Ask almost anyone about their travels beyond their ignorance and you will get an answer of wonder turning to realization. Through soccer and my everyday curiosity, I have traveled to various destinations, each with distinctive characteristics, yet always being unsuccessful in grasping the lessons in which the world has to offer. While I had physically been away from home, I did not acknowledge the fact that I had the opportunity to learn something from a trip that just seemed to be a form of entertainment. After returning home and reflecting on the events that had occurred, I decided to hunt for a different perspective on my same experience. Here, I saw people embracing every piece of the city in which I had been, appreciating every unique
Christian like's to play soccer but he isn't that good . He want's to make to the soccer team, but the soccer coach doesn't think that he is good enough to make it, The other soccer players and his parents don't believe in him either.
The famous Scottish soccer player Bill Shankly once said, "Soccer is a matter of life and death, except more important."
There are more than 7 billion people on planet earth, which mean there’s a lot of growing up. Growing can be full of harsh experiences that could change a person. Everyday we go through situations that could change lives dramatically or it’s not important. It doesn't matter age or race we all go through impacting life experiences. Here are some of my own life experiences that made my opinion something that shouldn't be believed.
I have always loved sports, but in September 2015 a certain sport changed my life. At the start of grade eight I joined the Airdrie Aces Athletic Club. I am now a better person because of this change that I made in my life. Before I started running track, I played soccer. While playing soccer I did not realize all the opportunities available to me through sports.
From one week to another I started feeling so much pain in my back I honestly did not know what it was I tended not to pay attention to it that whole week. Until at the end of the week it got to a point where I couldn't move nor stretch that was when I realized my high school soccer career would end. I played soccer as a freshman and as a sophomore I always tried my best I was ready for soccer this time and I had just gotten back from a Europe trip which made me learn new things about soccer. My goal for high school was to be able to play all four years since I had already made the team freshman year.
My life revolves around 3 important things that keep me going everyday, family, soccer, and fashion . My family is very important to me because I know that no matter what happens they will always have my back. My family follows loyalty because we feel as if nobody should be left behind. I remember the day I came home to my parents arguing which led to my mother packing all our stuff to get out the house as soon as possible which was all so scary and confusing to me. We then just drove around and parked in front of a church to see how the night would end. As I was growing up, I had to learn to mature quicker not because I wanted to but because I had to. I had to leave me childhood fun to help my mother and siblings find brighter days. The day I remember I had to be the man of the house because someone who had that job before me couldn't handle it. I learned to not rely on everyone all the time because when you need them the most they won't be there. My parents divorced at a young age right before my little sister was born which all happened so quick for me however since that day I will never forget because it changed my life in a blink of an eye. Within time I learned it was for the best and it only made me wiser because I knew the mistakes and I
I was told that on the day of my birth, the operating room was overcrowded with medical staff, bright
There comes a time when you have to grow up or are forced to. You learn from past experiences and base your recent scenarios from it. Since the age of five, soccer has been part of my life. From having practice twice a week, to having practice every day of the week not including games. I felt like soccer was my pathway to success. I felt like I could do big things from it and I had all the confidence in the world but never would show it when others asked me if I was good. I’m the shy quiet girl that shows you what I’m capable of without saying a single word.
I fell in love with the game that not only has taught me about my origin but also about my future. Cancelling events due to practice, weekend games, and family night watch parties are some of the ways soccer affects my life. Soccer is a passion I found that shapes me as a person with its frenzy and positive spirit but it also ties me to my family, culture, and heritage. For instance, every four years the World Cup brings my family and me much joy.
I grew up with a love towards sports. Sure I started off in ballet and gymnastics but one day my best friend told me I should play soccer with her. So of course I begged my mom to let me do another sport. Little did I know soccer would have such a big impact on my life. I started off with playing recreational league soccer. My first coach, was my softball coach, and he decided I would be a perfect forward. As the years went on and I got a different coach my position changed. I went from a forward to a midfielder then finally a defender.
I did a bunch of sports and I liked doing sports and going to practices but after doing things for 8 years it gets kinda boring and you lose interest in something you don’t love. I just liked sports and people said I was good at them but it just wasn’t what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I had a bunch of coach’s ruin my liking of sports so let me tell you the full story.
I find inner peace through soccer, and I’ll explain this. I was born in Westerville, Ohio to parents from Ghana. Soccer (or football/ball as it’s called there) is the most played sport in that country, I’ve always been trying to be a ‘true Ghanaian’ by doing typical Ghanaian things, I’ve always been proud to be Ghanaian even when I was young and didn’t know much about the country. I’ve been playing soccer for 6 or 7 years, with each year, I’d say that I’ve became a better soccer player. I didn’t think that my love for the sport would grow and hit my heart as it does now, I always think that I can be the Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey, Jozy Altidore, Mario Balotelli, or even Baba Rahman with hard work and dedication and be able to prove to my
Hey Mohawks! This past Thursday was senior night for soccer. I would of never imagined it coming so fast, it seems like the season started last week. Words cannot describe how sad I am that I only have a few more games left. As we closed out our season Tuesday we are looking forward to the post season. We are hoping to upset Valley View next Monday. We faced them earlier in the season and the results were not what we wanted. I am confident that we can come out this time ready for what they are going to throw at us. I hope everyone has a good weekend and thanks for
Crash! I was on the ground. I clutched my knee in pain. My parents taught me how to deal with problems presented to me, including pain. That injury changed my perspective on my parents knowledge.
Growing up in a house with all boys in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, I was taught to be tough and injuries were very common but easily shaken off. When it came to sports, I would put all my time and effort into one thing: soccer. Soccer was always a true passion of mine; as a matter of fact, it was more of a lifestyle than just a sport. I would spend weekends traveling around my local area playing the game I loved with people I enjoyed being with. My teammates became like my second family after countless seasons and we did almost everything together off the soccer field. The idea of putting on my jersey and lacing up my cleats was a moment I would not trade for the world and something I would never take for granted.