
Personal Narrative: My Binge Watching Project

Decent Essays

When brainstorming for my Binge Watching Project (BWP), I worked backwards. While most people thought of TV shows or movies they enjoyed and tried to think of projects to fit those shows. I first thought of my project and then found a show to fit what I wanted to do. This stemmed from my original idea for the creative project being creating a political campaign for one character from a series. I chose this due to my love of characters and my passion for politics. I settled on Grace and Frankie as the show my project would center around, mainly due to the deep well explained characters in the series. The steps I needed to follow in order to create this project were watch the television show, decide on a character to create a campaign for, decide what aspects of a campaign to simulate, create a platform and media for a campaign, and, finally, review the material to ensure it met the personality of the character I was attempting to work with. …show more content…

While watching I took notes and paid close attention to all the dialogue and actions carried out by the characters concerning politics and stances. This was not the easy in Grace and Frankie, for, “...the characters occasionally blister, erupting in anger or sadness, and that emotional honesty gives the show the weight…” and in these moments much can be learned about the characters useful for my project (VanDerWerff). The depth of the characters is what drew me to this show but also proved to be one difficulty in creating my project. Another problem I faced was having so much to watch, but a small amount of time to watch, since I had not seen the show

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