
Personal Narrative: Moving To Germany

Decent Essays

The self-deemed best aspects of my life and my personality have stemmed from one inescapable piece of my past. When I was 8 years old, I was told that I would be moving to Germany. I had no say in the matter, as, at that point in my life, I was only along for the ride. 8-year-old me didn’t want to move for the third time in his life. 8-year-old me liked his friends, loved his home, and knew little-to-nothing about Europe. Luckily for current me, none of that mattered. In Germany, naturally, I had to take a German course. I knew nothing of the language, and I was forced to learn quickly lest I fall behind. Frau Wild helped me to catch up. This class was unlike any other I had ever taken— I could take what I had learned with me and apply it to my life. I went from staying around the house and not being able to tell the school bus driver where I lived to starting conversations with people in the city and commuting alone via train. I was able to make friends and talk to people all because of being able to use the German language. And so began my language career. I began to take …show more content…

That year, I travelled with 5 other selected students to Paris to participate in the AMIS (Association for Music in International Schools) Honor Choir concert. I stayed with a local family along with my friend Aaron and two Chinese participants. Most of the participants were polylingual, and my language skills paled in comparison. We all gathered in the common area on the first day and I could hear dozens of languages being spoken. Luckily for me, most of the participants spoke English, so, when I wasn’t talking to people I knew in German, I was able to communicate with a plethora of unique individuals. Once our first practice began, we all sang in the same languages— Latin, English, and French. When it came time for the actual performance, the cultures once again blended together, and our audience was in

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