This week, I forgot to get a few supplies at Diagon Alley. I didn't have a broom to fly there, I could not apparate until a later year, and the Hogwarts express will most likely not take me there alone. But before that, I had to ask someone (who was in another house) what supplies we needed. So grabbing a big handful of the silver floo powder, I tossed it into the fireplace, causing it to turn to an emerald green. I placed my head into the fireplace and as clearly as possible, shouted the house I wanted to go to. Instantly, my head found itself in that fireplace, with the other person waiting for me. I asked her what supplies we needed, and then I brought my head back up to my house once more. Now that I knew what I needed, I got another handful
I replied, “yeah, let me ask my mom.” So I called my mom and asked if I could go to Greyson’s practice. She replied, yeah how are you getting home?”
Monday- Came in continued on book work Chapter two and then went out to the lab where. I continued working on my Copper Swage Project. I pinched the end and started to braze. While I was brazing I messed up and made a mess and destroyed the project braze went all over it. The copper was burnt so I broke it down. I noticed the scrap pile and the box with pipe that needed to be broken down was over flowing. So I asked coach if he wanted me to break it down he said yes so Caleb and I started to break it down. Then I went to the Tours Recognition Gathering. Tuesday- Caleb and I continued to break all the pipe and projects. We cut it all up and put it into the bin. We didn't finish so we continued doing that into Wednesday. Wednesday- We continued
My Glass Castle essay is a flashback to the beginning of my adventures in Honors English. As such, it is the most suitable candidate for revision, as I will be able to observe my hopefully positive progression made over the course of the entire school year.
As one drives up the California coast, they will begin to notice several things. First, the general atmosphere shifts. The further north they travel from Los Angeles palms and golden beaches, the cities begin to lose their positive, sunny vibes. They go from beach villas to industrial apartments to suburban neighborhoods to run down harbor towns. The positive emotional vibrations emitted from such architecture slowly surrenders its grip on its surroundings to a grim, hopeless one. As new, booming cities fade into sleepy and ancient villages only occupied by drunken sailors and lost tourists, the traveler will soon realize they are in a much less pleasant place as where they originated their journey.
National Honors Society is an amazing opportunity to be chosen for. By being accepted, it shows that the hard work that I have done in the classroom, and in the community have done well for not only the community but for myself as a person. Since I have started High-school, I have done many volunteer hours at my church. I have done many things such as help lead game-time for the little ones during a learning program called Awana. Awana is a program done by some churches to help raise children to love and serve God. I also help most Sundays in the sound room at church. I help to run the sound and the computer that displays the songs that we are doing that particular Sunday. I enjoy doing these things because seeing the children’s faces, enjoying
I hope you remember me because I was a student in your Summer 2016 Legal Research and Analysis class at University of California, San Diego Extension. If you do not remember me, I was unable to send you a complete final memorandum as a result of being admitted to the hospital the night that the memorandum was due. I was recently let go from my job as a Litigation Paralegal, which I obtained during graduation week. Their only reason was that they needed someone with more experience. Right now I am trying to enroll in my last two courses at UCSD Extension in order to officially complete my ABA-Approved Professional Certificate. When I spoke with Azra Mukanovic, she informed me that Julia Dunlap and herself discussed the situation and agreed
The issue of Donald Trump versus Hilary Clinton is an issue of facing two evils but having to choose a lesser evil. In reality though, Donald Trump would be a better president as compared to Hilary Clinton. He is a straight forward candidate, rich, older, and some may view him as being even wiser. He fits in well with the American system of big money politics since he is a popular billionaire who flies around in his helicopter without hiding his wealth and voters in recent past have said that they love nature of telling it how it is and they also respect his ballsy nature. This is in direct contrast with his opponent Hilary Clinton, who is good at hiding her wealth, riches, and beliefs. The Clinton’s are estimated to have a fortune in excess of 100 million dollars and some people like to portray Hilary as a liberal hope, including a number of activists and academics titled “feminists for Clinton” but reality is that "she is a significantly dangerous white feminist woman"
Splshh and a deep breath followed by a splsssshh and a deep breath. A leg press and an arm flexion in tandem tugs the black cord causing the container of water at the front of the machine to form a tornado. With each rep the handle rotates through my grip leaving a thick layer of black tar that requires multiple scrubbings to remove. Twenty rows in my lungs begin to crumple in and out like that of a paper bag used to control hyperventilation. My body begs for more and more oxygen like i'm some kind of desperate addict. My eupnea gain capacity and increase frequency, but it seems like the vital gas in the air is depleting and I am simply running out of ozone. My vision gradiently transposes to whiteness motivating my hands to allay the deteriorated shaft. Luckily my feeling of relief overshadowed my disappointing performance. I look around and realize that I am surrounded by judgmental twigs in the cardio section of my gym. This is why I will only be found doing cardio if I am warming up for the real workout: lifting.
So much for my hunch. Carl is starting to get a little irritated with us at the moment, but as I’m standing next to him showing my phone, I saw a charred remains of a notebook in the tin box, somehow wedged itself so it was stuck, possibly forced in when Carl hastily placed those papers inside. I point over to it and ask “What is that?”. Carl, sees the charred book and shuts the tin case before I had a chance to reach into it.
I have a good friend who is half Cuban from his dad side of the family and his grandmother is completely Cuban. Every time he speaks with his grandmother, he talks to her in her native language. It’s so wonderful to hear the conversation although I have no idea what is being said. So every once in a while Bart hosts a dinner party and this time he decided to have a few signature dishes that his grandmother has taught him to make (of course there were a few things that were modernized). We started out with a black bean salsa type with home-made corn tortilla chips, I also was able to try ropa vieja served over rice (i.e. which is a fancy way of saying shredded beef), I can say I have not tasted anything like it before. It seemed that a lot of
Your Honor, I request to represent myself due to the financial in ability to retain an attorney. I plead Guilty to the suspended license charge; I was not aware, and not guilty to the failure to report charge. You’re Honor on August 5th 2014, after getting off work I went to a 7/11 of Newtown Road and Lake Edward Drive. I was simply there to grab a bite to eat. Once I purchased the items, I went to my vehicle the only car in the parking lot of the 7/11 roughly around 3:00am in the morning. Once I became secured in my vehicle seat belt on and ready to head home, I look over both shoulders and rearview mirror before backing out of the parking spot I was in.
Over the course of time, many different leaders have come and gone, leaving a mark in history books and the minds of mankind. Whether or not the said leader was smart, generally being decided upon by the public, but intelligence should not be a significant factor, as many qualities form to create a good leader. Of these qualities, some include honesty, persistence, and good speaking skills. The honesty skill was shown by president Lincoln, who was known as “Honest Abe”.
I was sitting at my desk, looking around for any small detail that I thought I may have missed. Everything looked organized and the way my roommate and I wanted it to look. I looked at him and told him “this is our new home for a year”. Every upcoming college student dreams about moving day and my time was coming soon. Three weeks prior to move in day, I began organizing and preparing for what was coming, “What are the most important things I should bring”, “How much is the trip going to cost?”, all these questions began to rush towards my head at once and if it wasn’t for the help of my mom, I wouldn’t have been able to organize myself and pack for college.
One of the artifacts that tell my story is a pair of red shoes. They are small, red shoes, with an embroidered flower and a Velcro strap. They were my first pair of shoes when I started walking. These shoes were bought in Chile, where I was born. This is just one of the many artifacts that reveals my origin.
The book The Odyssey by Homer and the 1997 movie The Odyssey portrayed many real world learning aspects into each take of the story. The book and the movie both had many big ideas that were expressed as the same but had many detailed and specific ideas that were different.