In 2014 when I decided to go back to my local community college I was told that I would have to retake my math class. My goal was to pass this class and to be able to move forward in my studies. This is something that was very hard for me to complete when it was placed in front of me because it was by far my weakest subject in high school without a doubt and that was back in 2008 when it was somewhat fresh on my mind. This was now six years later and to be honest I really had no idea how I was going to complete this class. Which made me feel very defeated I felt as if there was no one for me to move forward because of the roadblock.
However, I had no idea that my now wife which was my new girlfriend at the time was something of a math genius.
My decision to go back to school in the fall of 2012 was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I’m a stay at home mom of 4 boys with 2 of them being special needs. My oldest was born with a rare genetic condition called hereditary spastic paraplegia and my youngest son was born with a rare condition called Dravet Syndrome that requires 24/7 care. I was at a point in my life where I had lost my identity of who I was and I wanted to be me again. I made that important decision to go back to school for myself with the fear of how I was going to do it, but I knew that it was right. It took me 3 years to complete my AS but with the support of my husband and kids I was able to receive my degree. I worked hard and was able to juggle being
After I graduate from Community College of Philadelphia, I plan to attend a four-year university. I want to receive my bachelor’s degree in accounting. I have a few schools to choose from. The school I am going to transfer to is Temple University. I am choosing Temple because it is close to home, it has a good accounting program, and to continue a legacy.
I am reaching out to you as my second to last resort option. As I have tried to already reach out to other people in your office for help in this matter with no help or advice other then what I have already done and that’s was that. So if I am not able to resolve this matter with or get a better understanding with it I may just have to take it to the governor. I am completely lost and confused about the whole graduation requirements and how it’s such a blurry line for transfer students from one community college to another. There is no clear cut guidance and support with nobody in counseling or administration or registration on the same page on what the student needs to do in order to graduate so the student is left to fend for them self’s.
I started to work as a waitress at very young age. I stopped receiving education because my grades at school were not good and studying seemed to be boring. Working in my twenties appeared to be more adventurous and full of promises. As the time passed by, my routine at work turned out to be a nuisance. I was feeling empty inside without knowing the reason. As my level of expertise in the catering business was growing, the idea of starting up a restaurant on my own was beginning to take shape. I believed to know how to handle a business but I was missing all the technicalities. Getting back to school was a good alternative though I did not feel ready.
All decisions come with consequences, whether they are good, or bad. I believe that G-d has everything to do with the decisions I, and, others make in this world. If I get into some sort of trouble, G-d wanted me in that trouble, to teach me a lesson for the future. If I do something positive, someone then later phrases you, by doing something good to you. Deciding where I would go to college was a crucial decision I had to make. I had to make sure it was convenient and, where I wanted to go. Before choosing to go to Bucks County Community College I was accepted to a few other colleges, one of which was even out of state. I chose to come to Bucks County Community College, when I realized I didn’t want to leave home or go to a different University
After graduating high school I began taking classes at Austin Community College. Focusing more on my business and marketing classes, working as a manager at Ashley Furniture Homestore this allowed me to use what I was learning in the classroom and incorporate these skills into the work environment. Over my time at Austin Community College, the classes were becoming harder to fill many of my classes were dropped or the Dean of marketing substituting many of my courses for other courses. I became Frustrated with this process and decided to finish my certification in marketing and return to college at a later time. Following graduating Austin Community College I became sick and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This diagnosis had an enormous
During my second semester at Southwest Mississippi Community College, I had finally gotten comfortable at the school: I had made friends, and I was doing well in all of my classes. Well, all except for college algebra. I have never been good at algebra; this class was no exception. I tried my very best to understand the material, but my mind just could not comprehend much of the material that we covered in class. Because of my own inability to understand the material, I never finished any of my homework, and I did not do well on any of the tests that I had taken. I had later come to realize that my inability to understand the material was not the fault of anyone but myself.
My recent journey into faith and want to learn more of our Lord would be the event or experience that is the main influence towards my academic work and goals with Colorado Christian University.
I interviewed Brynn Hegg. Bynn has had many challenges in her life one being switching schools when she was 10. Meeting new friends,messing up,and getting lost are all things a new kids experience.
Spring 2016 was a semester I thought I would give my all to since it was just one step away before I graduate. I did not realize the overwhelming stress it would have over me struggling to keep my GPA. When I spoke with my advisor for Spring advisement I wanted to transfer to a 4 year college since my GPA was high enough at that point but my advisor informed me I am close to graduating and the better choice would be to finish and graduate with my Associates Degree. I took the advice and enrolled in two science classes, on music class, and one statistics class. Taking two science classes was not the best idea especially being so close to the finish line of graduating. I took a Bio 210 class and Chem 121, I am not a science major and I have decided
For as long as I have been in school, I have never lived in the same house for more than a year. There was always something new, and for all of the different parts of town in which we moved, that something new was me. I had an abundant amount of opportunities to be someone else, to create a person people would want to get to know. However, that almost never worked out the way I hoped.
Every year at least one teenager has to go to a new strange school. This can be difficult when a teenager doesn't know anyone in the school. Even I had to move schools when I was in 11th grade which was very hard because I've been to my other school for two years and I pretty much knew everyone there. Moving to a new school was very scary for me and it didn't make me really happy cause I knew that I would have to make new friends other people already have friends over there and I was just scared that I wouldn't fit in. Was 15 when does happened and I was currently on my way to go to 11th grade I lived with my parents. When I was in 10th grade I was enjoying school I had a lot of friends in school and life was really good but then one day my mom and my dad thought that apartment we were living in was too small for us and the rent was too much so my mom with the siding that maybe we should move I was upset because we were going to change schools and I really didn't want that to happen but my mom said they would try their best to find the same school in house around that now I just have to wait and find out if we do find a house or if we don't find a house around my school.
“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP”! As soon as I heard my alarm, I then realized it was time for me to get up and moving. It was 6am and I was extremely tired. Because of going to sleep around 2am, I felt the need to lie back down just for five minutes. The time was awfully going by slow, because I kept checking the time to see if the minutes were up yet. As the time went by, those minutes were up and I then decided to get up and moving to get ready for school.
I am Natasha Joyce Louise S. De Leon, my friends call me Tash. I was born and raised in the Philippines; 8 months ago we moved here in San Diego. I love to travel and explore different places, I rarely spend time at home during vacations because I’m always out on adventures with my friends. This is my first semester at South Western College, I am working on an associate degree major in Psychology in preparation for my transfer to San Diego State University.
I am a transfer student, for the past years I questioned myself did I really knew what I want or where I want to be? I got confused most the time, I thought that I had to make some change. So I decided to come to UIC, a very big campus and cultural diversity.