It was a dark and stormy night when the woman entered my office. Ms. Silverfox slinked into the room, legs up to here. I was reclining on my chair smoking a cigar when the Broad slapped a wad of bills on my table. By eight o’clock she was done rambling about her case and it seemed like a easy fix. Little did I know this easy fix that pertained to her marriage annulment was covering much more than a cheating husband. I had been hired to go undercover in a covert investigation to find proof that her ex-husband had swindled her out of a million dollars. I had my suspicions against Ms. Silverfox’s motives, but I took the case. What could I say? I needed the dough. The woman was far from guileless and I knew there was something up her sleeve. But
Abby Ellin describes how she was scammed by someone she trusted and how betrayed she felt that it happened to her. She didn’t think she could be conned but the man Abby was once engaged to, who presented himself as a hero, turned out to be a criminal. Her ex-fiancé claimed to be a secret agent, a federal operative with many accomplishments and completed missions. As a journalist and an accomplished cross-examiner, Abby knew that much of what her ex-fiancé told her did not seem probable and the fact that she was not able to verify any of it bothered her.
Her whole life truly seemed to fall into place, and it seemed as if she’d never have to worry again — until she found herself sleeping with one of the firm’s lawyers, Lucifer Jones. It didn’t take long before the dark haired, bright blue-eyed man effortlessly conned Fleur into helping him embezzle money from the firm. The two became partners, stealing millions of dollars from the company over the course of the next few years. It didn’t take long, however, before the firm’s owners began to catch on to Fleur and Lucifer’s scheme, calling in the FBI to help investigate. It was then that Lucifer anonymously called in a tip, blaming Fleur for it all before completely disappearing. The young woman was arrested shortly thereafter, though released on insufficient evidence before anything else could happen. Though the cop’s quickly caught wind of her illegal residency after her
She was an ordinary housewife except for one fateful detail. A detail that only could be seen by someone with a keen eye. Even her husband did not know. Deborah Smithson was the wife of the popular politician and farmer James Smithson. That day she cleaned the house, washed the laundry, and wiped her magnifying glass clear. James was out at an important meeting that "May last for an hour darling, maybe longer". Since Deborah had all this time on her hands she decided to investigate her husbands papers. Deborah was not an ordinary woman alright, she was a spy for a famous business man named Rob Safe who was her actual lover. Rob had suspected that James was making a deal with the government which would make him rich and ruin
I was born on a late August’s night, in Longview, WA, at St. John’s hospital. While time rushed by for everyone, for my parents it was almost as if time stood still as they gazed down at their baby girl. They named that beautiful baby girl, Averi M. Klein. As a little girl, I loved the color pink and like to dress up in frilly dresses. My playmates were the boys that lived next door and we would go out into the little wooded area behind our home and play.
There I was on the block next to the High Bar. It was about 5:00 at night when my coach told me to do a Kip. As I got up on the bar my nose filled with the smell of chalk. I started to swing, and as I came out of my half turn I looked good. Everything seemed fine but as I came to the part of the Kip where I have to pull my legs up to the bar, I slammed my shins into the bar. My momentum was stopped and I dropped on to the mat, missing the Kip. I felt like I had let down my coach and I had let down myself too. That day I experienced failure. That failure made me want my Kip even more so I worked harder and had support from my teammates.
Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the son of two poor touring actors, Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Jr. The Poes traveled around to many different theaters, playing many different roles. While his mother was a well-known actor, his father was not, and was usually drunk during performances. David Poe abandoned his family when Edgar was about two and the rest of the Poe family left for Richmond, Virginia. Edgar’s mother died of tuberculosis there in Richmond. Edgar was only three at the time but apparently he remembered the traumatizing event later in life.
I have worked for The Advocate, a Baton Rouge award winning newspaper, for more than 23 years. When I first hired on in May of 1992, it was only to be a temporary job until I finished college. Before computers and electronic layout programs simplified this process with the click of a button, people had to cut out and paste the stories, pictures, and advertisements that appeared in the daily newspaper. This was my job: I was a Compositor. I worked evenings so this allowed me the availability to go to school during the day. I have always been a hard worker and taken pride in whatever assignment I was given. This character trait was recognized by others and I was quickly promoted to other jobs. As the computer age and world wide web came to life,
While harboring a secret of her own, she disregards admittance of a thief; nonetheless, pilfers evidence from crime scenes. After covering the story of an explosion that collapsed a historic empire, further deception, and she discovers that the mysterious gold coin she pocketed belongs to him; inadvertently, linking them.
I just spoke with Jane, and I informed her that I was conducting the investigation, and I needed to hear from her, what transpired. She told me what her mother conveyed to her, and I informed her of our policy and the next steps. I told her to feel free to contact me should she have any questions.
“Casey, your group needs to do the stunt one more time!” coach said imprudently. It happened March 26, 2015; it was at the end of a two hour practice. During the summer months in South Georgia, it is utterly hot and humid, especially in our cheer gym (a warehouse with no air conditioner); it only has two heavy-duty fans and a roll-up door. With this in mind, my group became slightly irritated. Everyone was exhausted; nevertheless we still had to do the stunt anyway.
A speak is moving on the paper. Tracing every letter with a little spark that flickers. I stick my fingers out to touch it and the instant contact burns me and I drop the paper with a gasp. Light comes up from the ground the second the paper hits the floor, shining so bright it could very possibly light a whole city. I cover my eyes at the brightness of it. The light gets bigger and closer and within less than three seconds, the light surrounds us. I want to scream bloody murder out of pure confusion and fear. Then, I feel as if I'm being sucked forward until my whole body, without my permission, is slowly being lifted off my window seat. I try to grab for Amanda, but everything is gone the second I blink.
Me and my cousin Roxanne were close. She lived in the country, so my sisters and I would go to her house every Thanksgiving and play in the small woods that she had in her backyard. So many wonderful memories that I will never forget. Growing up, we would share each other’s secrets and promise each other not tell anyone. We would tell each other what was bothering us in our families, how we feel, the guys we dated, and the guys that broke our hearts. Over the years my sisters, me and Roxanne kept ourselves busy with school, church and our jobs. We grew apart and stopped talking to Roxanne less because of how busy we were. Sometimes we would not have thanksgiving at Roxanne’s house and have Thanksgiving at my grandmother’s house. The last time we were all united, we noticed Roxanne had changed
Your daggers of deception pierce my heart With a cold, sharp blade I begin to feel as if the whole world has turned on me But it’s only you with your harsh games And your eyes as unforgiving as the sea Betrayal combines with overwhelming sadness Causing a feeling that cannot be matched Every rain cloud seems directed with gladness Towards me only and it sparks a match inside
In the third grade, I was chosen by my teacher to write a newsletter. I had to pick someone who was a hero to me to write about. I chose my grandpa Dave, who was honored that I chose him to write about. I sat down on the ground, crayon in hand, a notebook in front of me and began to ask him about silly things at first. What his favorite color was, his favorite food, his favorite television show. Then I asked him how he survived, to which he answered, “Her,” meaning my grandma. Writing about him made me realize what a real hero was. A real hero is not the one wearing spandex pants and carrying a shield, a real hero is someone who fights for what’s right, and for the person they love. I believed that to be a positive experience, until he passed away when I was in fourth grade, when what I had written was read at his
The death penalty has been around throughout history and has been known for being one of the worst charges that a criminal could face. Many people argue that the death penalty is still harsh enough to work, but along with all the arguments, the history, and the different ways of putting someone to death, make the death penalty is one of the most effective ways to put fear in any criminals eyes. By instilling this fear in the public, crime rate decreases. The death penalty has been around for hundreds of years in different forms, it would not have been used for as long as it has if it did not have positive results.