My brothers and i got to Mexico on sunday to meet our family that lives in Mexico. When we got of the plane i was talking so much i was saying ‘ whatare we going to do, does my granma live somewere borng, is there kids there, are they nice or mean’ i was so exited and kinda nervous but we found our granma and granpa wating for us.It took us a centruy to exit the airport,that was one of our problem then there was another problemlooking for there car it took us almost andour to fine the car aleast we found the car wen we got in we were craped inside the car.We were heading to thre house then these thoughts came into my head is there house,big,small,boring,or okey. I just had to wait,we fannally arrivedther house was big and there was alot of kids playing …show more content…
We only could light them at night we had a dissopted face then my uncle said w could light ones i have right now. We were jumpingup and down when we lit them they went bang,boom,bam i was still jumping up and down with eximent.A ady came out fro the store and walk to us she said hi to my uncle and look at us and said do u remmber me we had no clue who she wasshe luagh and said knukle heads im your aunt my brothers and i went oh yea. ther came another lady from her store she told us how big we were and then i said ‘your my aunt to’ she said ‘yup’, i was amzed meeting more and more people the summer was geting bettr and better we went to my uncle soccer games and every saturday we also played soccer with the kids inthe naighborhood wit kids fun but challeging also our uncle took us to a musem for me it look like an amusement park without the rides it was huge ther was three parts the first part was about history 1for me it was boring then came the siencepart my favriot te final partwas abot movie charcter horro,comedy.avengers.and marvel. after that wewent to a tower called thelatino tower it was boring but the view was amazing my uncle also took us to an amusement park i did not go on a ride cuase i was
As a part of an immigrant family, there is no doubt that, as the oldest, I had to help my parents with English translation. Even though I have been in this role for years, it was not until recently that I realized the significance of my responsibilities.
My story would have never begun if my parents had not made a huge decision in my life, almost 15 years ago. When they decided to move our family across the border, my future would be become unknown. The fate I had been destined to have was completely altered, now, I had the opportunity to change my life for the better, to strive for something bigger. My parents pushed me to be the best I could be, and to work as hard as possible to get what I wanted. As the daughter of two Mexican immigrants I grew up in a very cultural household, and being surrounded by Spanish at all times. The only negative being I had to learn English on my own, and which led to me having some difficulty when I first started school. Yet, growing up in a Spanish speaking
I came to US during my 8th grade and that was a life changing moment in my life. It was first time traveling aboard and that also not for a trip but for to permanent settlement. I was nervous my whole time been in the plane that how I will cope up with new environment and with bunch of English speakers. I got more. When it came pilot call for, that it's time to land on the Detroit Airport, tighten your seatbelts and be relax. As soon as the plane landed on American soil, I knew that this was the place where I’d to start a new life. Even though I knew America is the “Land of Opportunity”, everything here seemed so strange to me, the streets, the language and the people that was my first time traveling abroad.
I am in Texas meeting my dad family with my mom and brothers and my sister and we wanted to go to Texas for a long time. We were going to go during the summer, but we did not we just stayed home. Then when I and my brothers went back to school for a few days or one or two weeks, then we finally went to Texas we have seen lots of my dad’s family and we see the Gulf of Mexico and we played in it found shells and we see fish jumping out of the water and they were so close to us and one was right in front of me and it jumped up and I got scared of it. Then we were heading to my dad’s grandma’s house and we stop there for a few minutes, then we were on the way home and we stop at hotel to rest then we got food then we went on our way home
We started off with a bang. We started with me thinking of what to do how to do it and what were my ideas. Then, a little later we actually started it and not gonna lie, it was scary. I didn’t know that much about my family, yeah i've heard stories but they're stories. Later on we went home i didn’t tell my family anything just unsuspiciously getting all the information and I learned a lot yes. I learned about my names and why they're my names, I learned about my dad getting lost a lot, I learned about my mom moving here to america when she was 14 and how her life was before she moved and why she moved. I learned about my uncle going to jail for crossing the border illegally which is kinda funny. All those I learned but i couldn’t find anything
December twenty-nine, two thousand and seven is a date that is forever in my mind. The
My parents always wanted to give their children the life they never had. I am Mexican-American, both of my parents immigrated from Mexico to the U.S. before I was born. I have numerous relatives, including my older sister, who do not have the same opportunities I have to achieve success because they are undocumented. For them, college was only a dream that could never be attained. Being the first U.S. citizen out of my entire family affected the way I thought about life. It was expected that I would attend college because I was the only one who had access to all the resources granted to American citizens. Although, I agreed with my family, the pressure to succeed and be a role model to my younger siblings was overwhelming.
The journey began, the first state we rode through was Alabama, I couldn’t see much since it was night time. All I could see was the clear night sky. No stars were shining that night. The only lights I could see were street lights, building lights, and other cars. Looking around inside the car, everyone was asleep except for my uncle since he was the one driving. I must have been asleep the whole 4 hours and 46-minute car ride through Mississippi because I don’t remember anything, same with Louisiana. Finally, when we got to Texas all I wanted to do was get out of the car, so luckily, we stopped by to eat at Cici’s. My aunt said, “To enjoy this last meal since it was the last fast food, that we would be having for a while.” After we ate, it took us about 5-hours to get to Matamoros, Mexico. That was where we had to drive through the border to get into Mexico. Once we got into Mexico, there were lines of cars everywhere from people trying to enter and leave at the same time. The lines were slowly moving, like a turtle, inch by inch. There
Coming from a Mexican immigrant family I have learned to recognize since a very young age that because of the status that my parents are placed in they cannot pursue a better future like the one I want. I have been given the opportunity to challenge myself with obtaining a higher education than just high school itself. My parents have demonstrated to me through their hard work that I have to value this opportunity unless I want to end up with low paying job. My life long dedication comes from seeing my parents make sacrifices in order for my education to continue.
I was raised in a close-knit family household, which has left me with great memories and many stories, but I have also had first hand experience the troublesome transition of Mexican immigrant parents to America. However, the trajectory my of success my parents have had without any resources has encouraged and impacted me greatly to go out and help those in need, because everyone has the potential of greatness. Even though I didn't always have the dolls, clothes, home, or shoes I wanted, I was too busy to mind, because school academics and dance have been a passion of mine since I was smaller; it fills my heart with joy every time I am part of these things. Besides, having two brothers made everyday something special, and I still love taking
Someone once told me “Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.” I guess it wasn’t important to me at the time and therefore I chose to ignore it, little I knew the wisdom these words carried.
As an American born and raised, I have surprisingly, never given much thought on how my race impacts my life and the people around me. It seems as if society today is obsessed with knowing what we are racially and where we come from, rather than our character and how we think or how we carry ourselves culturally.
1. At State Assembly executive Cabinet is in charge of hearing and deliberating on legislature that the House and Senate chambers have passed, and to help the Governor reach a decision on whether or not to sign the bill into Florida Youth In Government Law. The Cabinet is also a key-role in the experience for a lot of delegates, and offers a truly unique opportunity for them.
As ,it got darker,we went to a Disney )resort hotel and in the window there right in front of me, was the coolest thing I have ever laid my eyes on, It was a Pirates of the Caribbean gunpowder gun. It was like a pirate gun, but It was fake and my papa got it for me and my brother. As, we got in bed there was a light switch I Turned it on,and the whole room was glowing it was So awesome, I thought I was dreaming.In the morning we wint to the Lelo and stich ride we went Inside it was very cold and had Mist all in the room it was as thick as fog,and we were in Rocket ships. When we got off the ride my mom said it was time to go home.And I will never forget this crazy day.
As my eyes lit up like the fourth of July, I stood with my feet stuck to the ground, and my nerves tingle with happiness because of how marvelous it was. I didn't know a Mexico resort could be so nice.