My 7th-grade artwork was featured on the front cover of the 2016-17 Park School Magazine. I actively participate in music. I have taken the piano for eight years and three years ago picked up the drums in a rock band called the Bread-Heads with my friends. We meet on Tuesdays for one hour and play annually at the Hard Rock Cafe.
I am passionate about playing music, being successful academically, and lastly I am passionate about using my strengths to help others. I am a member of our very own Stockdale High School Marching Band, and I am also a member of the Stockdale Jazz Band. Music is like an escape for me. Whenever I am feeling down, I will play some music and instantly feel better. I want to show people how music can be an outlet for anyone. I am quite the perfectionist so it is very important to me that I remain academically successful in all my classes. I enjoy using my strengths in academics to help others achieve academic success.
In my free time I have engaged in playing the ukulele and performing a comedy skit at a variety show, performing a musical rendition of the morning announcements, and street performing. Outside of school, I actively participate in musical activities at Zion Lutheran Church. I have been a regular member of the adult and the youth bell choirs, where I was the advisor of the Children`s Bell Choir, where I assist with teaching the members. I also perform regularly with a multi-generational flute trio at Sunday services.
I am a dedicated and conscientious student in class, and a key member in many extra-curricular activities. As a keen musician, playing violin, trombone and piano, I contribute to a number of musical ensembles in school and played an integral part in the organisation of our school’s summer concert. I am also a member of several local youth orchestras and bands, with whom I have toured abroad many times, most recently to Italy, France and Belgium.
I remember in my second grade classroom there was this poster on the side of a bookshelf. It had the names of different emotions, and a bear face was above each name that had an expression that matched each word. One of the emotions was “bored”. I recall one day in second grade, I was thinking “I don’t think I’ve ever felt that emotion yet, I wonder how that feels.” To my dismay, a couple of weeks after, and quite often after that, I had felt the “bored” emotion during school up until the seventh grade. In seventh grade was when I had Ms.Tassil as my teacher. She made studying, homework, and classwork fun. She helped us study for tests by playing Jeopardy with the class, or by having two people at a time competing against each other
The end of 8th grade. Alex and I had spent so much time together. We fought a lot though, we hated each other for some time but in an instant we told each other we loved one another and went on to spend lots of time together. This happened many times during 7th and 8th grade. We built a couple groups of people that we would hang out with. Alex and I had made at least 20 close friends that we could hang out with any lunch or brunch. We had grown to be so close, and at the end of eighth grade he told me that he was moving. I felt horrible. I had made lots of friends, but the one person that I spent every day with was him. Alex and I spent a lot of time together before he left. But then he had to leave. I was kind of lost, I had friends but no
I love music and I have dedicated a lot of my time to what I love. I have been in the Children’s Chorus of Crane (CCC), played piano, and been in the Clarkson Golden Knotes a cappella group. From all of these musical experiences, I learned to become a better musician. I learned that the benefit of producing music outweighs the time and dedication I must put into it. I have experienced the satisfaction of performing music for other’s enjoyment. These are talents I will be able to take with me forever.
Well in seventh grade was a little hectic for me but I got through it. Emily hadn't moved yet. I mostly hung out with Mikayla, Emily, and who ever stood by the library. I didn't really get the hang out high school til around ninth grade. I don't really even remember most of my classes before ninth grade. I remember sitting by the library in any weather unless the teachers made us go inside the building. Our whole group stood there, there was some I hadn't really talked to yet but I soon became friends with everyone over there. Most of the people I met when I first came to Junior high are now graduated. Ninth grade started Emily had moved. I still hung out with Mikayla though. Then my brother introduced me to this girl named Brianna we hung
Have you ever wanted to do something very bad? So you done it anyway? It was between my 8th grade and my freshman year. I made a horrible mistake, but I learned something really valuable. I wish I never did what I did, but if I didn’t do it. I wouldn’t of learned the lesson I did. I lied to my parents.
With so many outlets to find R&B that suits your taste, why settle for a flavor you don’t like?
On October 5, 2017, I experienced my very first Art Hop on the streets of Stanislaus and Fulton. At first, when I arrived there I did get lost because I thought it would be at a single place and not everywhere but I asked around, eventually I didn’t realize we were there walking in it. Even though there were so many galleries, I personally liked the first gallery I went to. The first gallery I went to was called “The Pink Show,” is a dedication to those who have endured cancer. It was committed to bring cancer awareness through these amazing, beautiful arts being shown and featured lots of great art, an auction, live music, food, and drinks. Outside of their gallery was a pink car with signatures all over the car, there are also, positive comments
Since I started my college, the pattern that continuously happening is sitting in the front row of the class. It was happened in my life when I was in the elementary school, but it wouldn’t stay that long, which I moved to the last row of the class. One day, my friend contacts me to improve my pattern by starting to sitting in front by giving good advices, and it works on it. I used Skinner theory, operant conditioning, to support my pattern. I also used the positive and negative reinforcement example to describe my pattern briefly. While, by sitting in the front row, I start to improve my grades by giving attention to the teachers and listen carefully.
During the spring of my junior year, my sister and I were accepted into the summer art program at The Putney School. I was thrilled to be able to dedicate three weeks to improving my skills in my ideal classes, filmmaking and writing, but a switch in program sessions forced me to switch from writing into painting. Not only was I upset that I couldn’t take writing, but I was terrified about painting, especially at an art program.
MR.Polak I have honestly had the best middle school experience with and because of you. I didn’t have you in 6’th grade so that was kind of a bummer but once i got to seventh grade i was excited to have you. I only heard positive things about you so I was so happy to have you. Then I heard you weren’t gonna be here because you had knee surgery so that was a bummer. I can’t lie I was a bad kid I was misbehaving and getting decent grades. We had a decent sub that was in for you but i didn’t really like him,and then you came. I couldn’t wait to go to school the day before you came back from your surgery. You had a bad report about t me so you and me had a couple of issues but then we resolved them. In all my other classes I was
I started to play the violin in sixth grade, but I couldn't play it very well. Whenever I tried to play a simple song, I would always hear some squeaks. Seventh grade was when I improved dramatically, and I was able to play many songs with ease.
While my major may not focus on our “culturally-connected” objective, my personal goals make up for its lack. Cultures around the world have always fascinated me; they have inspired me to learn more about others before judging or prejudicing them despite my county’s upbringing. Because of this, I’ve made many amazing friends I could have passed over simply because they didn’t look or talk the way I did. Cultures, besides the personal aspect of friends, are incredibly interesting. Everyone has a different outlook on life—different opinions on how the world should be interpreted—and I want to learn about them. In my Art Appreciation class, we do mid-term presentations about a specific piece of art or artist. One of our presenters was a native of South America, and did her project on Ganesh and his purpose in the Hindu culture. It was fascinating! The elephant-headed deity was known as an obstacle-remover or placer depending on who needed which, as well as a lord of beginnings, bringing good fortune. It was honestly an inspiring presentation in which the entire class learned about something other than Christianity