For me, there are two distinct separations that come to mind, moving into the dorms at Alverno College and moving into my own apartment here in Milwaukee. I was 19 when I first moved into the Alverno dorms and it was the first time I had ever not lived with my parents. There was a level of fear, not only due to being away from my folk but I didn’t know anyone on campus. It was a huge step in separation, not only physically but symbolically as well. Flash forward to this past April, I had taken a semester off after gaining my associate’s from Alverno to figure out what I wanted. In that time, I had moved back in with my parents and was working full time as a nursing assistant at a nursing home. Finally, I had decided to move back to Milwaukee.
grew up in Chicago, Illinois, a beautiful city surrounded by violence and controversy by the media. I found things more simple when I was kid growing up here, there wasn't much to worry about but as I got older things became more complex here. The sounds of the " L "' or as you know it as, The Train, and the roaring sounds of cars passing by my house made me feel alive while growing up and as a matter of fact still does. You could wake up in the morning and see the vibrant blue skies being pierced by the skyscrapers and see other kids playing ball or riding their bikes. When it was summer time I would play ins sprinklers or go downtown and play in the fountains with my family. Of course, like most big cities I had to watch my back while growing up because you never knew what somebody was up to. It's weird really growing up here because you never know what's going to happen next , wether it's a good thing or a bad thing. All I can really say about growing up in Chicago is that if I had the chance to redo it, I'd do if a million times.
My change is about when I moved to Washington from Indiana. When my real dad dropped use off at our drop off spot. We want to a store, and got a drink. After that we started to drive away, I was so many emotions. The reasons for these emotions because I was moving closer to my family, I was losing my friends.My step-dad as driving the u hale and my mom was in the truck with me, my brothers, and my grandma was in the u hale with my step-dad. We also had a two cat's in cages and a turtle which was in a small cage with a tiny bit of water. We stopped at a lot of rest stops at first. I heard my mom say "we need gas" or " call your dad and tell him to stop there."
Before I moved to Canton, I lived in Wethersfield CT. One day during late summer when I was around 6 years old there was a bad thunderstorm. It ended up turning into a storm with tornadoes. My dad was in the middle of mowing the lawn and suddenly came inside, which is unusual because he likes to finish what he starts. When he came in he said that the sky didn't look right. My mom stood near the stove making chicken salad sandwiches with a worried look on her face.
Where one grows up affects their lifestyle and character; one’s surroundings shape his or her outlook on the world. Many people always say when growing up in the city one will be used to a diverse, hasty going, and exhilarating life; while growing up in the country one will be used to a deliberate, steadier, and bucolic life. Although moving to Mississippi was a dramatic alteration, I can explicitly acknowledges the menaces–death, robberies, and fights–encountered growing up in the city. Therefore, moving to the south may have been a better alternative involving my physical well-being, regardless of the many emotional struggles. Moving down south to Mississippi from Illinois showed me the struggles of coping with racism and prejudice people,
It had finally arrived. Moving day. I was finally leaving my home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania after five short years and a sort of gloom lingered in the air. Although many teenagers would be excited to reunite with their family, friends, and childhood home, I, however, was frightened of the future. I woke up that morning and just laid there and listened to the sound of the rain pittering against the roof and windows, pattering against the surrounding forest in which I shared many memories. After what felt like centuries of just listening and reflecting, I got up and looked out the window. I looked at my neighbor's house across the field of grass which separated our houses and at the kids who had become like my siblings. I looked at the ice
4,097 people. That was the population of Centralia Missouri in 2011. Moving had never been an issue for me, when your dad is in the military you get used to it. This time it was different than any other time. My parents were divorcing and my mom was forcing me to move to a town with only 4,097 people opposed to my home in Virginia with 225,401 people.
Since I moved to Waukesha when I was just five years old, I have learned to appreciate and get involved in several ways around this city. Recently, however, I got accepted to my dream school; UW-Madison. I was ecstatic to finally have the opportunity to leave the town I had spent almost all of my life in and start a new chapter somewhere else.
Many people move around to different states throughout their life, and I have had the opportunity to live in what feels like two different worlds. I have spent most of my life in Bradenton, Florida, but at the age of ten I moved to the small town of Cleveland in the north east Georgia mountains. The two towns are completely different in my opinion and only someone who has lived there would completely understand what I mean when I say two different worlds. The weather, the people, and the different opportunities are just a few of the differences between the two towns.
Many of the harsh dilemmas I encountered that were directly related to me conceding to abuse alcohol, existed well in advance of my decision to relocate to Atlanta, Ga. In fact, from what I'm able to ascertain by way of reliable sources, including my wife, is that my primary motive for leaning more towards this decision was to find help for the perils and perplexed conditions in which my life had twirled into. Initially, though I was unable to interpret the chaotic turn of events, or the uncivil behaviors I came to embrace, it appeared that everyone else around me were solely aware of them and were also jointly convinced that the only way out for me was to seek professional guidance. Their wrath about me drinking as heavily as I did were
Growing up in the Chicago area was a great experience for me, I was always a good kid but I had always struggled in school. The reason that I had a hard time in school was that I had A.D.D which was the cause of my distraction. Entering Pritzker College Prep was a different experience for me because I was overwhelmed, the reason as to why I felt overwhelmed was because of the amount of homework we got. I ended up spending nights where I would do my homework and wouldn’t get a sufficient amount of sleep and would also cause me to fall asleep in class. My grades started to drop which caused me to stop caring in school, so I also decided to just stop doing my homework and it caused a decrease in my grades.
Roughly four years ago I moved to Buffalo with my mom and two sisters, best move ever. Before then I had lived in Rochester, or to be more specific, Brockport. My childhood house was big and gray. It had a huge yard and very long driveway. However, my house in Brockport is not my home. I call home my green and white Tudor styled Kenmore house. It has a small green yard and a short driveway. It has been the best part of my life because of all the opportunities that were missed out on when you live so far away. Here in Buffalo I have the opportunity to go the high school where my mom, aunts, grandma, cousins, and sisters all graduated from. For now my job is going to that high school, but the second I turn sixteen, I will be working as a cashier at the dashes down the street from my home, a little family tradition. The reason I moved though, is hands down the most awful thing to happen to me or that can happen to a little kid, like I was at the time.
Just recently, I found out I was moving to another state. Knowing I have to leave everything behind was awful. I was halfway through eighth grade, starting the second semester, and I was doing great. My grades were all A’s and I was happy there with all my friends, Amber, Marianna, and Makayla. Our house was decent, my sister and I both had our own rooms anything I would ever wish for. My dad had been promoted to another job, where he was going to get paid more than what he was currently earning. It was an amazing opportunity for my family. I was glad for my dad, but I still felt bad for myself.
I was born on October 23rd, 1999 very early in the morning the very first person to carry me was my dad. When I two years old me and my mom moved to Las Vegas, and lived there for about 6 years then soon move back to California. That was in early the early 2000’s when that happened . Few years past by then my sister was born June 23rd, 2005. I was staying with my cousin at the time until she was born then I went to see my sister on the day she was born.
We traveled to Michigan during the winter and went skiing. I panicked when i was chopping meat because i thought i was gonna cut my fingers off. My uncle interfered when i answered the phone. My uncle was there because he interfered with my phone call. My dad and stepmom was there when we went skiing. granny was there when i chopped the meat and panicked. We traveled to Michigan for vacation to go skiing. I panicked because i thought i was going to cut my fingers off.My uncle interfered because he was trying to get my attention.We traveled to Michigan in December.I panicked last night when i helped cook supper.My uncle interfered last night.
Family/Living Situation: Born and raised until around age 6 in Chicago, Tyreese and his family moved to Milwaukee around 1998. He has six siblings; two older and four younger. Tyreese has fathered one child, but assists in the care of his fiancé’s child as well. Tyreese’s mother married shortly after the family arrived in Milwaukee. Tyreese has a decent relationship with the man, but also maintains an cordial relationship with his biological father.