I have strong communication skills, both written and verbal, which I have gained throughout my working career and studies. Verbal communication skills: In particular, my role as Office Assistant at Prime Tooling, over the past year, I communicated on a daily basis with senior managers, staff at all levels .Moreover, I have to interact with graphic designers and back-end developers of company website .Most of the communication was face-to-face, via email and by telephone. Having a technical background, one of my key responsibilities was to maintain the company website by performing backups of files, databases and updating the CMS system and its modules. Consequently have to communicate with graphic designers and back-end developers for sending requests to make updates to the website. Senior managers would phone me to make the requests for improving the …show more content…
During the course I have prepared numerous written assignments on various topics related to confidentiality, patient care and communication and performed several oral presentations including lecture on Privacy and confidentiality in a Medical Office. Consequently, this enhanced my verbal communication confident and effective. Written communication skills: As I have an interest in working the medical professions, I recently undertook Medical Reception and Terminology Course. The training incorporated all aspects of, medical billing and intensive study of medical terminology. During the course, I had several assessments and scenarios related to confidentiality Issues with Patients, their Families and others The university study has given me systematic training in communicating professionally. Throughout my course I have achieved high grades in writing assessment items, which include reports, analytical papers and essay questions written under examination
Three ways patient confidentiality is maintained in the reception/waiting area of a medical office could be: 1) Do not use the patients’ full name. Only the use of their first name or last name is needed. 2) Make sure that the computer screen in the reception area is not able to be seen by other patients. And make sure medical records are not kept out or open in view of others. 3) Make sure all staff conversations cannot be heard by others. Especially when a patients’ personal information could be overheard.
Care providers strive to provide care that is patient focused that maintains confidentiality and respect. This paper is about the maintenance of patient confidentiality and the trusting relationships that must be maintained between the patient and the healthcare providers.
Every day in the health care field, professional have to choose the most effective communication method when communicating to other professionals, patients, patient families, and the general public. Different circumstances have very specific methods of communication that need to be utilized for communication to be effective. Furthermore, in the health care field the regulations of HIPAA have to be considered to ensure that certain information is being protected as well as identity of people pertaining to the health scenarios. Further will be discussed the methods of communicating in the health care field, the advantages
This essay is going to explain under which circumstances a healthcare professional whether doctor, nurse or healthcare assistant is justified in disclosing confidential information to a third party without the consent of the patient it relates to. Also, discussing the legal laws and acts that make this possible and a description of what these laws and acts mean and are about. Covering cases were some of these laws and acts have been used. Lastly giving information on which third parties whether it be people, companies or authorities who can request to see your details without the consent of patient, however the healthcare professional must do as requested by these third party.
Seeing information about a healthcare user in such terms makes me realise that some information is not necessarily in the public domain and therefore I have a privilege and responsibility to not only care for the patient but also for the knowledge about them that I am privy to. I realise that, although I have a duty to retain confidentiality, I may be placed in a position where the confidence has to also include other healthcare professionals and I need to involve the patient in such a situation (ibid).
Disclosing confidential patient information without patient consent can happen in the health care field quite often and is the basis for many cases brought against health care facilities. There are many ways confidential information gets into the wrong hands and this paper explores some of those ways and how that can be prevented.
Once a patient creates a physician-patient relationship the patient has given his/her doctor the implied consent to be treated by that doctor. Now as the medical assistant one of our various task is to inform the patient of the doctor’s notice of privacy, these are the papers you have to read and sign to state that you understand the information, before seeing their new physician. In those papers, which most people sign without reading, tell you how your personal and private information will be used and divulged, how your information will be protected by the healthcare workers, and what you, the patient, can do if you feel that your private health information has been breached. (Association) Most if not all of these codes fall under one law, one very important law that any healthcare related worker would get fired if they violated the patients notice of privacy practice documents each patient signs.
Professional Communication is a very important element in the foundation for a strong health care system. Communication can also serve as a basis for basic health care administered. Communication is not only the one tool in health care in which we can control, but also what helps prevent the derailment in patient-healthcare professional trust.. Types of model that can help express how important professional communication is within health care is the movie titled, The Doctor. There are various examples in this movie in which the importance of professional communication is portrayed and supports the argument, as well. These types of examples and supporting data can also be found in real life testimonies of what type of situations can result from lack of professional communication in the health care setting. Communication teaches the importance in human-to-human contact that some hospitals and health care setting may lack due to the certain personality type that is more attracted to the roles of doctors. Professional communication should remain at the forefront of bed side manner and proper etiquette in the health care field and setting.
The personal Health Information Protection Act sets out rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal Health information. I discussed with my preceptor situations that demonstrate confidentiality regulations. she explained to me while counseling patient she always respects patient's confidentiality by providing private counseling area. Health information of the patient is shared only with health care professionals. With some exceptions, the legislation requires health information custodians to obtain consent before they collect, use or disclose personal health information. Individual have the right to access and request correction of their own personal health information. I also discussed about OCP code of ethics relevant to the
Confidentiality is a concept of vast importance for professionals in the medical field. It is a professional obligation in this field and is considered to be an ethical concept that falls in line with integrity, compassion, veracity, charity, and fidelity as explained in both the International Council of Nurses Code for Nurses (1973) and the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics (1985). However, in today’s ever growing world of technology and demand for information, challenges continue to arise that force doctors and nurses to reexamine virtues such as confidentiality.
The main focus of the article is to look at the absolute value of patients’ confidentiality. Blightman et al. look at the pros and cones of breaking patient’s confidentiality and conclude that a breached of confidentiality is in order when it is necessary to obtain consent, as required by law, or when it is in the best interest of the public. The article is useful to my subject, since it examines in details the main issues involving the safeguard of patients’ information. In addition, the authors define confidential information, looks at breaching confidentiality for consent, audits, protection of children, disclosure to family and friends, statutory disclosure, prevention of crime, public interest, public safety, public health, and disclosure to the media. The paper publication is Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain, which s a joint publication of the British Journal of Anaesthesia and The Royal College of Anaesthetists in the UK. It is also the official journal of The Faculty of Pain Medicine and The College of Anaesthetists of Ireland. Publication in such an esteemed journal requires utterly scrutinized of reliability and credibility of the information provided. I found the article educational and thorough in its coverage of aspects of breach of patient information. It is also well written and easy to understand.
"The power of vision is the starting point. Once you have established your goal, you need to develop your communication skills so that you can share your vision with the rest of the world and create something unique," Tips on starting your own winning business. (2011, March 9). This statement is true. I consider my communication skill good to excellent. As the daughter of two school teachers I have an excellent command of the English language and they taught me how to present myself in such a way to adapt to my audience and have a confidence in my words. These traits have allowed me to be successful in a number of various professions, but I find my ability to communicate with
This essay will discuss why confidentiality is important within nursing practice and the reasons why a registered nurse and student nurse are accountable and to whom they are accountable to in relation to patient care. It will further discuss patient’s rights in relation to law.
Confidentiality is considered a core value or principal in the medical practice. Confidentiality is a right that all people have within the medical field. This is the requirement of health care providers to keep a person’s information exclusive unless the patient or the person consents in the form of a release to share that information with other people that practice. Usually the consent is given when a doctor wants to consult with a different doctor for example. In this case it would be for the betterment of the person.
Communication is the process or the act of exchanging or expressing information to someone else. However, due to several reasons at times the information communicated may be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Thus, in such a case the respondent ends up doing contrary to what was expected. In most cases, this leads to negative consequences, especially in a clinical setting. The paper addresses a miscommunication sample case which could result in negative impacts when it takes place in a healthcare setting, with not nurses but doctors. A sample representative case has been chosen for privacy and confidentiality, I will now explain it below.