
Personal Narrative: Miranda's Weight Loss

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That night I did not sleep at all. I went to the computer to find any information on cycling Cushings. I was not successful. As I researched, I sensed God drawing me into His presence. After a period of time, I prayed. While seeking God, I was reminded Miranda’s weight gain was not consistent. That was one reason it was easy for me to think maybe she would outgrow her “problem,” or maybe it was going away. I went to our photo albums and was amazed. It was obvious in pictures Miranda’s weight gain was not constant. Also, I noted in the pictures how her tummy and upper back held most of her weight gain. Miranda was beautiful. Her little fingers reminded me of a toddler that never lost their baby fat. As I looked through the pictures, …show more content…

So, she was started on antibiotics. I was hopeful she would regain her bladder control. After the first round of antibiotics, Miranda was retested. Again, it was positive. Miranda went on a different type of antibiotics. The medicine did not seem to help her bladder control at all. Miranda’s loss of control was getting worse by the day, and her urine had a horrible odor to it. The smell was like a cheap perfume. Nothing seemed to help her. The time came to test Miranda again for cortisol. I tried to take her urine, but her problem was much worse. It was frustrating for both Miranda and me. She tried so hard, but still wet herself. The lab was insistent we had to have all the urine. To catch her urine, Miranda and I had to stay right beside the bathroom all day. I set the timer for ten minutes and she would go every time. Finally, we were successful, so I turned in the collection. Again, I waited. I hoped this time it would reveal something so we could get her …show more content…

I spent my days in prayer and praise. I served Him from my heart, not wanting anything in return. I simply wanted to be an obedient vessel. Suddenly, I found myself in a situation where I wanted Him to move and He did not, as far as I could tell. There were other situations in our finances, family, and at the church where I had been frustrated by His timing. However, He was always faithful. This particular time was different for me. This was my baby. I wanted her whole, and I wanted her whole right now! My very life and breath depended on Him. He was my source. When I took the teaching job, my Source was cut off. I could not find Him. Devastation was not the only emotion I felt. For the first time since I had given myself to Jesus, I felt truly

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