 yard line, setting down my other flags along the way. The line was only a few more steps away, but it looked like it was a million miles away. With every step I took, my breathing got faster, my knuckles clenched my …show more content…

After countless games and competitions, I still could not escape the fear that came with performing. I realized that my fear was irrational because I had done the work flawlessly so many times before arriving at the competition. My fear was fake and wanted me to fail. After screwing up the first 16 counts of the show, I recovered. However, I was on edge the rest of the show. Of course after the show, my instructor was disappointed and gave me a scalding, but that memory of what it was like to be frozen in front of the entire stadium haunted me. I had two more competitions left in the season, and I was determined not to screw them up. Two weeks had passed, and I found myself in the same position. Walking towards the 50, heart racing, fear building. The only thing that changed was that I was determined to conquer my

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