That night I did not sleep at all. I went to the computer to find any information on cycling Cushings. I was not successful. As I researched, I sensed God drawing me into His presence. After a period of time, I prayed. While seeking God, I was reminded Miranda’s weight gain was not consistent. That was one reason it was easy for me to think maybe she would outgrow her “problem,” or maybe it was going away. I went to our photo albums and was amazed. It was obvious in pictures Miranda’s weight gain was not constant. Also, I noted in the pictures how her tummy and upper back held most of her weight gain. Miranda was beautiful. Her little fingers reminded me of a toddler that never lost their baby fat. As I looked through the pictures, …show more content…
So, she was started on antibiotics. I was hopeful she would regain her bladder control. After the first round of antibiotics, Miranda was retested. Again, it was positive. Miranda went on a different type of antibiotics. The medicine did not seem to help her bladder control at all. Miranda’s loss of control was getting worse by the day, and her urine had a horrible odor to it. The smell was like a cheap perfume. Nothing seemed to help her. The time came to test Miranda again for cortisol. I tried to take her urine, but her problem was much worse. It was frustrating for both Miranda and me. She tried so hard, but still wet herself. The lab was insistent we had to have all the urine. To catch her urine, Miranda and I had to stay right beside the bathroom all day. I set the timer for ten minutes and she would go every time. Finally, we were successful, so I turned in the collection. Again, I waited. I hoped this time it would reveal something so we could get her …show more content…
I spent my days in prayer and praise. I served Him from my heart, not wanting anything in return. I simply wanted to be an obedient vessel. Suddenly, I found myself in a situation where I wanted Him to move and He did not, as far as I could tell. There were other situations in our finances, family, and at the church where I had been frustrated by His timing. However, He was always faithful. This particular time was different for me. This was my baby. I wanted her whole, and I wanted her whole right now! My very life and breath depended on Him. He was my source. When I took the teaching job, my Source was cut off. I could not find Him. Devastation was not the only emotion I felt. For the first time since I had given myself to Jesus, I felt truly
Mary is 39 -year-old LPN and single mother who is attending a local community college to prepare for an A.S. degree in nursing so she can then become an RN. Mary has not been feeling well for several months. She has had bouts of nausea, a low fever, and has found that she no longer enjoys eating and smoking as much as she used to. She has also noticed that her urine is darker than usual and she has yellowing of her eyes. She has noted that she has a puffy appearance. Results of blood tests at her doctor’s office reveal that her ALT, AST , alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin levels are elevated and that she also has an elevated count of lymphocytes. Further tests reveal that she is positive for the presence
Introduction: Jessie Buchanan, an 80-year old female, was admitted to Bethany Care Society in room 3088-1 at the center unit. She is an extensive assist, requires 1 staff assistance and uses the transfer belt to transfer from bed to her wheelchair. She was admitted here because none of her family members can look after her because they are all busy with their own personal life. Jessie prefers to stay at Bethany because she receives full-time care from the health care providers. Jessie had a history of edema on her right ankle because she was experiencing hyponatremia. Currently, she is on fluid restriction and every morning I would put her compression stockings to prevent the occurrence of edema. Her condition worsens when she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis(OA), delirium, depression, type 2 diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, hypertension, and urinary tract infections. Her recent urine culture shows that she is positive for urine nitrite and urine leukocyte which caused the UTI. Jessie is incontinent and she wears an indwelling catheter. Jessie said that sometimes her knees are painful. She takes an analgesic to relieve the pain that she feels. Jessie 's blood sugar level is within the range. She is not taking insulin or any oral medications like metformin because she knows how to control it, by following the proper diet. Jessie always have a good sleep and never complains about her sleeping pattern. She is taking medications for GERD, iron supplement, bone health,
Day 8. Jamie’s awake and becoming more alert, the doctors are wanting me to tell her about lose prior to her leaving the hospital, as much as I would love to, I don’t want to hurt her. Later that day Jamie asked for her cell, I handed her the phone but I told her I needed tell her something first. To my surprise, Jamie wasn’t as nearly as upset as I expected, in some ways I think she was relieved. I think she felt like, “Its finally over”. Jamie continued to recover and once she was released from the hospital, she checked into a recovery center and continues to do well today. Jamie has returned to her cookie cutter life and remains sober.
Ever since I was a young boy, my family would pile into our old 15-passenger van and drive to church each and every Sunday, without fail. I didn't really understand it at first, it was just something I had to do. When I was around 6 years old, my mother encouraged me to accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior. I hardly understood what it meant, but I went through with it, much to my mother’s excitement. Years passed, and my understanding grew. Up until I was around 13 years old, my faith had no correlation to my actions. I could recite bible verses for hours, yet I couldn't say what any of them meant. That all changed one year at Camp Selah, a Then, in the year 2014, my faith took a turn for the worst. I’d had a testing first year of high
Marisna is a 39yo, G3 P2002, who is currently 21 weeks 0 days as dated by LMP using a due date of 04/25/17. This was consistent with her 1st ultrasound in your office that measured just slightly ahead with a due date of 04/18/17. She is AMA. She had a quad screen in your office that returned screen positive with an increased risk of Down syndrome of 1:100. This is close to what her age based risk would be. Open neural tube defect was screen negative. In reviewing her analytes, AFP was slightly elevated at 2.15 MoM and inhibin was borderline at 1.87 MoM. She was diagnosed with chronic HTN fairly early in her last pregnancy. She did not have preeclampsia with that pregnancy to her knowledge. The baby was quite small, as it weighed just over 4 lb at term. She was not on BP medication chronically, but coming into this pregnancy at 19 weeks her BP was elevated at 162/90 and she was started on labetalol. I cannot tell in the records if she had protein in her urine but she did have 2+ on her dip in our office today. She reports that she has collected a 24-hr urine last week, although we do not have those results. Because she entered care late, she is not on baby aspirin for the prevention of preeclampsia.
Good Morning Stephanie, Beautifully said :) I most admired the way your Psalm of choice connected with the suffering topic for the Book of Job. I don't believe you did that intentionally but it showed your true heart. Thanks so musch for being transparent because I believe many of us share that same struggle. Faith is a beautiful thing but it definiitely takes work. The 2nd Corinthians 10:5 tells us to cast down vain thoughts that try to exalt itself against the knowledge of God and bring every thought into the obedience of Christ. I believe this applies to when we struggle to talk to God and believe He hears us because the Bible says He hears us. Also, I agree with expalination of how the book of Job encourages us to reamin faithful
I had been away so long my membership ended and there were many new faces that I has not met. Pastor John was starting his series on the Ten Commandmentsand the first being “you shall have no other Gods but me.” I realized that for so long I was putting so many things before God. I was putting my work, my money and my worldly needs and wants before God, I was even putting my healing before God not bringing my worry to Him. I took this all into thought and then Prayer and it was made really clear to me that I was lacking my trust and faith in God through not only my healing but my everyday life. I then asked God back into my life and when I did I also asked for strength and guidance with all parts of my life. For years I thought working so many hours and the 2 to 3 jobs was the way to provide for my family but through God’s grace He showed me that my girls and family needed me to be working but not all the hours with my jobs but working on building my life with Jesus. This has been a little over 2 months now that I have been in the word and Praying daily that God shows me what He wants me doing. Since I have been
The book “Maggie Goes on a Diet” is an extremely controversial book. In saying this, I do believe that the subject of a healthy diet and daily exercise is a fantastic topic to begin discussing at a young age. However, the target of this book is to hit a very young age group, which means both the audience and author must be very cautious about stigmatizing (girls in particular) self-conscious body images. In today's society, it is becoming more and more prevalent to have eating disorders and to worry about how your body looks. This book may be interpreted in many different ways, but the danger is really sparked when it is viewed negatively, and the underlying meaning of healthy living is overlooked. All in all, I like the main message book, but am unsure about the target age
I had a never ending list of patients to see, all of which also had a never ending list of questions to ask. Going through my routine, I worked my way down the list of patients. Then I found a familiar looking name, Sarah T. LiCari. Walking into the room I did my usual greeting. I noticed that she looked a bit different, but I could not quite put my finger on it. Had she lost weight? Did she do something to her hair? Was it just the new winter jacket? Regaining my focusI began to look over the lab results that were sent back from a hospital in Pittsburgh. They did not look good. There was no reason to try and sugar coat the situation, so I told Sarah outright what the results concluded. I could see the slight drop in her features. Knowing there was not a cure for the disease I told her about a new drug trial that was going on that she could be a subject in. This appeared to catch her interest a little, but I could see that her eyes drifted to focus on the model that sat on the windowsill behind me depicting a liver with cirrhosis. I felt some pity for the girl. She was quite young to have developed liver cirrhosis. I could tell she had zoned out by now, so I wrote down everything I was telling her to look at when sh got home. Sarah and her mother then left. It was just another day at the
My father was a good man, but there many things that took him from the house, from work to provide for us and the fire department, which seemed to be the focus of his passion. My last refuge, the church seemed to be a place that was all obligations. They were always talking about it being a place for God to embrace us. However, at the end of the day, it was just talk with people, who said that God would embrace me, yet were not embracing. I felt as if they were holding acceptance like a cat’s toy being held just beyond reach. I did not need more people telling me about it, I needed someone to show
In recent years, God has become a very important part of my life. I am determined to learn more about God and look forward to seeing what he has in store for me and my family. At one time God was not a big part of my life, I did not attend church regularly or feel close to him. I have always believed in God and Jesus Christ as our savior, but did not actively seek a closer relationship with him. I feel that much of that changed when I accepted my current job in a church based preschool program. After taking the position in the preschool, I was then offered a position in the church’s nursery on Sunday mornings. I accepted this position also and my son and I started attending Church every Sunday. In the time since, my husband, myself, and our children have all joined the Church, been baptized, and become very active in our Church. I feel that this was God’s plan for us all along. I feel that God guides our decisions each and everyday, and I now use prayer to seek his guidance for our lives.
I thought and prayed over the next several weeks and honestly I complained and vented to few of my pastoral colleagues about the situation; but the truth of the matter was that they too needed consoling given the fact that they also were struggling with similar battles. Then it dawned on me, why was I complaining? I thought to myself, if I was truly called to ministry by God then anything I place my hand upon can and would be blessed. That is, only if I would begin to exercise greater faith and trust in God; shedding my disbelief only to dawn a new outlook on the path of church leadership. After all, God has place unique and specially gifts inside the hearts and spirits of all of his children. It was from that moment that I began to pray and talked with God with frequency taking to heart the words written in the Gospel of Matthew 6:21 "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be, For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also". I had not consider the heart of God nor the hearts of the people of New Creation. I had been looking for treasure with my eyes,
My journey on to my Christian faith began when I was born so I basically didn’t feel. I had a choice not to be a Christian but I never asked why am I a Christian because I felt as though being a child of god was the right way to go I felt as though that god would always be here for not just me but with everyone that needed him. My journey to Christ probably would have to be in the miracles that he have brought me through and I have seen. A long time ago my uncle basically overdosed and the doctors said that he was brain dead and that we should just cut the cord. I will never forget the hospital room filled with the people from my church praying out loud. As I was sitting in there I could feel the spiritual energy. It felt like my skin was crawling with adrenaline. The doctors took us back there to see him and when I saw him I was honestly scared I didn’t think he was going make it but he made it my mother told me when she went back there she saw a angel over him and she said that his wings filled the room. After that day my uncle began to get better when he got home he didn’t have any memory of any sort he had to start completely over we had to help him step by step. And now today my
“So what did the doctor say?” I remember asking this question so simply thinking my father had just gone to a simple check up. It was late in the afternoon on what seemed like any other normal day. My parents had just gotten home from my father’s doctor appointment when they picked me and my sister up to take her to softball practice. “We’ll talk about when we get home” my mother said very softly. My sister always being the one to just go along with what my parents had said just muttered a simple “okay.” I however have not been a very cooperative child “Well why can’t you just tell us now?” I stated simply annoyed with the fact that my parents were not answering my question. “We don’t want your sister to be distracted at practice” my dad said. Instantly a flood of worry rushed through me. “If it’s so important that it would distracted Cheyenne at practice it has to be something serious.” I thought to myself. Anxiously I waited until we arrived at the high school and my sister had exited the car. “So can you tell me now she’s gone?” I asked